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Мала група од 8 за пешачки обилазак историје Француске четврти

Њу Орлеанс је много више од ноћног живота!<бр><бр>Придружите нам се на овој турнеји по Француској четврти која приказује његове историјске знаменитости, звуке...и невероватне мирисе хране! На овој пешачкој тури разговараћемо о стварима као што су историја, архитектура, кухиња и филмске локације. Можда чак и завиримо у нека од прелепих креолских дворишта!<бр><бр>Савршено за оријентацију у Француској четврти или за оне који желе да обогате свој боравак у Њу Орлеансу.<бр><бр>Сазнаћете и о некима најбољих ресторана у Њу Орлеансу и најпознатијих јела у граду…и где их набавити!<бр><бр>Плус, у овој малој групи од само 8 људи (максимално!), имаћете прилику да добијете персонализоване препоруке од ваш водич о томе где да идете и шта да радите током остатка вашег боравка, у складу са вашим интересовањима!<бр>
Цити: Њу Орлеанс
Mon 24 Feb
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Са почетком у $25.00
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $25.00
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Персонализоване препоруке
Лиценцирани, локални водич
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све области и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Француска четврт има неравнине тротоари -- носите удобне ципеле за ходање<ли>Ово је пешачка тура, тако да ћете бити на ногама (стајати и ходати) током обиласка<ли>Кућни љубимци нису дозвољени; услужне животиње морају бити обучене као такве<ли>Пратимо све актуелне смернице за ЦОВИД које је поставио град Њу Орлеанс. Тренутно маске и социјално дистанцирање нису потребни за обиласке на отвореном.
Шта да очекујете
Јацксон Скуаре
Уживајте у култури и лепоти овог важног места док научите неке истине које су чудније од измишљених прича
Река Мисисипи
Животна жила града! Слушајте забавне чињенице о Мигхти Миссиссиппи и како он остаје интегрални пут трговине за земљу.
Боурбон Стреет
Познато широм света као омиљено место за журке, боље разумејте шта је то, зашто је то и дајте препоруке о неким забавним местима на којима бисте можда желели да уживате сами.
Француско тржиште
Препуна ресторана, сувенира, продавница и уметника, сазнајте шта ово тржиште чини тако посебним за Њу Орлеанс.
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Коментара (30)
Mary S
Sep 2022
Dennis was very knowledgeable about The Garden District. He was delightful to listen to! He answered our questions all along the tour. We learned so much about the famous people who lived or now live in the area.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Ah yes, there is nothing like a celebrity sighting when you're on vacation! Sometimes you might even encounter a local celebrity but we can't divulge our secrets...just yet! Thanks for the review, Mary! -Brittawnée
Sep 2022
On Sunday, September 3rd at 7:30pm, my husband, sister, and myself embarked on the best ghost tour of the French Quarter. Our guide, Roger, expertly set the scene at each stop of the tour. He covered historical and contemporary ghost stories of the FQ backed by journal entries and court cases. 10/10 recommend! Moreover, this particular company caps their tours at 8 people which makes the experience all the more intimate. This was our third walking tour in the short time we spent in New Orleans where we didn't have to crane over others to hear, or spend time being worried about where the overcrowded group could srand. More quality storytelling, if that's the experience you are after- this is the right place!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Such great observations! Legally we can take up to 28(!) people out on a tour and have found that having a smaller group of 8 leads to a more enriching experience for all...including the guide, who would prefer not to yell at you for two hours just to be heard! The Ghost tour especially lends itself to a more intimate experience because the smaller numbers really allow us to "set the scene," as you said, and paint a picture through our storytelling. Thanks for taking the time to leave us a review. -Brittawnée
Aug 2022
The customer service of this company was incredible. I had to cancel our tours and rebook 6 weeks later due to Covid and they were extremely kind and helpful throughout the process. We did the Magazine St Food Tour first and it was so fun. Our guide was Roger and he was really cool. He was very knowledgeable and answered all of our questions. It was so great to sample so many different types of food. Highly recommend. Our second tour was the Ghost tour with Ty and it was incredible. She knew all the ins and outs at every stop and had SUCH interesting stories. You could tell she was so passionate about all of the history she was sharing with us. As a history major, I also loved that she was upfront about some stories that have become part of accepted folklore but weren't necessarily true. For instance, she would say, "A common myth about this person is that they did X but what we know from eye witness accounts is that X is what really happened." We passed other tours as we were on ours and the hosts seemed to be monotone, reading from a script and not really moved by the material. Ty reminded me of my history professors. I cannot recommend these tours highly enough. Small, engaging, and super interesting. Not the cattle calls and groups of literally 50 tourists and their bored kids that we kept passing as we walked. THANK YOU NEW ORLEANS SECRETS!!!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Wow sounds like Roger and Ty really knocked it out of the park, Laura! You are right; all of our guides are so passionate about what they do and we get REALLY excited when guests share our enthusiasm about what makes New Orleans so special. All of the figures we discuss on our tours lived and walked these streets at one time so we also try to keep things as fact based as possible. The truth, as they say, is stranger than fiction! Thanks so much for the rave review! -Brittawnée

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