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Прича иза Централног парка: двориште Менхетна, дивљина по дизајну

How much time should you spend in this fascinating man-made wilderness by design, and why you should make sure to see Central Park. Learn about the history and its creation, explore it from south to north on this virtual talk and tour, visiting the famous sites along the way! Download the recording to hear again, plus, download a self-guided walking tour of the sites you viewed on the video to explore the park on your own. At the end, you'll know how much time to plan to spend there and what to make sure you see!
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Thu 27 Mar
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Thu 27 Mar
Са почетком у $25.00
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Самостална пешачка тура Централ Парк пдф
Прича иза Централ Парка: двориште Менхетна, дивљина по дизајну
Central Park Self-Guided Walking Tour pdf
The Story Behind Central Park: Manhattan’s Backyard, Wilderness By Design
Додатне информације
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Service animals allowed
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Transportation options are wheelchair accessible
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
Шта да очекујете
Централни парк
Да ли сте нестрпљиви истраживач и питате се колико времена треба да проведете у Централ Парку и шта да видите? Преко 42 милиона људи посети парк сваке године, тако да зависи од тога шта желите. Да ли сте активни и желите да клизате, возите бицикл, џогирате, изнајмите чамац на весла, ролере, идете на час плеса салсе? Можда лагана шетња са двогледом за посматрање птица, слушање џез ансамбла, класичних квартета, оперских или кантри певача. Слушајте приче о историји настанка и стварања парка, откријте познате и мало познате тајне и посебне догађаје који су се дешавали у парку током година, укључујући познате филмске и ТВ локације. Затим ћемо заједно истражити парк од његових јужних до северних ивица заустављајући се на најважнијим тачкама на путу да чујемо приче о њима. На крају наше посете знаћете колико времена да планирате да останете тамо.
Central Park
Are you an eager explorer wondering how much time should you spend in Central Park and what to see? Over 42 million people visit the park each year, so it depends upon what you want. Are you active and want to ice skate, bike, jog, rent a rowboat, roller blade, take a salsa dance lesson? Perhaps a leisurely stroll with binoculars for bird watching, listen to a jazz ensemble, to classical quartets, to opera or country singers. Hear stories about the history of the origin and creation of the park, discover famous and little-known secrets and the special events that have occurred in the park over the years, including famous movie and TV locations. Next, together, we’ll explore the park from its southern to northern edges stopping at the highlights along the way to hear the stories about them. At the end of our visit, you will know how much time to plan to stay there.
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Коментара (5)
Oct 2021
I have been to Central Park before but now I can really appreciate it so much more. I have been inspired! The stories and History bring the Park alive. I had no idea what a story I was about to walk through. How meaningful each area,monument, garden etc. are. It was fascinating to hear how it was funded over the years The guide Kitt told stories so well and with such enthusiasm that I was really impressed. Not only do I plan to learn more about NY from this source but already have passed this along to a friend who will be visiting NY soon. What a treat!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
Thank you for you sharing your excitement about my tour of Central Park with your friend! Using the pdf, I hope you each select some locations that you found the most interesting and explore them together. Remember to take lots of photos and upload them the Tripcast and you can create your own memory book of your visit together.
Jun 2021
I'm a born and bred New Yorker and have worked as a NYC tour guide for over 20 years !! Even with all that experience, Kitt Garrett's Story Behind Central Park video introduced me to so much I never knew about Central Park !!! You come away with an understanding of the history of its creation, all the challenges the park has faced over the years, the philosophy ( a park for all strata of society ), the animal life, ( yes....wait to you see )) the gardens, lakes, statues, design concepts... the brilliant minds that created it, I could go on and on.... But most important, a million ways to enjoy the park that you never thought of !! if you're visiting New York, of course you must visit Central Park .. But don't go without downloading the pdf and taking it with you ! You can easily follow the narrative, and her photos, past and present are fantastic ! They'll make finding spots to view so easy. This video is by far the most comprehensive one out there. It truly is an awesome achievement !!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Thank you for your wonderful comments about learning more about Central Park! The park is so much larger than anyone realizes and it was my pleasure to create a manageable way for everyone to explore it on their own time and visit new places they never knew existed. Remember to download the pdf of the virtual tour to your device so you have it with you each time you visit the park. Since the park changes with the seasons, taking photos of the same locations and uploading them into Tripcast is an easy way to compare the locations and keep them for future reference in one place.
Jun 2021
Whether a Central Park visit is in your immediate future, or you are daydreaming about a post-pandemic visit, this insider’s guide to the park is a gold mine. From the history of the site to the fascinating characters who are memorialized in the park, the knowledge Kitt shares will inspire many park visits. I for one can’t wait to step into previously unexplored nature sanctuaries and revisit old favorites thanks to Kitt’s expert guidance! Kitt walks you the length of the entire park exploring all of the many sites available including many often missed by tourists. In addition, she provides insider tips on how to enjoy the park like a native New Yorker and her abundant love for this truly amazing park shines through every step of the way. Designed for the first time visitor as well as the park regular, you can download the video to watch and re-watch, as well as pause and resume as needed. She even provides an added bonus – a PDF you can take with you on your next visit to one of America’s most iconic parks!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Thank you so much for your enthusiastic review of Central Park--New York's Backyard Wilderness by Design. The park is a treasure and unlike most artwork, this art is alive and changing constantly so you can visit the exact same location and take photos to compare them with the seasons. Upload the photos into Tripcast and create your own memory book to see the changes over time.

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