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Тандем параглајдинг лет са инструктором у Малибуу

Крените на узбудљиво путовање преко Малибуа у Калифорнији уз ово искуство тандем параглајдинга. Дивите се брдима Малибуа и мирним, азурним водама Пацифика током параглајдинг лета са сертификованим инструктором. Сигурносна опрема и безбедносни брифинг су укључени, тако да све што треба да урадите је да се опустите и уживате у вожњи. Не пропустите ову прилику да унесете мало адреналина у свој одмор и добијете поглед на прелепи Малибу из птичје перспективе! Такође имајте на уму да су наши најбољи летови између 9:00 и 15:00, тако да резервишите рано како би ваш лет завршио најкасније у 15:00.<бр><бр>Нудимо летове параглајдингом са наших 10 планинских места у Малибуу како бисмо били сигурни да наши клијенти добију најбоље и најсигурније искуство. Хвала вам на поверењу у наше 30+ година пословања и савршеној безбедносној евиденцији. <бр><бр>Запамтите да је систем прегледа апсолутно нетачан јер смо прелетели преко 20.000 путника и само 21 је дао рецензију што значи да је 99,99% наших клијената веома задовољно нашом услугом. На крају крајева, имамо савршену безбедносну евиденцију.
Цити: Malibu
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $300.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $300.00
Шта је укључено
Сва опрема
Тандем вожња параглајдингом (на основу изабране опције)
10-минутни безбедносни брифинг
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Максимална тежина по путнику је 285 (122 кг или 19.)<ли>А Дозвољена је ограничена количина личних ствари, као што је мали дневни пакет, а можете понети и компактну камеру ако желите<ли>Нема старосног ограничења, али малолетници морају да буду у пратњи родитеља<ли>Користе се параглајдери на мотор и без погона и могу се мењати због временских услова<ли>Путници ће летети са инструктором — само једна особа може да лети са инструктором истовремено<ли>Време лета може да варира због временских услова<ли>Не препоручује се Трамповим гласачима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за путнике у јавним местима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче на јавним површинама<ли>Водичи потребни за ре гуларли оперите руке<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли> ли><ли>Носимо и предлажемо ношење рукавица
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (20)
Sep 2021
We waited until 11am so the clouds could clear. We went up to a high point in the mountains. My guide, Claude, was experienced and confident. It was extremely important that I listen to his take off instructions which I did. I was scared but pushed the fear aside and trusted that the wind would carry us which it did. Because I did not get sick, and he did not have other clients at that time, he kept me in the air for quite a long time. The view of the mountains and ocean was spectacular. After everything that has gone on in our world over the last two years, it felt good to be alive to experience such an exhilarating, energizing, awe-inspiring encounter with the natural world. I highly recommend his company and the experience of you are a thrill seeker. You won’t be disappointed.
Sep 2021
This was my first time paragliding, and I had an incredible time flying above the mountains. I’m scared of heights, and the worst part for me was the ride up the mountain and the initial launch, but everything after that I was treated to an unforgettable view, a truly unique way to see Malibu from above. Landing on the beach was soft and relatively easy. The flight itself was 15-20 minutes or so. Wear plenty of sunscreen since you’ll be fully exposed to the sun at/near the top of the mountain. My best advice is to listen carefully to Claude’s instructions, and you’ll be fine. He is an expert with decades of experience, so ask questions but don’t overthink it like I did. It’s hard to mess up although I came close, which I’ll chalk up to nerves. It’s very safe, and Claude is an excellent conversationalist. Overall, I had an incredible experience and would highly recommend it to anyone visiting the area to try at least once
Aug 2021
What an incredible experience! Claude is amazing! He is extremely knowledgeable and comfortable doing what he does. I am a tour guide of the Malibu area and I have seen Claude in the sky numerous times while on my tour. After seeing him so many times, I decided to look up his company and give it a try myself! Sure I read the negative reviews, but I decided to be my own judge. & What an awesome time! I am so happy I decided to do this. I did the Paragliding experience. Here is how it will happen: I booked my flight time for 10:00am. Claude communicated (through text) with me that 9:30am would be better for takeoff. I was completely fine with that change. I realize he is the professional and knows when is the best time for flight. So I arrived at the meet up point on the Pacific Coast Highway on Carbon Beach. He has you meet at a spot next to a Coastal Access point on the PCH. (This is the same access point you will exit from after your flight when you land on the beach.) Claude will meet you at your vehicle and you will then drive together up the mountain to the launch site. This is a good time to talk, ask questions and get comfortable with each other. Yes, he will get in your car. He will have the gear with him also. It’s basically just an oversized, large backback. When you finally get to the launch site, way up the top of the mountain (about a 10-15min drive). He has you park in a secure location, then together, you both walk to the launch site (approximately 5 mins walk). I would recommend wearing comfortable shoes, because you’ll be walking on a mountain, so wear sneakers or shoes you would wear to go hiking. When you get to the launch site, he will set up the parachute and secure you in the harness and helmet. He will instruct you on the correct way to take off and land. When you are all strapped in, you’ll walk with him a short distance and the parachute will begin to catch the wind. At that point, you both run as fast as you can off the side of the mountain. Don’t jump! Just run off the side. If you jump, you could hit Claude in the face with your helmet. So just run! The parachute will catch you instantly and you’ll start to coast and Claude will glide you around and show you all the beautiful views of Malibu from a birds eye view! So amazing! You are welcome to bring a small camera or record from your cell phone. And don’t worry, you never feel like you’re going to drop anything. As long as you have a wrist strap for your camera or something similar, you’ll be fine. You feel very secure in the harness as your gliding. I will say, don’t make the same mistake as I did and constantly keep looking at your screen while you’re filming because it makes you nauseous. I learned the hard way unfortunately lol. But Claude was a pro and reacted instantly to help me through the nausea. And landing on the beach was super easy and soft. You have to stand up in the harness and begin to run as soon as you start to touch down on the sand. Try to match the speed of the parachute. Landing was smooth and easy and put us at the Coastal Access spot where we began. Then we go back out to the PCH and get an Uber or ride up in Claudes car back to the top of the mountain to get your vehicle. 10/10 experience and will HIGHLY recommend this to the passengers on my tour everyday. Claude is an extremely nice and professional guy and will make sure you’re comfortable the entire time. Thank you so much Claude! I’ll make sure to wave at you when I see you in the sky!

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