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Једини доживљај џипа који возите ВИ у Колораду

Нативе Јеепс нуди вођене, прилагођене џипове авантуре на живописним планинским путевима изван Денвера, у округу Цлеар Цреек, Колорадо.<бр><бр>Ми смо једина дозвољена компанија за обилазак џипа са активним операцијама у округу Цлеар Цреек! Такође, ми смо ЈЕДИНА Јееп тоур компанија која ВАМ дозвољава да возите возило! <бр><бр>Као такви, нудимо заиста јединствено искуство и сет експедицијских тура по стазама које одузимају дах које вам нико други неће показати. Све ово, са мање од 40 минута вожње од центра Денвера, 45 минута од Брекенриџа и мање од сат времена од Ваила!<бр><бр>Дакле, ако сте у околини у потрази за савршеним једнодневним излетом, на отвореном авантуру или чак само јединствено фотографисање на Инстаграму окружено четрнаестицом Стеновитих планина, Нативе Јеепс савршено одговара вашим плановима.
Цити: Идахо Спрингс
Mon 06 Jan
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Са почетком у $450.00
Mon 06 Jan
Са почетком у $450.00
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Возите се до висине од 13.132 стопа и уживајте у спектакуларном погледу на континентални поделе и оближње врхове од 14.000 стопа. Путујте кроз историјске градове духова, руднике и истражујте праву високу земљу знатно изнад линије дрвећа. Ви одлучујете о потешкоћи док се ми крећемо све више и више уз планину. Са мрежом путева и различитим теренима, можете бити благи или га потиснути до врха. Имајте на уму: нудимо разне стазе и ова атракција се налази само на стазама. Стазе се одлучују заједно са клијентом на основу временских услова на дан екскурзије и на основу нивоа тежине који клијент жели да одабере. Дужина - променљива у зависности од сезоне Тешкоћа – средња до тешка
Глечер Свете Марије
Глечер Свете Марије је нетакнуто, полутрајно планинско снежно поље које се налази изнад језера Свете Марије у Националној шуми Арапахо у близини пута Јенки Хил. Често описиван као најбољи џипинг округа Цлеар Цреек, Ианкее Хилл Роад је класична траверза рударских путева и стаза за џип које карактеришу стрме успоне, велике стене, испране прелазе и потпуно изазовне препреке. Лавиринт стаза које се могу истражити са различитих почетних тачака, Ианкее Хилл Роад је драгуљ у Колораду. Имајте на уму: нудимо разне стазе и ова атракција се налази само на стазама. Стазе се одлучују заједно са клијентом на основу временских услова на дан екскурзије и на основу нивоа тежине који клијент жели да одабере. Дужина – променљива Тешкоћа – умерена
Билл Мооре Лаке Траил
Језеро Билл Мооре је прелепо високо сеоско језеро које се налази на преко 11.000 стопа и окружено шумарцима јасике и борова. Пут који би изазвао већину СУВ возила, Билл Мооре Лаке може бити велики изазов са дивном наградом на крају. Имајте на уму: нудимо разне стазе и ова атракција се налази само на стазама. Стазе се одлучују заједно са клијентом на основу временских услова на дан екскурзије и на основу нивоа тежине који клијент жели да одабере. Дужина - 4,5 миље Тешкоћа – умерена до тешка
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Коментара (48)
Eva T
Aug 2019
We came to visit relatives from UK and were looking to do something which included all family and would be fun for kids and parents. Luckily we stumbled upon Native Jeeps, booked a tour and it was the best thing we could have done! The scenery is absolutely stunning and we were able to see so much more of the Colorado mountains as this pimped up Jeeps took us with ease thru creeks and steep rocky trails. My husband was blown away with off road driving and am pretty sure he thought he was Rambo himself while driving. The kids had a blast didn’t stop laughing for the entire time! Brandon and Alma were excellent guides super friendly and very knowledgeable about Colorado and mining history. All in all amazing experience and educational too. Highly recommended and will defiantly book again when come to visit.
Jul 2019
What kind of person lives in Colorado their entire life and hasn't gone four wheeling into the mountains? Me. That's who. Now in my 50's I wanted to rectify that. Or maybe it's just my mid-life crisis kicking in. Either way I wanted to experience the mountains I view from my porch everyday in a whole new way. I contacted Native Jeeps based on the fact their equipment looked better than most other companies in the pictures I could find online and the prices looked good for what you get on the tour. We met in Idaho Springs which is only 30 minutes from my house and they gave me the keys to a beast of a Jeep. I don't know much about Jeeps but it seemed like a new vehicle, that thing was sweet. Surprisingly this 4-wheel monster was easy to drive. My group in our Jeep followed the Native Jeeps guide Branden in his Jeep up the highway to nearby Empire Colorado. That's where the black top ended and the real fun began. We chose to take an intermediate tour since I had never done this before nor had anyone else in our 4 person group. Brandon led the way in his Jeep and kept in close contact via a walkie-talkie they provided. As we worked our way up the mountain the terrain became a bit more challenging but after 15 minutes or so I really got the hang of the Jeep. Not one time did I ever feel in danger or as if I was in over my head. In fact I was loving every second. Driving this 4-wheeler was 100 times better than any ride at any amusement park. It's amazing what these tricked out Jeeps can handle. Nothing can stop them. Branden had a really calm approach as he stepped me through some of the trickier parts of the trail. When we reached the summit there was a pristine lake with water as clear as glass. So we took pics for Facebook as is customary and mandatory according to my wife. On the way back down Branden asked if I wanted less instruction to see if I could maneuver the Jeep in the line I wanted. Of course this was a challenge I jumped at because at this point I was hooked! We worked our way down the mountain on a different trail than we used going up which was cool because we got to see so much of the gorgeous Colorado views. By the time we got to the bottom I was already thinking of how fun it would be to go on another tour. Our group consisted of me, my wife, my son and his wife and we have been talking about it ever since. It really will provide a great memory for our family.
Jul 2019
My wife and I were looking to do some 4x4, off-roading near Denver. We found a new company that did Jeep tours and, although they did not have many reviews, they seemed nice on the phone, so we decided to go with them. We’ve done off-roading with other companies in the past several years, and often times their vehicles are old, and not that capable, and their guides/instructors aren’t all that well-informed. That was definitely not the case with Native Jeeps. Branden and Alma knew a lot about Colorado, mining, and local towns and their history. Their commentary during our time on the trails was informative and filled with humorous anecdotes. Their jeeps were sweet. Top-of-the-line Rubicons with huge tires and all the bells and whistles to tackle any obstacle. Definitely the nicest vehicles we’ve ever driven! My wife is less experienced, so Branden and Alma provided her with more technical driving instruction and they were able to pick trails that were challenging for her, but not overwhelming. I am a little more experienced off-road, so they provided just enough driving tips to make me a better driver and utilize the full-benefits of the Rubincon. They were able to find more challenging terrain for me, and taught me some new things about the Rubicon’s special abilities. If you are looking to spend a morning, or all day, doing some 4x4 off-roading near Denver, I would highly recommend Native Jeeps. My wife and I will definitely be back. Branden and Alma already have some more challenging trails in mind for us and have promised us some stream crossings and steeper ascents. We can’t wait to get back with Native Jeeps!

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