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Искуство у песку на острву Соутх Падре

Ово је 1 или 2-сатна активност на плажи Соутх Падре коју ви и ваша група никада нећете заборавити. Ово је информативна, практична активност за каменовање песка која ће вам помоћи да се забавите на плажи више него икада раније. Опрема је обезбеђена и доступна за коришћење током вашег боравка на острву Соутх Падре.
Цити: Острво Јужни Падре
Thu 02 Jan
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $400.00
Thu 02 Jan
Са почетком у $400.00
Шта је укључено
Коришћење опреме за време вашег боравка на острву Соутх Падре
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца млађа од 8 мора бити у пратњи и помоћи одрасле особе
Шта да очекујете
Санди Феет Сандцастле Сервицес
Квалификовани инструктор ће вас дочекати на приступу плажи #16, који се налази на 4400 Гулф Блвд., Соутх Падре Исланд, Тексас. Тамо ћете научити низ техника за изградњу и резбарење бољег замка од песка. Ово је практична инструкција, а за 1 сат ћете имати завршен (или углавном завршен) замак од песка, савршен за породичну фотографију.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (49)
Oct 2021
My family and I took sand castle lessons from Sandy Feet Sandcastle Services last week while we were on South Padre Island. It was an amazing experience. Would never dream that we could create something like that in such a short time. Had a great time. Really was one of the highlights of our trip.
Oct 2021
I was excited for this adventure and was ultimately let down from the get go. When we booked through trip advisor/viator. The booking says they come to your place on the beach. How fun, we were excited to be able to build right in front of our condo to enjoy and continue playing. When we called to give them our location, we were told it would be extra to do it at our place and it is not convenient for them to go all around the island. Even though our booking clearly stated it. About the experience: I have mixed feelings about the instructor. He was very detailed and informative but when you didn't get it right, you felt like you were being admonished for not catching on. I didn't like that for my kids. It's like another reviewer said about José, it turns a fun activity into a frustrating one. I don't need to be quizzed about angles and ramparts, just help my kids build something fun and cool and encourage them instead of correcting them.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
As I told you when you called, the listing clearly states that for this lesson, the client comes to access #16. And I also told you that we could come to you for extra $, or that you could cancel right up until start time without penalty. You chose to come to our location and get the lesson. Only afterward did you demand a full refund, posting a snarky review to boot. Clearly, you wanted something for nothing. We also clearly state that the techniques are difficult for some young children to grasp, and the lessons are aimed more at older kids and adults. If you choose to ignore that message, then you shouldn't be surprised when the kids get frustrated or lose interest. Instead, maybe think about improving your own skills so that you can pass them on to the youngsters when they are old enough to appreciate them.
Janice M
Oct 2021
The instructor was nice and professional but he did not have patience especially with the children. He seemed annoyed when asked to repeat something. This was our first time snd at first my 9 and 3 year was so excited by the end of the instruction the 3 year old lost interest and the 9 year was frustrated. Overall he was not good with children therefore the experience could have been better .

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