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Пливање са ламантима у кристалној реци, Флорида

Наша вођена тура „Пливање са ламантима“ је наша атракција број један. Добијате прилику да доживите морске краве изблиза и лично у њиховом природном станишту у хладнијим данима. Сезона морских крава траје од 15. новембра до 31. марта сваке године. Имамо невероватне локалне водиче који одлично познају наше воде тако да можете уочити неколико морских крава у правим условима. Што су температуре хладније, то ћете видети више морских крава. У топлијим данима/недељама, неке туре имају нула морских крава јер је то природно окружење и они нису увек ту да виде. Ламанти се враћају у Мексички залив где су залихе хране богатије за њих. Научићете на прави начин да комуницирате са овим невероватним животињама кроз пасивно посматрање и научићете све о нашем екосистему овде у Цристал Ривер.
Цити: Кристална река
Sun 20 Oct
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Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $79.00
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<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке способности<ли>Умерен физичка активност је неопходна за вожњу кајаком/даском за веслање и пливање са ламантима.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфицирано високо -саобраћајне површине<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање за напојнице и додаци
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Коментара (37)
Nov 2020
Great expertise by Paddle Outdoors team and great locations. Really a unique place full of beauty, greatly introduced by Hunter, my guide
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2020
Thank you for taking your tour with Hunter. We greatly appreciate the business and look forward to seeing you again soon :)
Apr 2020
For my Christmas 2019 break, I came from NY for a mental health get away and scheduled a tour with PADDLES OUTDOOR. I chose PADDLES because it was a new company in the area and Chris, the owner offered that there would be no charge until I arrived, and there were no extra costs for pictures extras like other companies charge you. PADDLES was a perfect location and experience for stand up paddle boarding for me to see and swim with the manatees for my first time on a paddle board and swimming with the manatees. Chris, the owner, and his support staff were wonderful hosts for such an incredible experience of a lifetime! We were even given homemade cookies and the recipe was shared! Chris is very personable and helpful beyond being a business owner. He extended himself and spent a lot of extra time looking up and sharing suggestions for activities and events offered in the area along with restaurant recommendations and tried to find a soup kitchen for me to volunteer at on Christmas day. The 3 hours advertised as our tour started when we got on the water, not when we were scheduled to show up. We were sized up perfectly for our wet suits, matched up with mask and snorkel, given a bottle of water and smiling excited Jessica to take us on our adventure! While I was visiting PADDLES the evening prior to my tour, I was told I was going to have a one on one tour. While chatting, Chris got a phone call inquiring a booking at the same time I was scheduled. He offered to me to keep my one on one and schedule the caller another time. WOW! No other company would have done that. I was fine with having others join me. The mother and daughter that joined me on my tour were on a kayak. Jessica took us directly to Three Sisters Springs. We didn't spend time traveling around to other sites that may or may not have manatees in the area. We spent the entire time in the water at Three Sisters Springs. We were taught to allow the manatees to approach us. I was kissed on my mask by a manatee and the mom was hugged 5 times!!! Incredible experience!! I can't say enough wonderful things about PADDLES! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND PADDLES OUTDOOR!!! My first wonderful experience with Paddles Outdoor Adventures was on Monday, 12/23/19. I went back again to rent a standup paddle board on the morning of Sunday, 12/29/19. Chris once again was cheerfully very accommodating. He was loading up kayaks for a tour, added my SUP to his trailer and made a special trip to deliver a board for me right away since I was meeting some new friends at Hunter Springs Park.
Одговор домаћина
May 2020
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!! We all loved your story and how you came to visit for an extended time period. You are part of our family now and we ALL look forward to you visiting us again this winter! Thanks again and we hope you are well up north.
Mar 2020
We had a terrific time on our kayak tour. We went near the end of the manatee season, and the weather was warm, so we only saw two manatees. But we had a great time nevertheless. Jessica was an excellent tour guide and made the tour of Three Sisters Springs very interesting even with no manatees. We were able to swim in the crystal clear springs and she pointed out to us where the water from the spring was seeping out from underground. The kayaks were easy to paddle even for my husband who'd never paddled one before. We are planning to go back when the weather is colder--that's when the manatees congregate in the springs.
Одговор домаћина
May 2020
Thank you for visiting us and taking your tour with Jessica. It was very nice having you and look forward to seeing you back again maybe in the colder winter months when there are more manatees in the area. Thanks again for your review and take care :)

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