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Игра бекства: Епске 60-минутне авантуре у Пигеон Форџу

Смештене на острву у Пиџон Форџу, ове авантуре нуде јединствено врхунско искуство. Пратите трагове и решавајте загонетке да бисте заједно завршили своју мисију. Можда ћете побећи... Забављаћете се!<бр><бр>Одаберите да играте једну од пет јединствено импресивних игара:<бр>- Златна грозница: Пронађите скривено злато у Калифорнијским брдима!<бр>- Бекство из затвора: Завршено смео бекство од злог управника!<бр>- Пљачка: Повратите украдено ремек-дело од лопова уметности!<бр>- Поверљиво: Откријте тајну заверу као тајни агент!<бр>- Мисија: Марс: Покрените свој свемирски брод са Црвене планете!
Цити: Пигеон Форге
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $42.64
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $42.64
Шта је укључено
Улазница за играње једне авантуре
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Игре се препоручују за узраст од 13 и више година. Млађим играчима је дозвољено, али неки од садржаја игре могу бити претешки за њих. Одрасла особа, 18 или старија, мора учествовати са свима који имају 14 и мање година. Такође, свим учесницима млађим од 18 година биће потребна одрасла особа да потпишу своје одрицање.<ли>Бићете у просторији са закључаним вратима, али свака врата имају дугме за излаз. Ако осетите потребу да напустите просторију, можете то учинити у било ком тренутку.<ли>Свака игра је дизајнирана за један сат интензивне забаве! Планирајте да проведете 15 минута пре сваке утакмице припремајући се и брифинг за своју мисију, а 15 минута после сваке утакмице да обавите разговор и фотографишете.<ли>У собе за игре не смете да уносите храну или пиће. Алкохол је строго забрањен у нашим просторијама.<ли>Искуства Есцапе Гаме су веома различита од онога што обично видите у другим собама за бекство. Ове игре нису страшне нити мрачне. Они су узбудљиви, авантуристички и у чему сви гости могу да уживају.<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (341)
Clair S
Oct 2022
Very fun, had a group of 8. Owner was just awesome!!! Escape was exciting. Will come again!!! Clues were kind of scattered but over all everyone enjoyed the experience.
Sep 2022
Very fun breakout game. We did Mission Mars and it was pretty difficult but we did solve it with 20 minutes left.
Sep 2022
Our anniversary getaway didn’t start off the way we would have hoped. Feeling defeated and ready to call it quits and go home, my wife and I stopped by the Island in Pigeon Forge to check out a few shops. The night was late and we saw an open sign at The Escape Game (after 11pm); nothing else was open and we didn’t have any hope that we would be able to get information about their escape rooms and whether or not we would be allowed to do something fun while having our newborn daughter with us. Bri welcomed us immediately. She showed us some of the rooms, not giving away any hints or allowing us to peek too much. Bri informed us that they are open late, around 2am, and they welcome us to have our daughter with us. I’ve always wanted to go to an escape room, and I assumed due to the hour that my wife would suggest we come back in the morning - she told me that we already had a very rough start to our anniversary getaway so this was the moment to have fun. Bri asked if we were celebrating anything and we told her that we were celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary. With sadness in my wife’s voice, she talked to Bri about us having issues with our RV which left us without power for 24 hours, all of our food ruined, all the running around trying to get the RV fixed, and just not being able to enjoy our time away. We decided to try their hardest room, attempting to escape from prison. Zac, our game master walked us back to our area. He gave us clear instructions, walked us into our room and wished us luck. He made sure that we knew we could reach out to him any time and he would either come get us or if we asked for a clue, he’d provide them per the game rules. My wife went into one side of the jail cell with our newborn, and I was across the wall. We had one hour to escape from prison. The room was set up with challenging puzzles, we had a blast working together thorough our wall- my wife was freed from her cell first and she came to unlock me so we could continue with the puzzle to escape the prison scenario. As we made it to the final stretch, we ran out of time. Zac greeted us, he told us that we were doing a great job and had good teamwork. The hour was late, no more customers were left besides my wife, daughter and myself. Zac offered us some extended time if we were interested. Not wanting to be so close to solving this room, we thanked Zac for his offer, and off we went to finding our way out of the prison. Zac once again came in to greet us. This time he congratulated us, and he handed us a hand made Anniversary card. He and Bri came together to do something special for my wife and I. They gave us a little gift along with the card. We were shocked at their generosity and compassion. Zac and Bri went out of their way to turn our anniversary getaway into a very memorable night and rest of our time in Pigeon Forge. We had such a great night! And we are honored to have met two amazing individuals who have a heart of gold. We can’t wait to come back, I’m going to tackle all of their rooms.

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