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Шетња вештица у Салему

Придружите нам се на Салемској шетњи вештица за једину магичну турнеју у Салему. Дочекаће вас праве вештице и учествоваће у правом магичном кругу. Ви ћете седети у нашој Магичној башти и ми ћемо вас образовати о савременом вештичарству и историји оптужених вештица из 1692. Добићете магичну торбу са купонима за попуст, едукативним информацијама и брошурама и о свакој жртви укључујући посебан благослов то ћемо учинити на Меморијалу суђења вештицама где можете да позовете и свој виши. Сви наши гости добијају магични поклон који је благословила Салемова позната љубавна видовњакиња Лорелеи, власница Салемске шетње вештица и Цров Хавен Цорнер-а - најстарије продавнице вештица у Салему! Имамо и воду и мало слаткиша за вашу шетњу. Ваши високо образовани лиценцирани туристички водичи се радују сусрету са вама за ово јединствено искуство!
Цити: Салем
Thu 07 Nov
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Са почетком у $30.00
Thu 07 Nov
Са почетком у $30.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се за путници са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима у трудноћи<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли> ли><ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно
Шта да очекујете
Шетња вештица у Салему
На почетку турнеје ћемо бацити Магични круг вештица да покажемо шта праве вештице раде и подигнемо енергију за благослов. Затим ћемо кренути у шетњу кроз историјски Салем Масачусетс. Зауставићемо се на гробљу Олд Буриинг Поинт у Салему где ћемо извршити благослов за погрешно оптужене. Затим се неколико заустављамо у граду да разговарамо о правим вештицама из Салема и њиховим праксама. Покрићемо вештице сабате (празници) и есбате (обреде пуног месеца), основне принципе веровања и праксе вештице из Салема. Сви они који крену у обилазак добиће попуст у Цров Хавен Цорнер-у, који је најстарија продавница вештица у Северној Америци.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Oct 2021
We enjoyed a GREAT experience with Charlotte as our tour guide on the Salem Witch Walk. Charlotte is engaging, knowledgeable and lots of fun. We’ve taken other tours in Salem and this one is by far the BEST! A must do.
Oct 2021
I was really disappointed in the actual walk, and here’s why… not enough information was given during the walk which is why I took the walk. Our tour guide only briefly talked about sites along the way and was more apt to talk/joke with a few Hispanic women in the tour, leaving everyone else out of the loop (I know minimal Spanish so was able to follow along a bit), but there were others who just walked off the tour. The other thing, which really annoyed me was that 90% of the walk, she said “meow” over and over again, and encouraged us to repeat her. Her phrase “Who says ‘meow’? Perverts! Who doesn’t say ‘meow’? Prudes!” was said over and over again, encouraging the group to repeat her, and she said it to every person or group we walked by. I found out later that night that she was doing that on an afternoon tour when my great aunt and mom walked by her tour group. Once or twice is totally ok for fun, but when your entire walk is this an not much about the town or magical things, it was quite disappointing. Another thing that was discouraging is when she was talking about poppets and how they are made for only good. I had a question for her, but she nearly skipped away with two other group members in her arms and it took just about everything except yelling to get her attention. When I did finally ask my question, she was very rude in answering me, almost snapping at me for asking a question, and went off on her jolly way with her new “friends”. So the only reason I’m giving this 2 stars and not 1 star is that the magical ceremony she did at the end of the tour was very enlightening and I really enjoyed it. Would I do this tour again or recommend it? Absolutely not.
Oct 2021
Two of my best friends and I did The Salem Witch walk Wednesday as every year we try something new in Salem around this time. Our scheduled time was 11am but due to having a hard time finding parking, we were late and missed the meet at the store. The staff was very accommodating and rescheduled us for the 3pm meet. 3pm rolled around and we checked in after being greeted by Charlotte. Now, I can’t speak for my friends but I’ve always felt as though some of the tours in Salem were a little more “touristy”, and just a way to make money, but fun nonetheless, which is the reason I continue to go, but this experience was completely different. This walk was the real deal. We started off in the garden and were educated on the background, history and purpose of witchcraft, which to my surprise wasn’t at all what I thought (stupid Hollywood *eye roll*). We went on to start our walk thru Salem and not only did Charlotte continue educating us throughout the walk, but damn was she funny. She added her own little twists and commentary rather than just being boring and “keeping it to the script”. Feeling the way I’ve felt about the tours in Salem, I don’t know if I gave the energy off as a non believer, because I was 1 of 15 other people in this group, but at some point Charlotte stopped, turned around, and asked for my hand and did a quick palm reading, and holy sh*t was she spot on about everything. Not only was she spot on but she brought up things no one would have known, and a few details that were too specific to have just guessed by looking at me. This woman is the real deal, and the experience as a whole was so educational and enlightening (and just FUN overall), it sparked a whole new interest in me and desire to know more. I’ll definitely be back in the future with more people I think will benefit from the experience, and I hope our witch guide will be Charlotte when I return.

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