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Полудневна АТВ турнеја по јужној Јути

Ова АТВ турнеја се одржава одмах изван Националног парка Зион у прелепом пејзажу пустиње Ред Роцк у јужној Јути. Сви нивои вештина су добродошли. Све је обезбеђено за невероватан провод, само се појавите и возите се. Могу се сместити групе од мање од 2 особе или веће од 10 особа. Ова тура траје 4 сата.
Цити: Свети Ђорђе
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $233.97
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $233.97
Шта је укључено
Обезбеђене су хладна флаширана вода и лагани залогаји
Стручни водич
Све таксе и порези
Употреба кациге
Укључене су рукавице за јахање, заштитне наочаре и маска
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Погодно за све ниво физичке спреме<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе.<ли>МОРАЈУ ДА ИМАЈУ 18 ГОДИНА ЗА ВОЖЕЊЕ АТВ-а И 21 ГОДИНА ЗА ВОЖЕЊЕ УТВ-а!!! БЕЗ ИЗУЗЕТКА<ли>учесници морају да стигну 30 минута пре поласка, тако да укупно време обиласка износи 4,5 сата.<ли>Потребне су најмање 2 особе по резервацији<ли>А максимално 10 људи по резервацији<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке
Шта да очекујете
Државни парк Санд Холлов
Наши авантуристички водичи састају се са вама унутар државног парка на ОХВ станици.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (115)
Patricia M
Oct 2020
Awesome time spent on the 4 hour sunset tour. Lots of beautiful scenery and time to enjoy the sights. Highly recommend.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2020
Adventure, aka Fun, is our middle name! We love to share Sand Mountain with anyone that we can. Since we are an all-inclusive tour company we make sure that each guest is provided with a DOT helmet, riding gloves, protective eye wear, free buffs that you get to take home, ice cold water, snacks, very well maintained machines as well as our highly trained guides are all included with no hidden costs! AND NO fuel surcharge either.
Sep 2020
This company deserves 10 stars and every award imaginable! The best part of our trip to Zion by far but the story I am about to share is what makes puts them on a whole new level. My family and I had Allen as our tour guide, a wonderful and patient tour guide, always sharing interesting facts about the landscape around us, but that is where Allen stops being a great guide and moves into the world of superhero. Halfway through our ride I heard and felt something fall onto the floor boards of the ATV. I stopped and couldn't see or imagine what it could have been. Started riding again and almost immediately realized it was my bracelet!! The bracelet screws onto your wrist and the vibration must have been loosening the screws. Having come apart now there are 2 pieces lost in the desert sand. I was beside myself, imagining camping on the spot until I could find it. This bracelet meant so much to me because it had belonged to my best friend who died suddenly in January. Her ex husband had bought it for her when they were together and he had given it to me to remember her by. Our whole group was on our hands and knees for almost 30 minutes sifting through the sand trying to find it and Allen was right there with us. Not once did he lose patience or pressure us to move on. I finally made peace with the idea that this was not in my control and asked Allen if I were to pay him would he come back to the site with someone with a metal detector and look for me? He said he would. So off we went and I did my best to enjoy the rest of our tour. When it was over I gave Allen my contact info. He told his colleagues about the bracelet so they could look out for it as well. Everyone was so genuine in their care and hope it would be found. WELL! Here is what happened. Allen THAT DAY went and BOUGHT a metal detector, went to the site, and called me to let me know he found the first half!!! He also promised that on his next day off he would go back. Two days later he called again to let me know that he went back to the site with two of his colleagues who offered to help and FOUND THE OTHER HALF!!! Words can't describe the gratitude I felt and the humanity in his commitment to making this a happy ending. He then REFUSED to let me send him the money I had offered him. Would not even let me pay him back for the metal detector. And when he mailed my bracelet back to me he sneakily used my address as both the out going address and return address. This story will stay in our family for the rest of our lives. We will be back for another tour with Allen, though he threatened he will retire so I can't get that money to him lol. Amazing experience, Amazing tour, Amazing people!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2020
Christine, I can not tell you how excited Alan was when he found the second half of your bracelet! You should have seen him jumping up and down and smiling from ear to ear when he uncovered your bracelet! All of us have tried so hard to recover items our guests have lost, yes we have recovered tons of cell phone too, but once Alan told us the story behind your loss this became a special mission for the AJAT family. FYI, Alan is not retiring anytime soon. He truly loves what he gets to da and the people he gets to share his time with everyday. We do hope to see you all back again another time.
Sep 2020
We booked this 4 hour sunset tour and it was one of the highlights of our trip! Cary was our guide and he was amazing! He took every measure to keep everyone safe and having a blast at the same time! We ran over about 30 minutes but never rushed us. I would highly recommend this tour! 💯
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2020
Yes Cary is an amazing adventure tour guide! He has logged thousands of riding hours on our tours and thousands more riding on his own. Everyone here are AJAT feels each person should have an experience of a lifetime when they come play with us.

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