Bobby Lucetta was the guide on our Vegas Mob Tour. The thing you should know about Bobby is that he is a great raconteur. Now a raconteur is not like a racketeer, except only sometimes. But here it means Bobby is great for telling stories, the kind that keep you wanting to know what happens next. He is not melodramatic. He does not pretend to be someone he is not. He just talks like some guy you meet in a diner or a bar where wise guys hang out, and for some reason he takes a liking to you and wants to give you the real deal about stuff you read in the papers or saw in movies.
And he really does that. It is not just ice and water in his glass, he has the real stuff. He has done his homework. Two hours with Bobby will give you an education, only he does it so smoothly you never know it is happening. You are enjoying yourself too much.
So if you take the Mob Tour, like you ought to, ask for Bobby Lucetta. You will like him. He's a good fella.