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Соноран пустиња Офф-Роад Сегваи Тоур

Право искуство Аризоне – наша офф-роад Сегваи турнеја у пустињи Соноран је најузбудљивија авантура у области Скотсдејла!! Топле температуре, плаво небо и пејзаж који одузима дах стварају најсавршенију оазу; биће вам тако драго што сте изашли!! Наша турнеја се одвија уз специјалну дозволу у резервату Индијанаца Форт Мекдауел и одвија се ван утабаних стаза на прелепим пустињским стазама које се налазе у близини реке Верде у подножју планине Фоур Пеакс. Сегваи је савршен за терен и опуштену атмосферу пустиње Сонора. Омогућава вам да доживите пустињу из прве руке и нуди најбољу авантуру која ће вам се одушевити и поделити са пријатељима и породицом!! То је искуство које ће сви памтити заувек!! Ваш водич ће вам пружити информације о Јавапаи нацији, као и о јединственој флори и фауни коју видите - све од великих сагуара до ћелавих орлова и дивљих коња!!
Цити: Сцоттсдале
Sun 20 Oct
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Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $185.00
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све Нивои физичке спремности<ли>Потребне су најмање 2 особе да би се ова активност одвијала.<ли>Минимална тежина госта је 90 фунти.<ли>Максимална тежина госта 250 фунти.<ли>Минимална тежина госта је 90 фунти.<ли> ли>
Шта да очекујете
Форт МцДовелл
Сегваи вам омогућава да видите пустињску флору и фауну без свих оптерећења прозора и врата возила. Сегваи ће обезбедити безбедну несметану вожњу преко домаће каличе земље док уживате у прелепим местима Гиант Сагуаро кактуса
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Коментара (51)
Debbie F
Apr 2018
A new & exciting way to experience the Sonoran Desert even for those who lived in AZ ! My Daughter (on Spring Break) & I had never tried a Segway or hover board, so it was NEW to both of us! The Guides were very thorough when explaining how to work the equipment & we had plenty of time to gain confidence in the practice area before going out on our tour! Cowboy Wayne & Don were our very comical & EXTREMELY KNOWLEDGABLE guides about the desert & history of the land! We even had the opportunity to taste a cactus. I loved our DESERT Segway experience & will highly recommend it to everyone who is interested in a fun way to explore the Sonoran Desert! I will certainly be coming out to do this when visitors come out to visit us…& my Daughter already wants to do this again with friends for her Birthday! Unique Gift idea for ages 13yrs & Up! We Contact: Fort McDowell Adventures: Booked with Amiee B. a Segway Tour with Adventures Out West My pictures say it all! Amazing Adventure!!!!!
Apr 2018
So where can you go and your hubby, teenage son and almost teenage daughter can all have fun? Segway touring in the desert, that's where. The whole staff was friendly and welcoming. They gave a great intro and tutorial and let you get your Segway-legs before heading off. Lots of funny stories, interesting facts, pit stop for a drink of water (which they supply btw). Awesome awesome awesome. I want to go again! Shout out to our guide Don, but everyone there was amazing.
Douglas G
Mar 2018
Ok, we're staying in Scottsdale for a medical conference. We happen to think that Segways are ust about the best way to see the local landscape that you cna, without walking. Take a jeep? take a land cruizer? nope.... Segway is the way to go.... we got there a bit early.... Don was there to welcome up. Offered a quick comfort break (and a well placed refrigerated pop dispenser), we were off. He had bottled water for the tour. Ok, we're experienced Segway riders. City slickers if you will, but we know that curbs are not our friends! ! :) Turns out that even with low pressure tires, rocks ain't our friends, either! Don, a school teacher by profession was a self professed GEEK! He nurded out regularly. we were ecstatic . We also were a tour of 2 guests! you might not appreciate it ib, but the fewer the guests, the hard is the tour unless you invest in your guests personal interests. Don did! He read his tour well, and delivered! the only thing we didn't like was the one intrusion of the jeeps into our tour. One of the things that made our time special was that we were on Indian Grounds that meant something to someone. They certainly meant something to us. Sure, it would have been 'fine' with the noise of a fleet of 10 jeeps droning on in the background... but it was better just the three of us. So, to put is nicely, Don was an excellent tour guide. Was he the best? who knows but he got a generous tip -and it was well earned! So, if you want to mostly ride Segways - and see the city.... go for one of the other tours.... if you see the Segway as at tool - ok, a cool tool, but just a tool to see something spectacular..... go with this tour. I don't think you'll be disappointed!

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