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Авантура брзим чамцем у Санкт Петербургу

Доживите узбуђење вожње сопственим глисером кроз спокојне воде Тампа Баиа. Током читаве ове испричане турнеје, ви ћете навигирати и управљати сопственим глисером док ћете пратити обученог и образованог водича у другом чамцу. У сваком чамцу је постављен двосмерни комуникациони систем, тако да ћете моћи да чујете свог водича током целе турнеје. Ова авантура глисером је одличан начин да видите прелепи залив Тампа из воде!
Цити: Санкт Петербург
Sat 02 Nov
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Sat 02 Nov
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке кондиције<ли>Не препоручује се учешће особама са проблемима са вратом или леђима или недавном операцијом. Труднице не би требало да учествују.<ли>Лети понесите купаћи костим, а зими јакну, сандале или јапанке, пешкир, крему за сунце, наочаре за сунце.<ли>Тежина по чамцу ограничење је 425 лбс (192 кг).<ли>Морате имати 18 или више година да бисте сами возили чамац<ли>Чамци немају одељак за одлагање; торбе се могу поквасити<ли>Није потребно искуство или дозвола за вожњу чамцем<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче на јавним местима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Социјално дистанцирање се примењује током искуства<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље
Шта да очекујете
Тампа Баи
Парк Форт Де Сото
Прођите поред националних уточишта за дивље животиње и историјског парка Форт Де Сото
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Коментара (388)
Aaron H
Sep 2013
Tampa Speed Boat Adventures may be one of the best kept secrets in St. Pete. These boats are a blast to pilot even for those that may own a larger faster boat. It's like driving a water go kart. For those that have never been behind the wheel the ad doesn't lie they are easy to operate, if you have no boating experience let this be your first. Chris does an excellent job of explaining the rules and how to operate the boats. He makes it sound simple and it is. A personal note. Don't forget your hat, sunscreen although they'll share theirs, sunglasses right who goes anywhere in FLA without those, camera, video camera, and golf discs. The dock is right next to a 7Eleven so you can grab water, sodas, or snacks. I highly recommend taking some water with you. The tour itself is totally cool and a great way to see St. Pete Beach from a different perspective. We were lucky enough to see some awesome Florida wildlife. We saw gulls and herons perched on the channel markers and sea wall on the way out to the Gulf. We encountered two pods of Dolphins while we were out. It was so exciting to see Dolphins in their natural habitat. We must have watched them for 10 minutes jumping and swimming. We saw an Osprey perched on a sailboat mast coming back to the dock and after docking got to see the biggest Manatee, over 10 feet, munching on sea grass. The owner, Chris, and crew are very friendly, super helpful, and laid back. Before the trip begins you'll feel like old friends. We were lucky enough to have Captain Tony as our guide, what a great guy and guide. He made us feel right at home from the get go and is super excited about sharing and showing Florida wildlife. Captain Tony noticed my disc golf shirt right away, before the tour started, and engaged me in some great conversation. I wish we hadn't decided to take this tour our last day because I'm sure that Captain Tony and I would have gone around the corner and thrown a round of disc golf. I'm serious there is a course within a mile of the dock. So if you go for the tour and throw bring some plastic and maybe you'll be lucky enough to throw with the Captain.
Debbie S
Aug 2013
We live in Sarasota and work literally around the clock and desperately needed a day away. I looked on the internet for out door fun in Tampa and St. Pete and found the perfect thing to do. Chris was awsome in helping us plan this awsome adventure..from start to finish. Getting ready to get in our boats, we saw a baby manatee and mommy. Tony, our Captain, was very informative and kept a watchful eye on us and communicated through our radio on what we saw and spotted out the dolphins for us, which I thought was pretty cool. The old saying goes..."Time flies when you are having fun"... it was a fast 2 hrs. We will be back soon..I'm so glad that we only live an hr away.
Aug 2013
On our 6th day in the Clearwater Beach area we decided to try this 2 hour long activity. Fun can not begin to describe the adventure. The boats are 13 foot 2-3 seaters with 40 mph motors, plenty fast and plenty of room for a couple and child. From the initial slow canal trip by beautiful homes, you soon enter the Gulf and the open water. Following your guide and other boats, you get a real sense of the beauty of the land/sea combination and the many sights available. Along the way we were entertained by a family of Dolphins, and the guide had us all shut down to enjoy some viewing and picture taking. The company provides an initial safety briefing and at all times keep watch on you and your boat for any trouble. It was safe, fun and entertaining. Our next visit will include this activity more than once! Just a word of caution; when crossing the wake of a LARGE boat going the opposite direction, you might want to slow it down a bit. My wife is still recuperating from the butt bruise after landing hard crossing the wake at full throttle (but, she loved it still!)

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