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Залазак сунца 4-часовна Гранд Тетон Вилдлифе Адвентуре

У ЕцоТоур Адвентурес посвећени смо томе да будемо најбољи у послу. Наши искусни водичи природњаци, прилагођена возила у стилу сафари, професионална оптика Сваровски и друге погодности за обиласке су разлог зашто Ецотоур Адвентурес константно осваја награде за наше квалитетно искуство.<бр>Најбољи водичи:<бр>Нема замене за стручног водича који ће максимално искористити ваше искуство док истражује екосистем Великог Јелоустона. Природњачки водичи за дивље животиње у ЕцоТоур Адвентурес долазе припремљени са различитим научним искуством и дугогодишњим искуством у вођењу, спремни да тумаче флору, фауну, геологију, људску историју и друге теме које националне паркове Гранд Тетон и Јелоустон чине тако посебним.<бр>Возила. :<бр>Наша прилагођена возила су дизајнирана имајући на уму вашу удобност и квалитет, укључујући:<бр>Поклопке на крову и прилагођене прозоре - свако добија седиште до прозора!<бр>4к4, капетанске столице замењују неудобне клупе<бр>Опрема:<бр>Професионална оптика, двогледи и нижини, ипади, примерци и још много тога!
Цити: Јацксон
Tue 25 Feb
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Tue 25 Feb
Са почетком у $170.00
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике у јавним местима области<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфицирано високо- саобраћајне површине<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфицирају<ли>Вадичи обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>ЦОВИД-19 вакцинација потребно за водиче
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Национални парк Гранд Тетон
Кренућемо на споредне путеве Џексон Хола да побегнемо од гужве и потражимо наша омиљена жаришта за непрекидно посматрање сезонски доступних дивљих животиња, укључујући лоса, лоса, бизона, антилопу вилорог, овцу мазгу, јелена мазге, вукове, црне медведе, гризлије медведи, ћелави орлови и лабудови трубачи.
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Коментара (123)
May 2022
Even though it was a cool evening we had a fabulous tour with Raf and Ryan with Jackson Hole Eco Adventures. Very personal attention, excellent wildlife viewing and a bit of a sense of humor since it was snowing in May. Both guides went the extra mile to make an unexpected change in weather fun.
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
We're happy to know that you had an amazing time with Raf and Ryan! They are wonderful, extremely knowledgeable members of our team. We're glad they were able to help you appreciate our fickle spring weather! Snow in May isn't uncommon here, but when you're coming from much warmer places, it can certainly be a shock to the system. We're so glad you enjoyed your tour with Raf and Ryan, and we thank you so much for touring with us! Cheers, Kelsey
May 2022
We took the Sunset tour with Bo and Kris (sp). They were nice and quick to get us informed of rules, policies and providing plenty of information as we traveled into the park. This information ranged from historical trivia to animal trivia to some geology and local history. Although there was a bear jam we unfortunately didn't get to see the bruin nor was anyone in their network able to find one. Even for the lack of any 4-legged predators or even deer we did make up for the total sightings of migrating wapiti at every turn. Other sightings included a giant herd of bison with some red dogs, pronghorn, two bald eagles with one being mobbed by a raven, muskrats, a chipmunk (which was our closest encounter), white pelicans and cormorants, a diving osprey, a harrier, great blue herons and finally some moose when it looked like they were going to mimic the bears in their cooperativeness. Our guides gave us tips on how to mirror the inclines before us and to be able to recognize certain habitats as well as the animals that would use those spots such as the heavy willow stands. They were totally respectful not of only their human clients but the animals we were looking at. As such we were able to get out close to bison when they weren't too close, to use the ceiling hatches at others times and to ease away from a nervous wapiti cow after another driver scared her away from the road crossing she had thought about doing. And finally they kept us late so we could see the blood moon lunar eclipse start and scoped it then sent us the pictures. Not only did they stop multiple times to give us better views but also kept in mind to get us to great vantage spots so we could watch it. Would definitely do it again and highly recommend it for those either interested in wildlife, the parks, trivia or all three. You did a great job in pairing these guides for us....
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Thank you so much for this glowing review! While we always hope and try our best to get bear sightings for our guests, we so appreciate your understanding when it just doesn't happen. This is a perfect example of the wildness of this ecosystem! It sounds like you had a plethora of other fantastic sightings, though, which we are so glad to hear. Bo and Chris are incredible members of our team and they strive to make sure our guests feel heard, are comfortable, and get the most out of their experience while on tour with us. Our guides also work hard to make sure the wildlife we are watching feels safe and comfortable, too! We're are so glad that you had a wonderful tour with them, and we hope to see you again down the line! Cheers, Kelsey
Apr 2022
What an amazing opportunity to view the spectacular wildlife in the Tetons. While I have never seen the “ big 5” in Africa, what I experienced on the sunset tour with EcoTour Adventures has to be just as exciting. I would highly recommend this excursion to all who visit, especially in the shoulder seasons, when viewing wildlife is at its best. I saw several moose, many herds of elk, bison right along the roadside, a coyote on the prowl, beaver, muskrats and bighorn sheep. No less significant to see were the birds: bald eagles, sandhill cranes, ravens, many duck species including some that were nesting. While I need not see the reclusive grizzly, which is a good thing for their protection, I look forward to touring with EcoTours again on a sunrise trip! Thank you Tyler for your wealth of information on the wildlife and geology of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. —Mary Ann Clark
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Thank you so much for your kind words! We are absolutely thrilled to know that you had such an amazing trip with so many incredible wildlife sightings. Tyler is a fantastic member of our team and we feel lucky to have him. You are absolutely right--the shoulder seasons are usually some of the better times for wildlife-watching, and we're so glad you had a chance to experience this for yourself. We look forward to your return for that future sunrise trip! Cheers, Kelsey

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