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Станд уп комедија УЖИВО на Тајмс скверу у Броадваи Цомеди Цлубу

Broadway Comedy Club presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners. These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country.

For a night of entertainment, it’s hard to beat a stand-up comedy show, especially if that show is Broadway Comedy Club’s All Star Stand-Up Comedy. A lineup of top New York headliners will take to the stage, delivering the hilarious riffs and one-liners that have landed them appearances on Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central, HBO, BET and more. Kick off your weekend or ditch those mid-week doldrums at this spot near Times Square.

There is a 2 Drink Minimum - Lineup Subject to Change - Alcohol NOT required

Proof of Vaccination Required to enter venue.

COVID-19 Mitigation Measures:

Temperature checks upon entering
All waitstaff will be in masks
All Customers should wear a mask when not seated
Sanitizing Stations available
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Thu 27 Mar
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $25.00
Thu 27 Mar
Са почетком у $25.00
Шта је укључено
Рута и мапа
Меетинг поинт
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
New York City
318 W 53rd St,
Must arrive 1/2 hour prior to the performance.
No late seating.
There is a 2 drink minimum during the show. Alcohol is not required.
Крајња тачка
Ова активност се завршава на месту састанка.
Додатне информације
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Service animals allowed
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Infants are required to sit on an adult’s lap
  • Transportation options are wheelchair accessible
  • All areas and surfaces are wheelchair accessible
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • There is a 2 drink minimum. Alcohol is NOT required.
Шта да очекујете
Броадваи Цомеди Цлуб
Броадваи Цомеди Цлуб представља поставу пуну наших најбољих хедлајнера. Ово су најбољи комичари из Њујорка са специјалним гостима из целе земље. Видели сте их на МТВ, ХБО, Тхе Тонигхт Схов, Цомеди Централ, Тхе Даили Схов, Ласт Цомиц Стандинг и још много тога! Захтеви: 16 и више или 13+ са родитељима Два пића минимум Појединачни наступи комичара подложни су променама без претходне најаве СВЕ ПРОДАЈЕ СУ КОНАЧНЕ ФАКс Да ли постоје услови за личну карту или минимални узраст за улазак на догађај? Морате имати 16 година или више да бисте присуствовали овом догађају. Каква је политика рефундирања? Нисмо у могућности да понудимо повраћај новца за било који наступ због ограничене доступности места. Да ли морам да понесем своју штампану карту на догађај? Улазницу ћете добити путем е-поште убрзо након што завршите куповину. Можете је одштампати или преузети мобилну карту на свој мобилни телефон. Покажи на вратима. Да ли нудите касно седење? Нема касних седишта ни за један наш наступ. Молимо вас да дођете 1/2 сата пре наступа и пријавите се на вратима ПРЕ него што станете у ред за седење.
Broadway Comedy Club
Broadway Comedy Club presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners. These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country. You've seen them on MTV, HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing and more! Requirements : 16 & over or 13+ with parents Two drink minimum Individual comedian appearances subject to change without notice ALL SALES ARE FINAL FAQs Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? You must be 16 years of age or older to attend this event. What's the refund policy? We are unable to offer a refund for any performance due to limited seating availability. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? You will received your ticket via email shortly after you finalize your purchase. You may print it or download the mobile ticket to your cell phone. Show it at the door. Do you offer late seating? There is no late seating for any of our performances. Please arrive 1/2 hour prior to the performance and check in with the door PRIOR to standing in the line to be seated.
Broadway Comedy Club
Broadway Comedy Club presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners. These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country. You've seen them on MTV, HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing and more! Requirements : 16 & over or 13+ with parents Two drink minimum Individual comedian appearances subject to change without notice ALL SALES ARE FINAL FAQs Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? You must be 16 years of age or older to attend this event. What's the refund policy? We are unable to offer a refund for any performance due to limited seating availability. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? You will received your ticket via email shortly after you finalize your purchase. You may print it or download the mobile ticket to your cell phone. Show it at the door. Do you offer late seating? There is no late seating for any of our performances. Please arrive 1/2 hour prior to the performance and check in with the door PRIOR to standing in the line to be seated.
Broadway Comedy Club
Broadway Comedy Club presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners. These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country. You've seen them on MTV, HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing and more! Requirements : 16 & over or 13+ with parents Two drink minimum Individual comedian appearances subject to change without notice ALL SALES ARE FINAL FAQs Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? You must be 16 years of age or older to attend this event. What's the refund policy? We are unable to offer a refund for any performance due to limited seating availability. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? You will received your ticket via email shortly after you finalize your purchase. You may print it or download the mobile ticket to your cell phone. Show it at the door. Do you offer late seating? There is no late seating for any of our performances. Please arrive 1/2 hour prior to the performance and check in with the door PRIOR to standing in the line to be seated.
Broadway Comedy Club
Broadway Comedy Club presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners. These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country. You've seen them on MTV, HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing and more! Requirements : 16 & over or 13+ with parents Two drink minimum Individual comedian appearances subject to change without notice ALL SALES ARE FINAL FAQs Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? You must be 16 years of age or older to attend this event. What's the refund policy? We are unable to offer a refund for any performance due to limited seating availability. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? You will received your ticket via email shortly after you finalize your purchase. You may print it or download the mobile ticket to your cell phone. Show it at the door. Do you offer late seating? There is no late seating for any of our performances. Please arrive 1/2 hour prior to the performance and check in with the door PRIOR to standing in the line to be seated.
Broadway Comedy Club
Broadway Comedy Club presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners. These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country. You've seen them on MTV, HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing and more! Requirements : 16 & over or 13+ with parents Two drink minimum Individual comedian appearances subject to change without notice ALL SALES ARE FINAL FAQs Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? You must be 16 years of age or older to attend this event. What's the refund policy? We are unable to offer a refund for any performance due to limited seating availability. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? You will received your ticket via email shortly after you finalize your purchase. You may print it or download the mobile ticket to your cell phone. Show it at the door. Do you offer late seating? There is no late seating for any of our performances. Please arrive 1/2 hour prior to the performance and check in with the door PRIOR to standing in the line to be seated.
Broadway Comedy Club
Broadway Comedy Club presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners. These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country. You've seen them on MTV, HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing and more! Requirements : 16 & over or 13+ with parents Two drink minimum Individual comedian appearances subject to change without notice ALL SALES ARE FINAL FAQs Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? You must be 16 years of age or older to attend this event. What's the refund policy? We are unable to offer a refund for any performance due to limited seating availability. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? You will received your ticket via email shortly after you finalize your purchase. You may print it or download the mobile ticket to your cell phone. Show it at the door. Do you offer late seating? There is no late seating for any of our performances. Please arrive 1/2 hour prior to the performance and check in with the door PRIOR to standing in the line to be seated.
Broadway Comedy Club
Broadway Comedy Club presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners. These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country. You've seen them on MTV, HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing and more! Requirements : 16 & over or 13+ with parents Two drink minimum Individual comedian appearances subject to change without notice ALL SALES ARE FINAL FAQs Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? You must be 16 years of age or older to attend this event. What's the refund policy? We are unable to offer a refund for any performance due to limited seating availability. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? You will received your ticket via email shortly after you finalize your purchase. You may print it or download the mobile ticket to your cell phone. Show it at the door. Do you offer late seating? There is no late seating for any of our performances. Please arrive 1/2 hour prior to the performance and check in with the door PRIOR to standing in the line to be seated.
Show 5 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
All sales are final. No refund is available for cancellations.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (46)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Mar 2025
For a random/impromptus spot, I’d recommend. Ended up being the same comedy club we had gone the night before but this night was better.
Feb 2025
This Venue was awful. It smelled like old vomit from the moment you walked in. The comedians were good and were funny. We didn’t stay the entire time due to the smell.
Feb 2025
It was less than expectation n would to have been more entertaining . The drinks were very disappointing, and needs improvement

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New York City