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Цити: Сан Франциско
Sun 05 Jan
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Sun 05 Jan
Са почетком у $209.00
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Коментара (1000)
Sep 2019
The tour itself was great as we got to see a lot of Yosemite’s landmarks in the day. It was also good to have free time to explore. Joe the tour guide was quite knowledgeable about Yosemite and provided a lot of knowledge about San Francisco. However there were a couple of issues potential customers should be aware of with this tour including: 1. Lack of comfortable amenities on the bus. If your tour group is full, try to avoid the last row of the bus as it’s very uncomfortable with little to no leg room. I am 5 foot 1 and struggled to fit my legs in. We told Joe our discomfort, and he did little to nothing to help us swap seats. Also note that you might have air conditioning water leak on you in the back of the mini-van. 2. The 14 hour tour duration is misleading. Joe even told us on all of his trips, he’s never once made it back to San Francisco by the proposed finish time of 8:30pm (we start at 6-6:20am). We got back to San Francisco at about 9:30pm. If this is the regular time, this should be updated on the website. 3. The lack of impartiality and favouritism by Joe towards other customers on the tour. We were asked to swap our seats to accommodate for another group, primarily due to the fact that we were the youngest on the tour group. This then led to us getting the back seats on the bus with no leg room. Joe did not offer to swap us with others after 2-4 hours of driving, and we were forced to endure it for 6 hours, even after making it known to him how uncomfortable it was. Also, we asked about the stops and he even mentioned how he was accomodating special requests for another group to be dropped off, but would not do it for us. He also happily swapped other passengers and offered to swap them back after a reasonable amount of time. This offer was not extended to us, which we thought was pretty poor service. Overall a great tour soured by a below par tour guide.
Sep 2019
Yosemite is a great scenic place and one of the must sees of a lifetime. The tour guide tried his best to keep everyone engaged and allowed enough time at the scenic view points. But I would not recommend this company primarily because of their tour van. It’s very small, cramped and the two back seats has zero legroom. I have taken numerous tours in many cities in the US but I have never seen such a poor vehicle being used for such a long trip.Imagine being on a van for 15+ hours and having no place to put your legs comfortably. We were initially put in the back seat on our onward journey towards Yosemite and my mom developed cramps due to the non existent leg room. The tour guide was able to swap another group with our seating( I really felt sorry for them). I don’t think anyone who paid around $169 (+gratuity)should suffer and be put in those two seats. The least the tour company can do if they use this vehicle is to limit the passengers to 13 instead of 15 so that those tyre seats are not assigned to anyone.In addition, the air conditioning in the van was not working and the guests suffered intermittently through the journey since it was a very hot day in Yosemite. Secondly, there was a notice on the van which said a gratuity of 20% per person is expected. That’s about $34 per person which I think is a little too much for the service offered. Thirdly, if you have an elderly person or unfit people in your group, the 2nd half of the tour is pretty much a waste as it involves two hikes. So basically you spent around a good 2 hours doing nothing and waiting for others in the group to return. All in all, it wasn’t one of the best tours I have taken and would not recommend to others. Sorry best Bay Area tours!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
Hi, I understand your concerns about the vehicle used. This vehicle is not one of the vehicles that we use for our Yosemite tours. It was unfortunately rushed into service as the larger more comfortable vehicle had a belt break and needed to go into the repair shop. Rest assured we are now back to using one of our more comfortable ones. As for the gratuity sign, the guides put them up to inform many of our guests about what is customary in the U.S. Many folks are not aware of this. It is the same thing as if you were to tip a restaurant server. It is a suggestion and of course not mandatory. The hike we do to see the giant sequoias is not for everyone, You need to know your abilities and decide accordingly. It’s a gradual downhill walk on a paved trail to see the largest living things on land and we hope all can do the walk. It takes 20 minutes to walk to the trees and around 30 minutes to walk back up the trail. There is certainly a very small number of guests who can not do the walk. Although we’ve had folks in their nineties do the walk. But again, it’s not for some people. Thank you for your feedback. Sincerely, Alan Owner of Best Bay Area Tours
Sep 2019
The tour was lovely, and the guide was a great host. We forgot a passenger, so that added an extra two hours to the trip, meaning I had to miss the evening concert I had booked. I understand that these things happen, however I really expected to receive some sort of apology email or get some kind of reimbursment back...an additional two hours is a really long time to be sitting in a van. A similar experience happened on a tour in istanbul & the group recieved a 30% discount on the tour; something I had expected to happen from Bay Area tours. the host offered passengers a free coffee which was lovely of him, but expected a bit more effort from the company & boss.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
Hi Laura, I’m sorry your trip took longer than usual. Most of our guides are back by 8:30. It was quite unfortunate that we had mistakenly left a guest behind at the start, so we went back for them. It happened once before about 8 years ago and we didn’t go back. I felt terrible about that and decided that if it ever happened again, we would not leave that guest behind. There are times when there are traffic delays or other various reasons that often can delay a trip. So we suggest not having plans for after the tour. I had not heard from any guest regarding the delay so I did not reach out to anyone. I believed that everyone understood the reason and were fine with it. Had you reached out to me right after the tour, I would have worked something out with you. Fortunately you and all of the other guests got a complete tour. And saw the beauty of Yosemite. Thank you for your feedback. Alan President

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