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Седона фотографска радионица за мале групе уз ручак или вечеру

Ова фотографска радионица је најбоља турнеја и најбоља у класи, све у једном пакету. Одвешћемо вас на посебне и јединствене локације где ће вам наш водич помоћи да снимите фотографије које ће бити лепше, занимљивије, креативније и оригиналније него икада раније! Не само да вас водимо на ове сајтове за сјајне фотографије, већ вам такође помажемо да видите јединствене могућности за фотографисање, помажемо вам да саставите своју слику и помажемо вам да подесите подешавања камере тако да на крају добијете сјајне слике које ћете са поносом поделити са пријатељима и штампа као уметност. Превозимо вас до ових локација где ћете проводити доста времена на свакој, пружамо вам ручак и ужину и помажемо вам у фотографисању. Изаберите аппк: полазак у 5 ујутро или полазак у 2 поподне.
Цити: Седона
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $339.98
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $339.98
Шта је укључено
Преузимање и одлазак са одређене тачке састанка
Флаширана вода
Професионални фотографски водич
Превоз приватним возилом
Ручак/вечера и ужине
Националне шумске накнаде
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Највише 4 особе по резервацији<ли>Минимална старост је 12 година<ли> Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе.<ли>Потребан је потпис за одрицање пре него што обилазак почне.<ли>Подлеже временским ограничењима Шумске службе САД. Ако откажете због ових ограничења, биће вам дата могућност да изаберете алтернативни датум у наредној години<ли>Ради у свим временским условима. Обратите пажњу на температуру и временске услове и да се облачите на одговарајући начин
Шта да очекујете
Радионице Јоурнеи Ин Цоммон Пхотограпхи
Након резервације, биће вам послата веза до упитника. На основу ваших одговора на овај упитник, ми ћемо развити план пута који највише одговара сваком учеснику посебно.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (20)
Nov 2017
My kids gave me this tour as a birthday gift and my husband came along as part of our Arizona vacation. I'm an enthusiastic amateur photographer and am very comfortable in manual mode. My husband isn't 'into' photography, but we brought a camera for him and David showed him how to taking stunning shots in manual. By the end of the day, we both had many shots we could be proud of! Right from the start, David is an amazing communicator...laying out details, asking and answering important questions and keeping in touch through the months leading up to our tour (we booked in early spring and took our tour in Mid October). He is super organized, so nothing is left to chance, while at the same time keeping everything light and casual in his communications. I had fractured my ankle in September and he adjusted the hiking on our tour so that I wouldn't feel unsafe. He is extremely experienced both in photography and in running this tour...knowing the in's and out's of the local venues, telling humorous/interesting stories at each spot. David gave constant feedback while we were 'shooting'...offering suggestions and demonstrating techniques as we made our way through the day. He also talked about gear and I was glad to hear these tips! We visited 3 locations, all were beautiful and diverse. He provided a lovely lunch and offered snacks and drinks throughout the day. If you're in the Sedona area and have an interest in photography, I highly recommend this tour!
Oct 2017
I've taken a few of these photo tours in different states. This was by far the best one. David's pre-tour communication was excellent and very informative. He took the time to get to know me and my goals and even made some recommendations on lens filters to bring along. I was lucky to be the only person on my tour. I am a backyard photographer and David taught me so much I now use my Nikon in manual mode exclusively. He genuinely cares about you, getting to know you not only as a photographer but as a person. He even reviewed my photos over our lunch providing me with more tips. If you love taking photos and would like to move to the next level I highly recommend taking one of his tours!
Charlie F
Jun 2017

This tour was a gift.
The Tour is a great opportunity to learn from a professional photographer.
I had some concerns because of my artificial knees.
David tailored the tour in consideration of my lesser mobility and being out of shape.
When required, he also provided assistance with the camera equipment to get across short paths that were challenging for me.

David chose great areas to photograph, at each place he provided guidance about how to approach the photograph.
After the first location, we stopped and he reviewed the photographs taken and provided constructive feedback. At another Stop later he showed some of the photographs he had taken that day.
He was focused on your tour being a fun and learning experience.
This also included his sharing his lessons learned, reasons for equipment choices, and shooting in weather.

Lunch and drinks were provided.

I had a great experience and would do it again.

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