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Улазница за свемирски центар у Хјустону

Свемирски центар Хјустон је једна од највећих атракција Хјустона, званични центар за посетиоце НАСА Џонсон свемирског центра, прва подружница Смитсонијан у Хјустону и добитник ТрипАдвисор сертификата изврсности. Центар садржи више од 400 свемирских артефаката, као и бројне сталне и путујуће изложбе, атракције и позоришта у вези са узбудљивом будућношћу и изванредном прошлошћу америчког програма летова у свемир - све за једну цену.
Цити: Хоустон
Tue 24 Sep
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Са почетком у $24.95
Tue 24 Sep
Са почетком у $24.95
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Улазак/пријем у свемирски центар Хјустон
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Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Хјустон<бр>1601 НАСА Паркваи,
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције превоза су доступне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Аудио водич доступан на енглеском и шпанском (уз доплату)<ли> Маске за лице потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице потребне за водиче на јавним местима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли> ли><ли>Водичи који су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Маске за лице се препоручују за потпуно вакцинисане путнике и обавезне су за невакцинисане госте и све госте на Трамвајска тура. Деца млађа од 3 године добијају бесплатан улаз, али им је и даље потребна темпирана улазница.
Шта да очекујете
Свемирски центар Хјустон
Свемирски центар Хјустон је дизајниран да ангажује одрасле и децу. У свемирском центру Хјустон увек постоји нешто ново, са невероватним низом путујућих експоната и запањујућих догађаја. Свемирски центар Хјустон има највећу светску колекцију месечевих стена и лунарних узорака за јавни увид. Познат широм света као дом НАСА контроле мисије, контроле мисије Међународне свемирске станице и обуке астронаута, гости се одводе иза кулиса да виде НАСА Џонсон свемирски центар.
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Коментара (701)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
David G
Oct 2019
I waited a couple of weeks to write a review, hoping that the "meh" would wear off some. My wife and I were in Houston and planned an extra day to see and tour the Johnson Space Center. We both grew up in the Apollo era, and have been space history fans ever since. So, here are our impressions after the $25 paid admission: The Good - The Mars plans exhibits are wonderful, with enough replicas, details, and visuals to give us hope for the future of manned space exploration. The hands-on exhibits are pretty generic and aimed at children and those who might be starting from little knowledge. - The space suit exhibits and development evolution are very interesting, and well done. As are the astronaut histories and crew information for all the manned space flights. If you want to know just how hard it really is to be an astronaut, read Shuttle astronaut Mike Mullane's "Riding Rockets" and Mary Roach's wonderful "Packing for Mars" books. Both are adult reads, but really make you wonder how badly people would want to be astronauts to go through all that they do and the risks they assume. - The retired but restored Gemini/Apollo/Shuttle control room, the only stop on one of the tram tours, is very well done and the audio/visual presentation put together to celebrate the Apollo 11 landing clearly brings back the memory of that achievement. Be ready to walk up 87 stairs (there is an elevator for 4-5 people at a time to the 4th floor for the presentation and through-the-glass viewing. - The Shuttle Transport Aircraft, the 747 centerpiece of the outdoor area, is impressive, even with only a replica shuttle on top. The big jet's interior has good displays and information, but is accessible only as a room. - The building dedicated to housing a laid-on-its-side, segmented Saturn V-Apollo system is still, 50 years later, overwhelming in its size and complexity. This is the real deal, a rocket system that was ready to go to the moon if the program hadn't been stopped early. As an engineer, I wondered then and still am so impressed that the missions were so successful with the technology of the day, regardless of the cost. The "Meh" - The other tour included in the general admission tour has two stops on a roundabout route during which the guide points out several NASA buildings without telling much about them, much less allowing guests to see what goes on there. You're pushed through in *15 minutes* each: the rocket yard (with Saturn/Apollo and a couple of outdoor rockets), and the mockup facility, a giant room with mockups of current and planned hardware and support equipment. Our tour guide had a captive audience for his apparent, future career plan as a stand-up comic basing his schtick on puns. Asking him questions during the stops got no more detail than his overview of the rooms, and the tour would have been more interesting with a knowledgeable docent aboard instead of a people-herder. The tour that will show you the neutral buoyancy pool and other points of space travel interest costs $180 each... - Which brings up the "docent" point... In a $25 admission we would have expected to engage guides inside the building and out who have knowledge of the exhibits, history, and plans. At the (free) Udvar-Hazy Wing of the Air and Space Museum at Dulles Airport in Virginia for example, the exhibits, including arm's-length access to the Shuttle Discovery and comparative artifacts to the Johnson Center, there are people very willing to engage in conversation about the details of nearly anything in there, the more technical the better. Interactive displays and videos can only go so deep into your interest. The building is nicely done for its purpose, to continue and create interest in manned space flight. We wondered if a lot of the people who come here are already interested, and looking for more. NASA is better represented in Florida and certainly at Air & Space.
Lance S
Oct 2019
Being history buffs, we had an amazing day at the Space Center. So much history of America’s Space Race and the subsequent exploration all in one location. Well worth your time and the cost of admission.
Oct 2019
We went to the Space Center from Houston arriving at about noon. The tram ride about the complex was just so good, allowing us to see things we have only seen, in part, on TV. We then went to look over the space shuttle and carrier aircraft, it is so large! The exhibits show the history of near space investigations from thr 1950s until now. It was such a blast to see all the craft we havve seen through our lives and those we hope we can see launch in the future. This is truely a great place to visit. I think if anyone visits Houston on vacation this is the must see experience!

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