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Улазница за Краља лавова на Бродвеју

Book your tickets for the Tony-winning extravaganza 'The Lion King' on Broadway. A favorite with children and adults alike, 'The Lion King' is a visual and audio feast of colorful costumes and award-winning music by Elton John and Tim Rice. Don't miss your chance to see this popular Broadway show during your visit to New York City.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sat 29 Mar
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Са почетком у $158.98
Sat 29 Mar
Са почетком у $158.98
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All taxes, fees and handling charges
All taxes, fees and handling charges
All taxes, fees and handling charges
All taxes, fees and handling charges
Додатне информације
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Recommended for ages 6+
  • Children under the age of 2 are not permitted in the theatre.
  • If you have Accessible Seating requirements, please call our customer service team at 888-651-9785 to inquire about availability prior to completing your booking.
  • Best available seats are assigned by theater at time of purchase and will be listed on your actual tickets.
  • Due to fraud prevention, your tickets will be delivered no later than 2 weeks prior to the performance.
  • PHOTO ID: Guests ages 18 and older must present a valid government-issued photo ID. Guests under 18 may also show a school ID, birth certificate or social security card (Photo is not required). Guests under 12 must be accompanied by an adult who meets these requirements.
  • Guests who do not comply with these policies will be denied entry or asked to leave the theatre.
Шта да очекујете
Минскофф театар
Погледајте Краља лавова на Бродвеју
Краљ лавова
Мјузикл Краљ лавова прича хамлетску причу о Симби, принцу афричких лавова, који се бори са својим злим ујаком Скаром за трон. Али пре него што Симба успе да заузме место које му припада у „Кругу живота“, он одраста са своја два пријатеља који воле забаву, мудрим меркатом Тимоном и смрдљивом брадавичастом свињом Пумбом. Заједно подучавају Симбу својој животној филозофији, "Хакуна Матата" (Без бриге). Заснован на Дизнијевом филму из 1994. и књизи Роџера Алерса и Ирен Меки, мјузикл укључује песму „Цан Иоу Феел тхе Лове Тонигхт“ награђену Оскаром. Додатне песме су Ханс Зиммер, Лебо М, Марк Манцина и Јаи Рифкин. Ова визуелна гозба позната је по комплексној фузији животиње-лутке-људи режисерке Џули Тејмор и воли је публика свих узраста.
Minskoff Theatre
See Lion King on Broadway
The Lion King
The Lion King musical tells the Hamlet-like tale of Simba, prince of African lions, who battles his evil Uncle Scar for the throne. But before Simba can take his rightful place in the "Circle of Life", he grows up with his two fun-loving friends, wisecracking meerkat Timon and smelly warthog Pumbaa. Together they teach Simba their philosophy of life, "Hakuna Matata" (No Worries). Based on the 1994 Disney film, and book by Roger Allers and Irene Mecchi, the musical includes the Oscar-winning song "Can You Feel the Love Tonight." Additional songs are by Hans Zimmer, Lebo M, Mark Mancina and Jay Rifkin. This visual feast is famous for director Julie Taymor's complex animal-puppet-human fusion, and is loved by audiences of all ages.
Minskoff Theatre
See Lion King on Broadway
The Lion King
The Lion King musical tells the Hamlet-like tale of Simba, prince of African lions, who battles his evil Uncle Scar for the throne. But before Simba can take his rightful place in the "Circle of Life", he grows up with his two fun-loving friends, wisecracking meerkat Timon and smelly warthog Pumbaa. Together they teach Simba their philosophy of life, "Hakuna Matata" (No Worries). Based on the 1994 Disney film, and book by Roger Allers and Irene Mecchi, the musical includes the Oscar-winning song "Can You Feel the Love Tonight." Additional songs are by Hans Zimmer, Lebo M, Mark Mancina and Jay Rifkin. This visual feast is famous for director Julie Taymor's complex animal-puppet-human fusion, and is loved by audiences of all ages.
Minskoff Theatre
See Lion King on Broadway
The Lion King
The Lion King musical tells the Hamlet-like tale of Simba, prince of African lions, who battles his evil Uncle Scar for the throne. But before Simba can take his rightful place in the "Circle of Life", he grows up with his two fun-loving friends, wisecracking meerkat Timon and smelly warthog Pumbaa. Together they teach Simba their philosophy of life, "Hakuna Matata" (No Worries). Based on the 1994 Disney film, and book by Roger Allers and Irene Mecchi, the musical includes the Oscar-winning song "Can You Feel the Love Tonight." Additional songs are by Hans Zimmer, Lebo M, Mark Mancina and Jay Rifkin. This visual feast is famous for director Julie Taymor's complex animal-puppet-human fusion, and is loved by audiences of all ages.
Minskoff Theatre
See Lion King on Broadway
The Lion King
The Lion King musical tells the Hamlet-like tale of Simba, prince of African lions, who battles his evil Uncle Scar for the throne. But before Simba can take his rightful place in the "Circle of Life", he grows up with his two fun-loving friends, wisecracking meerkat Timon and smelly warthog Pumbaa. Together they teach Simba their philosophy of life, "Hakuna Matata" (No Worries). Based on the 1994 Disney film, and book by Roger Allers and Irene Mecchi, the musical includes the Oscar-winning song "Can You Feel the Love Tonight." Additional songs are by Hans Zimmer, Lebo M, Mark Mancina and Jay Rifkin. This visual feast is famous for director Julie Taymor's complex animal-puppet-human fusion, and is loved by audiences of all ages.
Show 7 више заустављања
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All sales are final. No refund is available for cancellations.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (476)
Feb 2025
Great performance but the venue was soooooooo hot! Like sickly hot. Definitely nearly Passed out with due to the heat.
Jan 2025
Choreography and music was awesome. Costumes was really good and the show was as good as the movie. Definitely a great show.
David E
Dec 2024
Great show and performance. Highly recommend. Really reasonable too. Well worth it . Quick to enter too. Staff were very helpful and cheerful.

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