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Ултимате Лас Вегас Фигхт Тоур

Ова јединствена, 3-сатна турнеја путује кроз свет мешовитих борилачких вештина (ММА) и професионалног бокса, пружајући ретку прилику да откријете кроз шта пролазе врхунски борци пре него што уђу у ринг или кавез. Посетите четири врхунска објекта за обуку и имајте прилику да фотографишете, купите ексклузивну робу за теретану, а можда чак и комуницирате са неким омиљеним борцима.
Цити: лас Вегас
Mon 23 Sep
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Са почетком у $179.00
Mon 23 Sep
Са почетком у $179.00
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца млађа од 18 мора бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Имајте на уму: теретане могу бити затворене без претходне најаве. Алтернативне локације могу бити замењене по нахођењу локалних оператера
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Коментара (121)
Nov 2016
The Vegas fight tour was excellent from start to finish with a very knowledgeable tour guide talking us through every moment of the way, also answering any questions asked. We took our time looking around 4 gyms in total taking photos along the way and even meeting trainers/fighters; whilst finishing in the famous Mayweather Boxing Club which we were able to stand and watch fighters train for around 20 minutes. Definitely worth doing and recommend it to anyone interested in combat sport.
Oct 2016
I most say that this was excellent tour Irv is the man, he was very knowledgeable about the city of Las Vegas and about the gym's we visited. the next time I come to Las Vegas I will be taking the Vegas Fight Tour again and I will have more friends with me.
Oct 2016
Started off the day in the mall looking for the Las Vegas Fight Shop. Once we had we got there we browsed around the phenomenal collection of signed and branded goods and memorabilia for sale while waiting for the tour guides to arrive (my other half was so keen to be there on time that we were super early). Once they had arrived they gave us a laminated pass and lanyard and 5 of us were lead downstairs out the mall and into a private blacked out party bus. Dean, our tour guide was the BEST! He was so super knowledgeable, and very clearly passionate and loves all aspects of the fighting scene, he was able to chat and discuss various aspects and on goings of the fighting world as well as ensure we didn't miss a single thing while driving around, pointing out some of Vegas' hidden gems and things we should check out while we were there. We visited 4 of the local gyms, Randy Couture's Xtreme Couture, Johnny Tocos, Mayweather Boxing Club, and Wand Fight Team. As someone who has very basic knowledge on boxing and MMA, I found the whole trip totally fascinating, my other half is a huge fan of both boxing and MMA, so the in detail descriptions and behind the scenes knowledge that Dean provided blew him away. The knowledge of the surrounding areas and how these gym's came to be was brilliant, Dean was even telling us about the local graffiti artists around Johnny Toco's as well as all the boxing talk too. All in all, I would say if you have a fighting fan in the family, do not miss this. If you aren't a fighting fan but enjoy an educational insight into the world of sports, also do not miss this. Dean - you were amazing, hope the next tour are lucky enough to have you as their guide! At the end, all tour participants get 10% off the fight shop memorabilia as well as a free t shirt from a pre selected rail of shirts (these are older sale rail items but hey its a free tshirt and maybe you'll find a great one!) we ended up with a signed Conor McGregor picture and glove which were not free... well it was my boyfriends 30th I suppose! Enjoy the tour!!

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