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Тхеодоре Роосевелт Инаугурал Натионал Хисторицал Сите Улаз и обилазак са водичем

Доживите необичну инаугурацију Теодора Рузвелта 1901. као никада раније. Уз комбинацију историјски рестаурираних соба и интерактивних експоната, осећаћете се као да сте део догађаја тог судбоносног септембра, док добијате нови поглед на проблеме са којима се Рузвелт суочио током свог председништва.
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Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
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Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Буффало<бр>641 Делаваре Аве,
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за сви нивои физичке кондиције<ли>Бесплатан паркинг ван улице је доступан иза ТР Сите-а и доступан је са Делаваре Авенуе или Франклин Стреет<ли>Маске за лице потребне су водичима на јавним местима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом
Шта да очекујете
Инаугурално национално историјско место Теодора Рузвелта
Закорачите у прошлост и у свет који је Теодор Рузвелт познавао, кроз моћно, импресивно искуство погледа, звука и интеракције. Прошетајте куда је ходао, видите и чујте изазове са којима се суочавао и стекните осећај како је било водити нашу нацију у тако кључном периоду у њеној историји. То је зора новог века. Милиони људи путују у Бафало, Њујорк, да би се придружили прослави Панамеричког излагања 1901. Можда ћете се окушати у игри Цаптаинс оф Индустри и видети да ли имате шта је потребно да управљате послом из раног 20. века. Или ћете можда окренути ручицу кинетоскопа да погледате филмски снимак из периода. Без обзира шта одаберете, сигурно ћете осетити узбуђење и оптимизам земље на челу иновација. Након обиласка са водичем, имате прилику да сами учите из прошлости и видите колико је историја релевантна у вашем животу узимајући у обзир изазове и могућности које иста питања представљају данас.
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Коментара (50)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Jun 2019
The site is cool for an hour's visit. There is a great exhibit on the Pan Am Exposition of 1902 that you can look at either after your tour or while you wait. You have to take a tour if you want to see inside of the house. Props to the site for being fully handicap accessible. The tour is meh. You "step back in time" and are given the tour as if you are living at that time. It starts off with a video. Then you move into the dining room of the house before listening to a recording/viewing photos that correspond to the audio. Then you move into the room TR was inaugurated in where a recording plays of the inauguration happening. Then you move into the dining room. All the way up until the dining room, not a single fact was mentioned about the actual house. I found myself going on Wiki to look some facts up (the guide at one point said we were in the time machine so they couldn't take any questions until we were done). Instead of pretending to walk back in time, I would have rather learned what I was looking at. I didn't learn much about TR from this site either. The NPS system was barely mentioned, and his faults were highly avoided. I got to see the site, but the historical context and history lesson were missing from the tour. I would have much rather walked around the house at my own pace and been chaperoned than have to watch/listen to these videos that were fillers. In sum: see the house, but Wiki before you go.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2019
I regret that you were obviously expecting a more "traditional" historic house tour, but we purposely determined not to be, as you referred to it, a "meh" historic house museum, interpreting the house and furnishings. When we reinvented the Inaugural Site 10 years ago, we focused on five issues that had to have been on Roosevelt's mind the afternoon he took the oath of office, consequential throughout his presidency, and no less relevant today than they were 118 years ago. I apologize if the guide didn't point you in the direction of our interactive kiosks in our Exploration Room where you could have spent time learning about the history of the house, the furnishings, the Pan-Am Exposition, and the life and presidency of Theodore Roosevelt. You would have been the recipient of much more germane material than I'm afraid a wiki would have provided. I would also suggest that if you had engaged with our interactive Portrait Gallery in our President's Office, you would have discovered quite a bit about Roosevelt and his presidency, warts and all. For instance, even though Roosevelt extended an invitation to Booker T Washington to dine at the White House while in Buffalo following the swearing-in, Roosevelt was by no means an egalitarian when it came to the races. The interactive exhibit speaks of Roosevelt's belief that blacks were inferior as a race and also highlighted the Brownsville incident. Lastly, with respect to mention of the NPS, we speak more about the support we receive from our Western New York community. This National Historic Site is unlike any other NPS facility in the country in that the 1966 enabling legislation which created the Site also created the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site Foundation which is legislatively charged with the management, maintenance, operations, planning, and interpretation of the Site. There are no federal employees here and approximately 60% of our annual operating budget is the direct result of the generosity of the community. I'm hoping this gives you a more complete view of why we do things the way we do here at the Site. It has allowed us to double our annual visitation to nearly 30,000 and to be ranked #5 among all destinations here in the Buffalo area, according to TripAdvisor.com Stanton H Hudson Jr. Executive Director Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site
Jun 2019
My family was visiting from out of town. This tour includes a great deal of information from 1901 when the Pan American Exhibition was held in Buffalo. You learn a great deal about the past history of Buffalo which is very interesting. The tour guide was fantastic and the displays are state of the art along with the house being in pristine condition to enjoy!
May 2019
First off, let me say that Teddy Roosevelt is my favorite President and it was really cool to tour this building. HOWEVER, I don't think people should be charged to get in to National Park Historic sites. OUR GOVERNMENT needs to fund these sites and have free public access. That being said, on to the tour..... My husband and I arrived about 40 minutes before the next tour was to begin so we spent that time browsing the small gift shop and looking around. When it came time for our tour, the Guide introduced herself and it began with a short video. We were guided through the dining area of the home and then went into another room to watch another video. We were then led into the living room area where TR took the oath of office. We were then led upstairs to a hallway with a few wall exhibits and another room that had a replica Presidential desk. The cool thing about this is that if you sit at the desk and type on the virtual typewriter, you can get your picture taken at the desk and emailed to you. That was really cool! Overall, I found the Guide to be knowledgeable and polite. We had a good time here.

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