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Биолуминисценција заласка сунца

Залазак сунца је магично време на уточишту за дивље животиње на острву Меррит. Свуда има кретања. Делфини заокружују своју вечеру, морске краве се селе у плићак да пронађу удобно место за ноћење. Док светлост бледи и небо се пали динамичном бојом, „Острво Мулетхед“, савезно заштићено легло, врви од активности јер многе од 358 јединствених врста птица уточишта хрле изнад вас у своја заштићена гнезда током ноћи. Типичне врсте које се могу очекивати укључују ибис, чапље, чапље, пеликане, корморане и жличаре, све постављене у позадини ракетних лансирних рампи и култног НАСА пејзажа. Покрените у своје бекство.
Цити: Цоцоа Беацх
Thu 24 Oct
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Са почетком у $75.00
Thu 24 Oct
Са почетком у $75.00
Шта је укључено
Стручни водич
2 сата кајаком
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Шта да понесете: <ли>Одећу за коју вам не смета да се мало поквасите. Пешкир (остављен у колима)<ли>Цупеле за воду – сандале или крокс који се могу носити у води<ли>Понесите додатну одећу за сваки случај<ли>Камера & Дри баг (опционо) Ово је прилично бескорисно за снимање биолуминисценције, али је одлично за хватање људи.<ли>Флаширана вода, грицкалице<ли>Свака посебна лична опрема за веслање ако желите<ли>Можете понети батеријску лампу, али ми ћемо обезбедити сигурносно светло.
Шта да очекујете
Једнодневне туре кајаком
Одвезите се кајаком до острва са веома разноликом популацијом птица пре него што се сместе за ноћ, тик уз прелеп залазак сунца на хоризонту. Затим одвеслајте до оближње локације да бисте видели различите врсте биолуминисценције - једно од само неколико места на свету где је можете видети.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (66)
Gracie C
Aug 2021
We had a great time with our tour guide Logan. He was really good about keeping the group together, and he did well answering the questions of the young boy in our group. He gave a lot of insight of the area, and ensure we saw all the wildlife we could see. It was a beautiful night and an incredible experience. Our group was various in age, and the pacing was suitable to all. Everyone had a good time, regardless of whether they were Florida natives or visitors.
Aug 2021
The tour had a bad start. The tour was delayed by our tour guide not showing up. The 7PM tour, left at 7:45PM. Did this impact actual tour or place we had to go to?? not sure We ended up joining another group already on tour. Guess what, now the group was twice as big, and it was hard to stay close to the tour guide to hear everything she was saying. At this point, the tour became more of a race to stay close to the guide, beating out other kayaks. We asked for single kayaks for 3 of our kids, but we only received one since we had odd number in the family. No bonus points here. We absorbed both problems and enjoyed the tour. We listened to to the tour guide, but our best guide was Philip. Philip was one of the 2 workers that was covering the back of the group to make sure everyone is safe and in the group. We stayed last in the group in the canal and Philip gave us advice on how to get the best out of bioluminescence, information about the wildlife, fish, things to see during different seasons and space launches. He was very good at interacting with the tourists. We will request him as a private tour guide for our future trips. Philip saved the trip.
Aug 2021
Sunny (sp?) was our tour guide and she was amazing! She was super optimistic, educational, and encouraging around everyone's involvement with ecotourism, making sure that we were all aware of the positive impact and low carbon footprint of our involvement with the tour. She really connected with all of the people on the tour, and purposefully kept the group small (only 8 were allowed). As a note, some of the other groups we saw had dozens of people and seemed to be much more "corporate" and sterile. This tour felt like a very personal guided tour led by someone who's heart and passion was aligned with what they were doing with and for the group and the environment. We went to three different areas and saw manatees, dolphins, fish, a variety of birds, alligators, and GLOWING WATER! How amazing! Well, glowing plankton specifically, but the effect is the same. It was magical and educational and thoroughly enjoyable. If you want to go on a kayak your, definitely check with this place and ask for sunny specifically.

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