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Ранцх Соутхфорк и турнеја ТВ серије у Даласу

Истражите Далас као никада раније. Ако сте неко ко је уживао у ТВ емисији „Далас“, ваш обилазак ранча Соутхфорк ће бити незабораван. Дођите да видите место где је породица Јуинг звала „дом“ и погледајте њихов начин живота који је постао познат од стране посматрачког света.
Цити: Даллас
Tue 05 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $76.92
Tue 05 Nov
Са почетком у $76.92
Шта је укључено
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Незабораван обилазак ранча Соутхфорк
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водичи на јавним површинама<ли>Социјално дистанцирање се примењује кроз искуство<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују
Шта да очекујете
Забавне туре у Даласу
Укрцајте се у свој миниван у центру Даласа и идите на ранч Соутхфорк.
Соутхфорк Ранцх
Тексашани су одувек веровали да живе „веће од живота“, а где се то тако јасно живи него на злогласном ранчу Саутфорк? Измишљено, неки кажу? Можда је, ипак, током 13 година (356 епизода), ова драма направљена за ТВ заокупљала машту милиона људи широм света. Гости могу уживати у музеју и куповати Ранцх Роунд-уп у Центру за посетиоце где могу купити поклоне са ранча Соутхфорк и сувенирнице из Тексаса. Додатне ставке које су увек интересантне су: Пиштољ који се користи за постављање добро познатог питања, „ко је пуцао у ЈР?“; Лусина венчаница; Видео клипови из епизода многих серија; и интервјуе вођене са „звездама” емисије. Из Центра за посетиоце, гости могу да се провозају возом поред Евинг Оил Оффице-а до виле Евинг, посете Ј.Р.-ову спаваћу собу, истраже земљиште и купују у Линколновом и Лонгхорнсу, где је изложен Џоков аутомобил Линколн из 1978.
Политика отказивања
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (63)
May 2022
As a child of the 80s I grew up watching Dallas on TV - the breakfasts on the terrace in gales; the fist fights in the pool; the BBQs on the driveway - and was delighted to see the pool & the windy terrace as I walked across the driveway. I was thrilled to be at Southfork. But as I started the house tour, wandered the grounds & explored, the lack of maintenance & upkeep became more & more evident. The small gardens are not cared for. Everything seemed dirty & neglected. The house weirdly styled & presented. The guides seemingly knew less about the ranch & show than I did - the guy who drove the tractor from the visitor centre to the ranch house even said, ‘I had no idea anyone watched the show outside of the US’. The ‘museum’ (ha!) is basic (I’m generous) and offers little of the shows history and the gift shop offers very little show related merchandise but oodles of tacky home decor & cheap clothing…I mean, seriously, not even a single ‘I shot JR’ T-shirt!!! WHAAT?!? Sadly, whoever owns & operates Southfork today, has no appreciation of the heritage of the ranch. Yes, yes they do weddings there & corporate events and things like that…but that’s not why I paid $20 bucks to visit. The heritage is slowly fading. It’s sad. Miss Ellie is no doubt rolling in her grave ️️️
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Dear guest thank you for your review and ofcourse your business .. we would like to make very clear for almost 25 years we are hummbled to have literally thousands of wonderful, kind guests from all over the nation and world that we offer the South Fork tour to. Your review good , bad or indifferent is very unique and one of the first of it's kind being litterly 99 percent of our guests absolutely love the South Fork tour! I would lastly like to apologize it didn't meet your expectations and make it very clear we have ABSOLUTELY NO AFFILIATION with the upkeep and South Fork property ,we offer a wonderful time . Safe wonderful transportation and litterly purchase your tickets to the South Fork tour. I would like to suggest you reach out personally to South Fork ranch to list your greevinses, being your complaints have absolutely nothing or no affiliation with Fun Dallas Tours. Thank you and please be well.
May 2022
Our tour of Southfork was wonderful. From the moment we were picked up to when it ended. Our driver was very knowledgeable and pointed out buildings and landmarks along the way. He went out of his way to accommodate us. The tour guide at Southfork was very interesting. She shared her extensive knowledge of the history of the ranch and the filming that was done there. Loved it!
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Dear guest , thank you for your kind words and gratitude! We're very greatful your day out to South Fork exceeded your expectations. Wonderful and kind guests such as your self make all we do so worth while. Please reach out again on your next visit to the Lone Star State. Take care and best regards...
Apr 2022
Purchased for my mom. We both had a great time! The tour started from the moment we were picked up. The driver was so knowledgeable and even helped kick things off once on site. The staff on site were very passionate about sharing their Dallas knowledge. Beautiful property!
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Dear guest , were super pleased your day was nice and memorable. Please reach out on your next visit to Texas! Take care and be well...

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