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Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sat 19 Oct
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Са почетком у $64.00
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $64.00
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Коментара (4)
Jul 2022
Just like the other reviews said, the guide showed up late and we had no way to get in contact with him. He walked us all over manhattan and multiple times had to double back because he went the wrong way. He read the entire script off of his phone with absolutely no personality. Thankfully the other couple on the tour was friendly and made the tour fun because the guide did absolutely no favors. At some point, the guide was literally googling things to make sure he had the facts right. While I wasn’t expecting all the drinks to be included based on the description, what came as a shock was having to cover the tour guide’s drinks! What kind of operation makes you pay for a tour and then also makes you pay for the tour guide to have drinks??? Not to mention that with the guide being late and making so many wrong turns, by the time we got to the last place, it was last call and the staff was trying to clean and leave. Definitely will never be doing anything else with this company and will be warning everyone to stay away.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Sorry for your bad experience on our tour. I hadn't given the tour in a while and thus needed my notes to touch upon the important milestones in Poe's life in New York. Send me your email and I'll be sure to give you a discount code for a free tour next time you all are in New York.
Jul 2022
Just like the other reviews said, the guide showed up late and we had no way to get in contact with him. He walked us all over manhattan and multiple times had to double back because he went the wrong way. He read the entire script off of his phone with absolutely no personality. Thankfully the other couple on the tour was friendly and made the tour fun because the guide did absolutely no favors. At some point, the guide was literally googling things to make sure he had the facts right. While I wasn’t expecting all the drinks to be included based on the description, what came as a shock was having to cover the tour guide’s drinks! What kind of operation makes you pay for a tour and then also makes you pay for the tour guide to have drinks??? Not to mention that with the guide being late and making so many wrong turns, by the time we got to the last place, it was last call and the staff was trying to clean and leave. Definitely will never be doing anything else with this company and will be warning everyone to stay away.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Sorry for your bad experience on our tour. I hadn't given the tour in a while and thus needed my notes to touch upon the important milestones in Poe's life in New York. Send me your email and I'll be sure to give you a discount code for a free tour next time you all are in New York.
Laureli H
Jul 2022
See previous review. I was trying to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, maybe he improved over 2 months time but what the other review said happened at our experience too. Guide was late, walked us all over town, read the info off his phone… the tour wasn’t spooky. First drink WAS complimentary like advertised but at the second AND third places, the guide pushed the check to my husband who uncomfortably paid for the tour guide’s drinks! Very unprofessional. Find another way to spend your time or just Google cool bars in NYC and go. Save your $$$.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Sorry for your bad experience on our tour. I hadn't given the tour in a while and thus needed my notes to touch upon the important milestones in Poe's life in New York. Send me your email and I'll be sure to give you a discount code for a free tour next time you all are in New York.

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