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Игра бекства Чикаго: Епске 60-минутне авантуре

Смештене у Ривер Северу, ове авантуре нуде јединствено врхунско искуство. Пратите трагове и решавајте загонетке да бисте заједно завршили своју мисију. Можда ћете побећи... Забављаћете се!<бр><бр>Одаберите да играте једну од пет јединствено импресивних игара:<бр>- Златна грозница: Пронађите скривено злато у Калифорнијским брдима!<бр>- Бекство из затвора: Завршено храбар бекство од злог управника!<бр>- Специјалне операције: Мистериозно тржиште: Откријте истину као тајни агент!<бр>- Пљачка: Вратите украдено ремек дело од крадљивца уметности!<бр>- Мисија: Марс: Покрените свој свемирски брод са Црвене планете!
Цити: Чикаго
Mon 24 Feb
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Са почетком у $43.59
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $43.59
Шта је укључено
Улазница за играње једне авантуре
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Игре се препоручују за узраст од 13 и више година. Млађим играчима је дозвољено, али неки од садржаја игре могу бити претешки за њих. Одрасла особа, 18 или старија, мора учествовати са свима који имају 14 и мање година. Такође, свим учесницима млађим од 18 година биће потребна одрасла особа да потпишу своје одрицање.<ли>Бићете у просторији са закључаним вратима, али свака врата имају дугме за излаз. Ако осетите потребу да напустите просторију, можете то учинити у било ком тренутку.<ли>Свака игра је дизајнирана за један сат интензивне забаве! Планирајте да проведете 15 минута пре сваке утакмице припремајући се и брифинг за своју мисију, а 15 минута после сваке утакмице да обавите разговор и фотографишете.<ли>У собе за игре не смете да уносите храну или пиће. Алкохол је строго забрањен у нашим просторијама.<ли>Искуства Есцапе Гаме су веома различита од онога што обично видите у другим собама за бекство. Ове игре нису страшне нити мрачне. Они су узбудљиви, авантуристички и у чему сви гости могу да уживају.<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (89)
Jan 2022
I went to the Escape Game to escape the nightmare that is my day-to-day existence--my wife and child, the job I despise, my crippling addiction to alcohol--And I gotta say, this place did not disappoint. Not only was I fully immersed in the riveting puzzles and detailed set design, but the family I was teamed up with was way better than the one I begat. It started out in a northern California wooded setting. WOW, right off the bat I was impressed. I was sizing up my teammates. I felt like it could be an even match if it came down to it. We swiftly found the first clue and were off to the next part of the room...a cabin. As confusion set in we searched frantically to find the next clue, this kid in there was a nuisance. He looked like Fabio, but if Flavio was a 9 year old boy who tried to get into everything. While we worked together we all felt a shock of connection. While searching for other clues, it got heated. Frabon started to hit things with a hammer, that's when I started pushing him around, and after that Fandango started pushing me around! I felt a real bond forming with every push. The mother and sisters started to laugh as they started pushing eachother around too, wildest thing my eyes have ever seen. We all ended up falling into a big dog pile. Wow, I thought to myself, is this what a real family is like? Not just coming home from my 9-5 wreaking of bourbon while my wife doesn't have any dinner ready and my son won't even look at me after what happend last summer. I won't go into it. Why do you have to keep bringing it up? My house smells like cigarettes because my wife keeps smoking in the living room. She just ashes on the ground. I don't mind my cigs inside, but she wouldnt bum me one, and my Camel Wides just ran out. Enough about me and my waste of life, this place is incredibly fun. No matter what troubles you're going through, this place will provide you with exciting fun that has nothing to do with the problems you're running from. And you might just find a second family in the process, if you're lucky like me. They even invited me to young Flauchio's quincineara. As the night came to a close, they invited me to dinner that night. After they looked at eachother, they said they would give me a ride home. When driving to my home they asked if I had a family. I told them, "I do now. You guys mean everything to me I can't go on without you," They agreed i should just move in with them. So we stopped by my house I told my ex-wife and estranged son adios amigos! i ran back into the car giddie as a school boy. As I jumped into the seat next to Franz Ferdinand we sang songs all the way home! i finally did it, i had a wife and a beautfiul son named faccia bread. All in all, my journey to the escape room helped me into a new family! I will be back, 5 stars.
Jan 2022
Explore everything! 😊 We tried the Goldrush experience and had a blast!! So much fun doing something interactive. We went from one room to the next so the stimulus keeps changing and the creativity is out of this world!!! I can't wait to get back to Chicago and try another experience. Thanks to the super friendly staff and those who gave us thoughful hints when we were stuck or being too concrete. The Davis Family Carmel, IN
Dec 2021
My group and I did special ops! It was such a fun experience, and definitely had some good challenges during the game. Would recommend doing this one with a group for sure since some of the puzzles require some team work! There was 3 of us and we barely finished in time but completed the room! The staff was also super kind and fun! Would definitely go back for another game.

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