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Тихуана Цити и шопинг излет из Сан Дијега

Овај једнодневни излет у Мексико је обавезан за јефтине купце, љубитеље мексичке кухиње или оне који желе да виде знаменитости као што су Стара арена за бикове, Авенија хероја и Плаза Рио. То је само кратка вожња од Сан Дијега, али осетићете да сте ушли у други свет када напустите Сједињене Државе и уђете у Мексико.
Цити: Сан Диего
Thu 07 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $109.00
Thu 07 Nov
Са почетком у $109.00
Шта је укључено
5-сатни излет до Тихуане, Мексико
Превоз климатизованим аутобусом
Традиционална мексичка ужина
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли> Важне информације:<ли>Држављани САД и Канаде: морате понети пасош за поновни улазак у Сједињене Државе.<ли>Ван САД Грађани: морате понети пасош. Можда ћете морати да покажете И-94, визу за више улазака или резидентну картицу за странце за поновни улазак у Сједињене Државе. Морате потврдити и добити све услове за визу пре преласка границе. Сви услови за визу су искључива одговорност путника<ли>Молимо вас да потврдите преузимање хотела најмање 48 сати пре обиласка
Шта да очекујете
Посетићемо Тихуану и имаћемо време за куповину у граду
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (151)
Jul 2017

This trip is waist of your 65 dollars, I think the only thing that was positive about the trip is the decreased time it took to get over the boarder. Our tour guide and van driver were very pleasant. The guide did not tell us a lot about the history he took us to get tequila shots and to a resturant for free taco's which was the worse thing I have ever tasted. He showed us were we could shop for about 1 1/2 hours than back on the bus and home. Tijuana is nice in the area he took us to an I felt very safe, I was by myself on this trip but if I had my husband with me I would not have paid the money. It can be done with your own car, the only deterrent will be the time you spend at the boarder.

Sandra K
Jul 2017

We travel 20.07.2017
Pick up was late, they send UBER driver to pick up us from Hotel, after few calls.
Departure was also delayed.Visit , shopping catastrophy.
We visited Tequila shop , and eated two cheap tacos.
In stead of 5 hours visit it was three hours running in city. from 15hrs to 18 hrs
Crossing border on way back takes 1 hour.
Arrival from Mexico on bus station no any service from agency, no drop off!
Driver speaking Spanglish is difficult to communicate.
We have been oblige to organize way back /taxi to hotel on our expenses.
It seems that they organizing pick on and f......k off in stead of pick on and drop off.
Be carefull , this guys sale nice trip on papers but reality is night mare!
No wrothy time and money.
Mary, Sandra and Fabjanko

Mar 2017

The driver knows his way around the town and knows which lane to drive in to get there faster. But my friend and I were expecting more when we were at Tijuana. It was just the stretch of the street we can explore and there wasn't much time to explore. It got dark quickly and if you happen to go make sure you know where he wants you to meet back. Although the street is one street pretty much you are exploring, all the stores sell the same stuff. Everything looks similar the store front, the items and if you are there the first time you might be confused trying to get back. One of the people from the group didn't get back on time. The good thing was he got his cell phone turn on so the driver was able to call him. He was lost and didn't know where to get back to meet with the group back. I am not sure what the drive would have done if the person phone wasn't on and we couldn't find him. Overall, the driver was nice and friendly.

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