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Турнеја Оригинал Гхостс оф Виллиамсбург

Да ли сте икада пожелели да ноћу прошетате улицама историјског града и откријете његове скривене тајне? Затим дозволите нашим стручним приповедачима да вас воде у шетњи уз свеће кроз колонијални Вилијамсбург, док деле многе чудне приче и догађаје из другог света који су се дешавали током година.<бр><бр>Са 30 година искуства, ми смо # Вирџиније 1 и најстарија Гхост Тоур и акумулирали су најбоље приче и локалне легенде које су се преносиле кроз године.<бр><бр>Наша тура од 90 минута ходања, изведена у формату истините приче, одлична је забава за све узрасте и има нешто за ваше цела породица за уживање!
Цити: Виллиамсбург
Mon 30 Sep
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Mon 30 Sep
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Колеџ Вилијама и Мери
Да ли сте икада пожелели да ноћу прошетате улицама историјског града и откријете његове скривене тајне? Затим дозволите нашим стручним приповедачима да вас воде у шетњи уз свеће кроз колонијални Вилијамсбург, док деле многе чудне приче и догађаје из другог света који су се дешавали током година. Са 30 година искуства, ми смо број 1 и најстарија Гхост Тоур у Вирџинији и акумулирали смо најбоље приче и локалне легенде које су се преносиле годинама. Изведена у формату истините приче, наша пешачка тура од 90 минута је одлична забава за све узрасте и има у чему да ужива цела ваша породица!
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (400)
Apr 2021
My husband and I decided to go on a ghost tour of Colonial Williamsburg while on our trip and we had a really great time! Randy, our tour guide, was a very engaging storyteller and knowledgeable about the history. The streets were quiet, dark, and perfect for the ghost stories he shared. I only wished the lady in the yellow dress could have joined us on our tour. We would happily go again!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2021
We woukd love for you to come and see us again! All of our tours feature different stories visit theghosttour.com for options! Thanks for taking the time to review your experience!
Apr 2021
The Original Ghosts of Williamsburg was supposed to be a fun evening activity, and one that I had been curious to try after many years of seeing groups walking around at night with their lanterns. We had a good experience with the Colonial Williamsburg ghost tour--it was interesting and entertaining--and we did another fun ghost tour in Savannah. This, however, was sub-par on the entertainment, misleading on the history, and remarkably tone deaf in an era (and a place) that I would expect more from. When the tour began, there was some of the usual "Where y'all from" banter, and some inaccurate history about the book that inspired the tour (it was published in the 80s, not the 90s) before we were told to head toward our first stop at William & Mary, a statue of a colonial governor "that's only still here because it had NOTHING to do with the confederacy." Really? You're going there? Kind of like my interracial marriage is only here because it has nothing to do with the confederacy? But okay, it's not like I haven't been offended before. About 30 minutes in, we were still in the same vicinity, and still hearing a prolonged story about the President's House that relied on our guide's jump scares because it had no real details. ("They have their first lady president, and she's doing real well despite it all.") Then the trouble really began as we moved over to the Brafferton and began hearing about William & Mary's most famous ghost, a young Indian boy who died while at the colonial-era Indian School. I knew this was coming, because I've heard the tale multiple times. What I didn't expect was it to be told as a perfectly reasonable scenario--the Indian kids were taken from their families and locked up in the Brafferton, our guide said. "Well and good, well and good... except that this one boy found a way to get out and head back to his reservation every night." Do I need to point out how many things are wrong with that? After multiple "well and goods" for atrocities, more references to native lands as reservations, and a cringey mention of tom tom drums, we had enough. It had been over 45 minutes and we were still in the College Yard, bored and somewhat offended. We chalked this tour up as a loss, and took a nice walk on our own that was far more enjoyable. I have no idea why this tour has so many good reviews, unless they trotted out Nearly Headless Nick or Moaning Myrtle after we left.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2021
We , at The Original Ghost Tour, were both shocked and saddened by this review. After an investigation we have determined that these allegations are both false and slanderous. We do know that undercover guides troll our tours from time to time. We are living in a time of change, moving forward and should be supporting each other instead of falsely insinuating that our tour is racist or prejudicial in any way. Such false allegations are punishable by law and will not be tolerated.. To answer your question our tour has amazing reviews because our guides are educated on the history of the area, personable, and provide a good product. We regret that you feel the need to create falsehoods for whatever reason. Remember trying to cast a shadow on someone else's light will not make yours shine brighter.
Apr 2021
The stories were cheesy and overdone. We ended up leaving early after 30 minutes. Was hoping that it would hold my interest longer.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2021
We regret that you did not enjoy your experience. Thank you for taking the time to review your experience,

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