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Тасте оф СЛО - Валкинг Фоод Тоур

Добродошли у Тасте оф СЛО, Валкинг Фоод Тоур! Да ли волите да кушате ЗАИСТА укусну храну? Да ли волиш ЗАБАВУ? Ова турнеја је сјајан спој друштвених интеракција, хране, вина, пива и коктела. Ова турнеја садржи ТОЛИКО хране! Отићи ћете тако задовољни. Ово није ваша типична тура - смејаћете се, јести, пити, све док уживате у прелепом центру Сан Луис Обиспа. Придружите се Тасте оф СЛО за пјешачку туру 5 јединствених дестинација створених да вам дају лични Тасте оф СЛО.
Цити: Сан Луис Обиспо
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $139.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $139.00
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Коментара (55)
Jan 2019
What a great time we had exploring San Luis Obispo via foot, with yummy food places to stop at in between! When we received confirmation about our upcoming tour, we were contacted for any dietary issues that needed to be addressed. I responded that I have an egg allergy, and we received a response very quickly acknowledging this. We had a large group of 14, and our guide Angee was so much fun and knowledgeable about the areas we had explored.We met at the Old SLO BBQ for lunch. The food was great,which included a glass of wine or beer. We walked over to the Creamery Marketplace, which had great local art displayed, saw some fun local businesses, then walked through downtown to get to the House of Bread. All samples we had were deliciously fresh! We walked more through the city, learned about more buildings, then stopped at Vegetable Butcher for more delicious food and a new wine I learned, called Chardonn-yay :) Our next stop was to the SLO Sweets Store for gelato. It was also a great candy store! Our last step was to wind the afternoon down with a cocktail or mocktail at the Granada Bistro, located in the Granada Boutique Hotel. We were even able to check out one of the empty rooms! Super cute set up and great wait staff at the bar. This has only been our 3rd time to San Luis Obispo, and because of Angee's tour, we will definitely be taking another weekend here in our beautiful Central Coast of California.
Dec 2018
Angee & Taste of SLO were amazing. We did the new MoJo tour, and she setup a great intro to San Luis Obispo’s delicious foods, drinks & treats. We went to four different, unique spots and tasted delicious pastas, rotisserie chicken, locally caught fish, amazing local made chocolates and craft cocktails, beer & wine. Each place had a totally different and fun vibe, and were very welcoming and interesting. We didn’t do a ton of walking, but got to try new places we wouldn’t have found on our own – plus, how often do you actually hit up 4 spots just for lunch in one day? That’s one of the things that makes this so great – you get to try more, learn something and have fun meeting new people. Would definitely recommend Taste of SLO when you’re in the area!
shelly h
Nov 2018
What a great way to highlight some SLOcal businesses. A little great food, and bit of drink mixed with some local history. Angee is very personable and wonderful guide, and I thoroughly enjoyed our tour. We had a group of 12 adults, we were in SLO for a family reunion.

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