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Погледајте наше рецензије! Ово је искуство које се не нуди као било које друго и не може се доживети на исти начин сами. Посетите више дестилерија...не само једну! Направили смо ову турнеју да бисмо поделили нашу страст према локалним (МАЛОГ БИЗНИС) локацијама за производњу луне и вина! <бр><бр>Људи воле ову турнеју јер ћете је посетити као пријатељи! Од приватних ВИП бекстејџа до узорковања, све је укључено!<бр><бр>Показаћу вам фотографије из стварног живота и улазак иза кулиса где људи не могу да оду. На свим локацијама које посећујемо бићете третирани као ВИП гости. <бр><бр>Током наше шетње имаћемо неколико стајалишта на којима ћемо проћи кроз забавну (НЕ СУВУ) историју и посластице мјесечине и наравно причати о томе "како су то радили стари".<бр <бр>Ова тура ће бити пуна акције пуна 3 сата колико сте са мном са циљем да пробате различита вина и преко 15 различитих укуса свих доказа, па чак и коктел од месечине!
Цити: Гатлинбург
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $48.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $48.00
Шта је укључено
Ваша куповина улазнице укључује дегустације на свакој локацији коју посетимо уз посебан коктел од месечине!
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли> Све области и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Не препоручује се за особе које не могу да ходају умереним темпом за најмање 0,7 миља <ли>Не препоручује се особама које не могу да стоје до 3 сата<ли>Не препоручује се особама које путују са особама млађим од 21 године<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфицирано високо -саобраћајне површине<ли>Водичи обавезни да редовно перу руке
Шта да очекујете
Теннессее Схине Цомпани - Гатлинбург
Овде ћемо имати невероватну дегустацију од укуса који се крећу од 35 прооф креме на бази све до 135 прооф 'офф тхе стилл' моонсхине.
Винарија Мали медвед
После кратке шетње, идемо до НЕВЕРОВАТНЕ винарије где ћете имати истинско ВИП искуство и пробати много различитих врста вина.
Сугарландс Дистиллинг Цомпани
Наша последња станица ће укључивати ексклузивни обилазак радне дестилерије иза кулиса од доброг водича. Ако то није довољно добро, пружићемо нашим гостима прилику да пробају праве коктеле од мјесечине. После тога ћемо обавити последњу дегустацију лета на месечини. То је искуство које се не сме пропустити
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (386)
Nov 2022
The fact that we could walk right into the distillerys and winery and not have to wait was awesome. There were long lines at each of the three establishments and I'm told it wasn't even a busy night!
Nov 2022
The whole trip was fantastic. So much better then we could have hoped. Jenn was the best hostess we've had on these type of tours. We would do it again! These tours are always great when doing them with a group.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Thank you so much for your kind words!! So glad you enjoyed your trip and we hope to host you again!
Oct 2022
While the over priced tour is just that, we could have paid less to walk to these three places on our own…the drinks were tasty. However, we did witness Jenn be very rude to other customers in the establishments we visited. Our VIP pins got us in and passed other waiting customers, but when they asked why we were all passing Jenn told them that if they were just going to complain they should just leave. I was mortified and embarrassed. How you treat others, especially those that are not paying you speaks volumes about character.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
No business wants a bad review, especially a small mom/pop one that truly loves what they do. However, one as outlandish as this one is very unfortunate but easily dismissed by the reader. Based on the date of the review, I believe this person was not on our tour but upset and agitated with our group because of our service. This person was convinced we skipped her in the cocktail line which we tiredly explained it wasn’t the case and just one person ordering for a bunch. Jennifer orders all of the cocktails for her group at once so they don’t have to wait. So Jennifer ordered for 13 people. This made this person very upset. Jennifer tried explaining to her what she as doing and the lady was so mean to her. One of the other people in her group even said the lady was going to leave a negative review and felt bad for her. You can tell by the way the review sounds that this person did not go on our tour. Malicious reviews are unfortunate but our clients will see right thru it. I would recommend anyone to take the time and read all of the reviews about Jennifer. You cannot hide the “character” this review speaks about. So it should show up somewhere else. So in the 5 years of doing this experience, this is the ONLY review that calls Jennifer anything less then one of the best people they ever met. Even a review that may not liked the tour still LOVED Jennifer so easily can tell this person did not go with us. My wife is the most sanguine and introverted person you will ever meet. almost to a fault. In 25 years ive never heard Jennifer be rude to a single sole, much less a stranger. If you wont listen to want someone is saying and trying to help you understand, its unfortunate. People that say they “can do it on their own” typically would not book our tour (i.e - like this person. LOL. This tour, as countless reviews state, focus on giving you an elevated experience over what you CAN do on your own. Focusing on things such as dedicated space, reservations at locations, skipping the lines (which this review even mentioned but didnt like line skipping), meeting people from the moonshine show (when they are in town), exclusive discounts, cocktails, learning about the history, carrying your purchases for you, and so much more. Lines can be very very long in Gatlinburg. The review even mentions that. We “skip” the line because our group has reservations. Something they do exclusively for us. Unfortunately, this can make some people waiting upset. I guarantee they wouldn’t give up their reservation at a restaurant just because there was a long walk in line. Skipping the lines is a perk of the tour. This review actually proves it. In previous reviews we are very transparent with our costs we pay to host our tour per person (not counting operating costs and childcare). The price of our tour ranges from $46-$48 per person. $28 of the price of the “ticket” goes directly to entry fees/drinks/tips, etc. to the establishments and bartenders, we pay the 9.75% sales tax off of the purchase price, and of course TripAdvisor takes 20% off the top. Here is what we pay/make per person - $48 - $3.20 - $6.40 - $28 = $10.40. That means you are paying your guide slightly over $10 per person to get you VIP treatment at these locations, exclusive discounts,dedicated entry spots, and much more for over 3 hours where you can just be on autopilot and let us navigate the most visited town in the region. If you were to “do it on your own” the likelihood of going to the same places, in the same amount of time, and meeting the same people who do things special only for our tour is zero. And if your purchasing anything, our discounts, exclusive to us, really tip the cost in your favor.

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