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Бада-бинг, бада-боом! Пратите стопе Тонија Сопрана током приватне турнеје по локацијама за снимање филма „Сопранови“. Ако нисте могли да се заситите хит серије, нећете желети да напустите Њујорк без придруживања овој информативној турнеји кроз Њу Џерси. Погледајте Пизза Ланд, Муффлер Ман и друге сајтове коришћене у уводним шпицама; зауставити се у парохији оца Фила; и седите у сепареу ресторана где је снимљена последња сцена. <бр><бр>Мале приватне туре су обично 1 сат краће од јавних.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Tue 24 Sep
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Са почетком у $72.00
Tue 24 Sep
Са почетком у $72.00
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Коментара (301)
Dec 2018
I have never written a review on TripAdvisor but after this experience I feel compelled to, because I found this experience on TripAdvisor. Unfortunately I didn’t read many of the reviews I just saw the star rating. Maybe I’m naive but I feel like if people are excited to meet someone from the show the actor should be a little more respectful. We the people are the reason you’re even out here but I suppose if he was that famous he wouldn’t be selling merchandise out of the back of his SUV and then even after you buy something still charges you to take selfies with him!!!! I bought these tickets to surprise my new husband as he loves the show. It was awesome that there would be someone in the show we could meet!!! Well we waited patiently for our turn to say hi and when he turned around to - well take our money I guess cause it certainly wasn’t to say hi - I started to take a picture of the moment my husband Chris met him and he held up his hand and said “no pictures not right now” or something and I was so shocked like wait what? You’re in a public place on the streets of NYC, I can actually take a picture of whoever I want. Unless the laws are different here than on the west coast. He literally didn’t ask a word about Chris and immediately started showing the items he had for sale out of his trunk like the people selling fake Gucci purses. Chris asked him a question about the items and he rudely said HOLD ON and continued to go through the remaining memorabilia list. My husband asked to buy a picture and if he would sign it. He actually DID sign it after asking my husband’s name even though Chris has introduced himself with his full name one minute prior. Just no regard for the people he’s talking to. So he was going to send us on our way and I’m like can I get a picture of you guys cause I knew Chris was still just excited to be here he’s like “yea $20.00 for three and I will take them” and again I’m so taken aback I just hand him the phone and he takes our selfies without a second thought then it’s like BYE. Just a jerk. Honestly I could have enjoyed the experience without him cause that really rubbed me the wrong way before the tour even began. However, Marc Baron, our host was awesome. There was so much we learned on the tour and he made it fun with little quizzes and “who said it” games. He was very knowledgeable and I really liked him. We got to see multiple film locations and we actually got to order food from Holstens, the last scene of the show. That was the highlight for me. Side note - the milkshakes were delicious. A couple other things I have now noticed, in the pics I’ve looked at from other reviewers it looks like they were able to get out at more places than we were - like “pizza land” because there is no glare from bus windows and they were so close up. I totally may be wrong, but shortly after we boarded the bus we had to stop at the on location tours office because the DVD player wasn’t working which obviously took some time away from the tour. The second dvd also apparently didn’t work, but then music was playing so I didn’t actually know it wasn’t working until I read another review which stated clips from the show are played throughout the tour as reminders and Yes there were TVs on the bus. So that is the reason for 3 stars, mostly because of Vito but if everything had worked I would have given 4 stars. Again Marc really was great. Just a heads up to keep expectations at bay.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2018
Thanks for the feedback. We can ensure that the actor who plays Vito is not affiliated with our tours at all, and he just stops by the tour from time to time to say hi to the fans. We unfortunately don't communicate with him so there is little we can do about that. However, we do love Marc and thank you for the kind words about him! He's an amazing tour guide and glad that you agree, too.
Dec 2018
As a fan of the TV show I couldn't go to New York without doing this tour, and I'm so glad i did. Our tour guide, Marc Baron is also an actor who has worked on the show and gave us a fascinating insight into the making of it as well as loads of Sopranos trivia. We passed loads of places used as filming locations and actually got off the bus at the site of Satriales, Father Phil's church, The Bada Bing, as well as the diner used for the final scene in the show. The tour lasted about 4 hours and was brilliantly guided by Marc. If you like the show do this tour
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2018
Thanks so much for the kind review! So glad you enjoyed the Sopranos Tour and Marc makes it so special :)
Nov 2018
We booked this tour from the UK and met our fabulous guide Marc, along with the rest of the group, in mid-town. Before the bus arrived, Marc told us the actor who payed Vito (Joe) was round the corner parked in his SUV. He’s clearly got a little side business going on as his boot was full of ‘memorabilia’ - self printed T shirts, photos and stuff. I know it’s got to be worth his while turning up but prices were a bit steep - we paid 60USD for a T shirt and 3 selfies - and Joe doesn’t tell you the selfies cost you 20USD until they’re taken, we assumed if we bought something, we’d get a free pic, which a sneaky. Anyway, you’re on vacation, right, and you’re all buzzy after meeting an actual famous person .... so whatever... It turns out our guide Marc is also an actor and appeared on the show a few times, as well as in lots of other stuff. He’s incredibly well informed about the show and his knowledge, passion and genuine desire for everyone to have a good time shines right through. He did a cool little quiz for silly prizes on the way and it was really fun. I genuinely felt I learnt loads about the show and Marc was great at explaining some possible interpretations and critical theories which added another (unconsidered by me) dimension to the show. To be honest the only two sites I really loved seeing were Satin Dolls (aka The Bing) and the diner, scene of the famous ending. Sadly, Satriale’s has been demolished. The rest is more backgroundy kind of stuff, although worth a look. The four hours went quite fast on the trip, and this is in no small part to Marc, who is a phenomenal guide. We really enjoyed this as a one off experience and if you love the show, you’ll get a lot out of it. Thanks Marc for a great day out.

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