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Цити: Даитона Беацх
Sat 09 Nov
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Коментара (72)
Dean S
Sep 2019
My girlfriend and I decided to stop on our way home from Orlando and enjoy a romantic evening in Daytona Beach. The condo overlooking the ocean was wonderful...The seafood and drinks were great, but cruising with Captain Randy and Jerry was ABSOLUTELY SPECTACULAR!!!
My girlfriend and I were transformed by the gentle rustling of the sails above while refreshed by the sea air and kiss of the waves as we laid out together on the front of the boat.
A magical ending for both of us.
If you’re near Daytona Beach, don’t miss the Howling Owl experience. We’ll be back Captain Randy...You can count on it.
Thanks for your hospitality!!
Dean Sippel
[email protected]
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
Thank you so much for taking the time to review Howling Owl Sailing Boat Tours. It was truly a pleasure having you both aboard and we are happy to hear that you enjoyed your trip with us. Looking forward to seeing you in the future!
Capt. Randy
Chris M
Aug 2019
The whole boat tour is very boring, the boat has small engine only can go 5 to 8 miles per hour.
Nothing to do, but seat, my sons both falling asleep on the boat.
One hour 7 miles for The Whole trip.
Yes, there are Cold water, soda, and a few chips.
Aug 2019
Our family of seven, two adults, three teens and two grandparents had a great leisurely ride under the bridges of the inter-coastal waterway. We went for an hour and a half first thing in the morning. The weather was perfect and the sailboat has lots of seating including right on the bow of the shop and several seats up front on the “trampolines” which are netted seats with water below. We were able to relax and enjoy the scenery with a cool breeze. We even followed a few dolphins around and saw flying fish. For our group, this was perfect for all.