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Темецула заједничка вожња балоном

Многе наше корпе имају врата за искуство ходања. <бр>Није потребно пењање преко зида од 5 стопа. Употреба врата зависи од безбедности. <бр>Наши пилоти су веома искусни и били су на националној телевизији. <бр>Ваше фотографије за успомене снимио је професионални фотограф. <бр>Доплата за гориво за тежину од 25 УСД ако је преко 225 лбс., 50 УСД ако је преко 255 лбс. <бр>Надоплата за тежину при пријави.
Цити: Темецула
Wed 06 Nov
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Са почетком у $189.00
Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $189.00
Шта је укључено
Две за једног улазнице за дегустацију вина у 6 локалних винарија Темецула
Флаширана вода
Климатизовано возило
Појединачно упаковани артикли за доручак као део континенталног доручка
Шампањац или мимозе
Бесплатне слике за сувенир и пригодна летачка потврда
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке кондиције<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Провере температуре за путнике по доласку<ли>Плаћене смернице за боравак код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
Шта да очекујете
Летећемо изнад винограда, винарија, воћњака и луксузних имања. Видећемо дивље животиње, локална језера и планине са далеким погледом на океан.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (130)
Jul 2022
It’s not that we did not enjoy the spectacular views from the balloon, it’s that we paid additional $$ to be upgraded to a semi private hot air balloon without being warned of the heat that we would be exposed to from the flames of the balloon. Having never been in a hot air balloon, we thought this would be a great idea, “wow, a semi private hot air balloon experience?! SURE!”. However, we weren’t warned to the fact that we may be exposed to significant heat, not from the weather, but from the flame jets that fill up the hot air balloon. Initially, we dressed warm because we knew we’d be taking off very early in the morning. (Around 5:30am). After getting into the basket of the hot air balloon, We quickly realized: 1. that it was a tighter space fitting not more than 6 + pilot =7 2. How close we’d be to the flames of the with no shield from the heat of the flames. 3. Nowhere to hide from the extreme heat given off by the flames. I tried to squat down in the basket to give myself some distance from the flames but that was of no use whatsoever. 4. Removing layers of clothing did not help and made it worse in fact, as my short sleeve T-shirt failed to protect me from the sensation of searing skin on my arms and neck. As I looked out at the other balloons with the bigger baskets that could fit 16 to 20 people, I was totally envious and wished I had not spent the extra money for this burning experience . If anything, I would only recommend to anyone that’s asks to go in the bigger baskets where these flamethrowers, come equipped with heat shielding. I have only experienced heat exhaustion twice in my life and this was the second time. I’m a pretty fit guy but I felt like I was going to pass out in addition to feeling completely sick for the remainder of the day. I was unbelievably thankful when I realized that we were coming in for a landing and our ride was about to come to an end. The operator should have warned us of the potential for extreme heat exposure but it was presented to us like it would be a much better experience and a much more discounted rate than normal with a semi private balloon. I tried to make the best of it but the remainder of the day and our plans were ruined from the extreme heat exposure and sickness that followed. ***Note to the operator…Please advise people of this heat… there may be many people who would have extreme negative physical reactions to being exposed to such heat. 1 day later and the back of my neck is still raw from the experience. Ugh.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Uh. OK. Strange that other passengers in your same basket and on the same flight gave 5 stars for the experience. We do tell passengers that it is going to be warmer in the air than on the ground. They don't call it a HOT AIR balloon for nothing.
Jul 2022
Everything, the experience, nice work people and is a wonderful view. So I really recommend this wonderful experience
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Thanks for the kind words, Jose.
Jul 2022
Amazing! Celebrating Birthday. It was such a great and memorable experience. Breathtaking views as well.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Thank you for your kind words, Derek.

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