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Обилазак локација Сопранос (на обиласцима локације)

Бада-бинг, бада-боом! Пратите стопе Тонија Сопрана током приватне турнеје по локацијама за снимање филма „Сопранови“. Ако нисте могли да се заситите хит серије, нећете желети да напустите Њујорк без придруживања овој информативној турнеји кроз Њу Џерси. Погледајте Пизза Ланд, Муффлер Ман и друге сајтове коришћене у уводним шпицама; зауставити се у парохији оца Фила; и седите у сепареу ресторана где је снимљена последња сцена. <бр><бр>Мале приватне туре су обично 1 сат краће од јавних.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Tue 24 Sep
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Са почетком у $72.00
Tue 24 Sep
Са почетком у $72.00
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Погледајте више од 40 локација за снимање филма Сопрано
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Погледајте више од 40 локација за снимање филма Сопрано
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Коментара (301)
Apr 2019
We took this tour on our wedding anniversary as big fans of the Sopranos' show. Marc has an amazing fountain of knowledge of the Sopranos' history and locations. In short, I'd definitely recommend booking the tour. The only disappointment is that Satriales Pork Store doesn't exist any more :(
Apr 2019
We did the Sopranos tour, it was a great time. Starts out you meet Joe Gannascoli “Vito” who is selling merchandise and was breaking our stone because we are from Philadelphia and rout for the EAGLES and PHILLIES sorry Joe but F the giants and mets lol, but he also was telling stories about being on set with the cast. When we got on the bus our tour guide was Amadeo Fusca who was a GREAT guide had lots of stories about the show and was willing to take pictures for you, we got to visit the diner where Chris was shot, the Bing, Holstens,and spot where Satriale’s was. Great time a must for a Sopranos fan
Apr 2019
This is a four hour tour, but it goes fast. You are picked up at the corner of 7th Ave and 39th Street. You will get on a real bus Coach; comfortable with a toilet. Before you get on the bus, you will meet "Vito" who is next to the bus selling various Soprano merchandise from his car and you can purchase a picture with him. Most items are $20. I got a shirt. Once you have completed your purchase (optional obviously) that is the last you see of Vito. There are no other actors from the show which you will see in person nor in video other than from clips from the show. Vito has a short recorded interview which you will see on the bus. Again, no other actor appears recorded or live. For the next four hours, you will see various locations where the show was shot. The tour guide, who is entertaining and engaging, will explain what you are about to drive by and show the clip that has the specific location. If you are a fan, you will go "wow, that's cool". If not, you will be bored as most sites are minor sites that only a fan can appreciate. You will get off at 4 places. First is the diner where Christopher is shot. The diner is now closed and for sale, located in an industrial park. If not for the guide showing the clip I would not have remembered it. But, it was cool to see once I realized what it was. Then you stop to see Satriale's, which is now a parking lot, so you see nothing but asphalt. However, the stories of what else was shot in the area makes it worth a stop. Next they take you to Holsten's, the location of the final scene. This was a fun stop. You get your picture taken in "Tony's" booth, plus they give everyone a small bag of onion rings. You can order lunch and eat VERY quickly if you want, plus they also have a nice chocolate selection and ice cream. Then they end with a stop at the Bada Bing Club, which is really called Satin Dolls. FYI, there is no nude dancing in the club, nor are pictures inside allowed. Because so many scenes where shot here, this is the best stop as you will remember how it looked. As soon as you walk in you go "OMG this really is the Bada Bing Club". I had a laugh sitting in the corner that Tony and the gang always hung out at. The Sopranos office is not here, it was filmed at the studio in LA. At both Holstens and Bada Bing, there are branded things you can buy, however, note that what Vito sells from his car truck appeared to be the best and had most options. For the fan, this is a fun tour. Go soon before more gets closed or torn down. It was worth four hours of my day in NYC.

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