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Стонеи Цреек Цанопи Адвентуре

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Цити: Севард
Mon 24 Feb
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Mon 24 Feb
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Коментара (198)
jacob l
Jul 2014
My friend and I have been in Alaska for about three months exploring and checking out the different things this state has to offer. Truly, Stoney Creek Canopy Adventures has been the highlight of our trip here. Our guides, Jamie and Andrew were phenomenal and made it such an awesome experience. This is the true Alaskan experience people are looking for. Amazing views of the surrounding mountains as well as the forest make it a magical experience. Words cannot express how awesome this zip-line tour was. The longest zip is almost 1100 feet, but the rappels were the icing on top of the cake! Thank you Stoney Creek!
Jul 2014
We went to check out Stoney Creek Canopy Adventures to get first hand experience. We own Serenity by the Sea cabin rentals in Seward and like to check out places so we know whether or not to recommend them to our guests. We will definitely be sending guests to Stoney Creek Canopy Adventures. The guides are knowledgeable, patient and help put you at ease if you are nervous. The only complaint I have is that it had to end, but at lease the end involved another rappel. We had so much fun and are looking forward to doing it again.
Jul 2014
My wife and I visited the Stoney Creek zip line course and had a great time. Admittedly we don't have a lot of zip line experience, but we found the runs to be exhilarating and the views to be stunning. Nicole and Justin were our guides and we appreciated that they were professionally on point, but also very friendly and easy going. Each zip was different from the next, from long, fast runs with mountain views to the Tunnel run. The elegant construction of the platforms and the opportunity to check out beautiful Sitka spruce and hemlock trees was an added bonus. We'd recommend this adventure to anyone visiting Seward; even if the idea of zip lining makes you a little nervous, rest assured that you will be in great hands with Stoney Creek Canopy Adventures.

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