Многе наше корпе имају врата за искуство ходања. <бр>Није потребно пењање преко зида од 5 стопа. Употреба врата зависи од безбедности. <бр>Наши пилоти су веома искусни и били су на националној телевизији. <бр>Ваше фотографије за успомене снимио је професионални фотограф. <бр>Доплата за гориво за тежину од 25 УСД ако је преко 225 лбс., 50 УСД ако је преко 255 лбс. <бр>Надоплата за тежину при пријави.
Цити: Темецула
Thu 07 Nov
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Шта да очекујете
Летећемо изнад винограда, винарија, воћњака и луксузних имања. Видећемо дивље животиње, локална језера и планине са далеким погледом на океан.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (130)
May 2022
When there wasn't any wind and we suspended in air and was not moving it just floating in space and time that was beautiful almost like The Matrix
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Never thought of it that way. Thanks for your creative description!
May 2022
Horrible company and customer service. We were coming from Florida and my daughter inadvertently booked this one month prior to the actual date. My daughter spoke to the pilot that morning about the mistake and rebooked it. They charged a no show fee anyway despite her calling the company that morning about the error. The actual date of the trip was cancelled due to the weather. They still charged 200 dollars for the original error in booking and did not deliver the service they promised. I would not recommend them to anyone.
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
This review is unfortunate but it is akin to booking a non-refundable airline ticket for the wrong day and then calling the airline after you missed your flight (even though you received confirmations and reminders) and telling the airline they should reschedule you for free.
The customer booked a discounted fare online, in advance, and received and read their email confirmation and reminders. (Our system tracks when they click on the link.) The customer failed to show up for their ride on the scheduled date and only realized their error when our pilot called them that morning wondering if they were running late. Typically, when a customer fails to show up for a ride and does not give advance notice, the fare is forfeit and no considerations are offered. Our industry suffers from being both high cost and severely capacity constrained.
However, instead of losing her money entirely, we offered to reschedule the guests with a rebooking fee to cover the hard costs we endured due to their missed flight. The guest cites $200 to make the rebooking fee seem usurious. The rebooking fee included multiple guests and was nominal. Moreover, the fee was less than the difference between our regular fare and their original discounted purchase. I presume the customer has lost her credit card dispute and resorted to writing a bad review.
Pro tip: When you book online, read your confirmation emails and reminders and make sure the information is correct. We can do magic before the scheduled event, but our hands are tied when it is after.
May 2022
Surprising my wife with this activity , top romantic , amazing scenery, great remember .
Our Pilote Kim bring us to the was great , bring us to the sky and touched the lime tree and land with incredible smoothness !
Highly recommend