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Обилазак духова по Старом граду - најстарија шетња духовима у Новом Мексику - од 2001

Најстарија и најпознатија шетња духова у Новом Мексику од 2001! Истакнуто у вашим омиљеним емисијама: Веирд Травелс, Деад Филес, Цоаст то Цоаст Радио, Тхе Травел Цханнел и још много тога. Научите сабласну историју Старог града од 300+ година, слушајте пријављене приче о духовима, прегледајте прикупљене доказе и сами одлучите о могућности постојања Духова! Понесите свој дигитални фотоапарат; многе необичне фотографије су снимљене током Турнеје. Сви воле добру стару причу о духовима! Погодно за породицу. Пет фриендли. <бр><бр>Легенде, фолклор, приче о духовима и историја оживљавају док кренете на интригантну екскурзију кроз 313 година уклете историје. Историјске зграде и мрачне улице крију давно заборављене тајне битака, убистава, вешања и скривених гробља. Туристички водичи вас прате у 105-минутној авантури осветљеној фењерима. Потражите душе раних становника, фантоме, сабласте, авети, лутајуће привиђења и 13 духова који су Стари град учинили својим вечним домом. <бр><бр>Водич за напојнице<бр>
Цити: Албукерки
Wed 20 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $34.55
Wed 20 Nov
Са почетком у $34.55
Шта је укључено
Фамили Фриендли. Пет Фриендли.
Укључен је улаз за обилазак старог града Албукеркија у 20 часова. Са водичем, на отвореном, пешачка тура
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све области и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Одржана шетња на отвореном без обзира временске прилике: Сунце, киша, олуја, ветар или снег.<ли>Обилазак је краћи од 1 миље са неколико могућности да седнете успут. Нема брда. Нема степеница. Није стално ходање.<ли>Обилазак је прилагођен инвалидским колицима, колицима, штапом, скутером, штакама и другим уређајима за кретање.<ли>Обуците се по времену укључујући удобне ципеле за ходање. Будите физички способни и правилно обучени да ходате 1 миљу током 100 минута.<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>У овом тренутку НЕМА ограничења.
Шта да очекујете
Олд Товн Баскет & Руг Схоп
Налазимо се северно од наше омиљене продавнице - Староградске продавнице корпа и тепиха!
Стари град Албукеркија
Хеарт оф тхе Дуке Цити – основан 1706 – и дом за 13 главних духова!
Амерички међународни музеј звечарки
Узмите сертификат за храброст!
Стари град Поцо а Поцо Плаза
Патио Ника Гарсије са много специјализованих продавница
Црква Сан Фелипе де Нери
Видети цркву осветљену и ноћ одузима дах!
Стари град Албукеркија
Наша турнеја вам показује сабласну страну више од 300 година уклете историје. ЗНАМО Стари Град! Показаћемо вам неке од њених тајних места, скривених блага, стражњих уличица и путева.
Show 3 више заустављања
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (467)
Aug 2019
This walking tour is a somewhat historical tour embellished with ghost stories around a few of the shops in Old Town Albuquerque. We started in a courtyard off the plaza, then walked over to a house, the front of High Noon restaurant, the tree in front of the church in the plaza, another small courtyard, an alley, and ended at the plaza. There were three guides with us. Bren was good about giving more of a historical point of view on three of the stops. One guide played EVP recordings to assist the stories on two of the stops. The other guide chatted at length at the other stops. This tour is not interactive and would not be interesting enough for children or teenagers. It is a lot of walking and a lot of listening to the guides talking.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
Thanks for joining us, Quest7 and for taking the time to post your review. We're sorry you didn't have a five star experience with us. It sounds like your ticketing process was easy, check in was fast and that your Guides were friendly and attentive! You had three live Professional Guides there to answer your questions and give you personal attention. We are a family friendly, Old fashioned, story telling, walking tour. Our Old Town stroll is a leisurely 1-mile walk highlighting 9 locations. We are NOT a "haunted house". No one is jumping out at your. We are a year-round walking Tour business. Our personable Guides take you on a Stroll through 313 year old streets and walk ways. You didn't say what "interactive" experience you were expecting. Of course, Ghosts do not appear on demand. (I so wish they did!) For more of an interactive experience, Guests may rent our Ghost Hunting equipment for only $5. However, your camera is the best piece of Ghost Hunting equipment! You attended with a group of Senior Women. I am not sure why you incorrectly think that Teenagers or Children might not enjoy our tour - because they LOVE IT!!! We have School, Youth and Scout Groups that have booked with us every single year for the past 18 years and they always have a wonderful time!!! We know you were upset that a stranger, not a part of our tour and not one of our customers, was smoking around you. As per your request, we asked this stranger who was outdoors, minding his own business, to move and asked everyone else not to smoke around the Tour Group. Our Tour is a leisurely 1-mile Old Town Stroll with opportunities to sit down at almost every location. There are NO hills and NO stairs. It is NOT continual walking. People attend our tour nightly with wheelchairs, walkers, canes, scooters, canes and crutches. We keep a close eye on our Guests and adjust the speed accordingly. I am sorry that our Stroll was too strenuous for you. Perhaps the injury you had to your foot at the start of your vacation (that you told us about), made it feel further. We do hope you're healing. We received huge thanks, generous gratuities and 5-Star reviews from other guests on your same Tour that evening. They had an amazing time. We're sorry that you did not. If you had mentioned something to one of your three Guides, they would have done everything in their power to make it a wonderful experience for you! Perhaps our riding Pedi Cab Tour would have been more to your liking? Or, for a totally interactive experience, attend one of our Live Ghost HUNTING Haunted Adventures? We hope you'll give us another try.
Leanne D
Aug 2019
My family really enjoyed our ghost tour of Old Town with Julia. She was a great story teller and gave us goose bumps. It was a fun experience.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Thank you so much for joining us, Leanne - and for posting your review! We're glad that we got to show you the history, mystery and Ghosts during our guided Old Town stroll! With the summer heat - goose bumps are welcome! We're glad we left an impression. Perhaps next time you'll join us for a daytime Historical Old Town stroll?
Aug 2019
What a wonderful informative tour! Our guide, Bren was knowledgeable and was so accommodating. It was easy to see she enjoys people and what she does!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Thank you so much for joining us for the 8pm Ghost Tour of Old Town - and for your review! We appreciate both! We're thrilled that you found the tour informative and that you noticed our Guides passion and knowledge. From ticketing through the end of the Tour is there anything that we could have done to have earned 5-Stars from you? We appreciate your business. Perhaps next time you will join us for a daytime historical walking Tour?

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