$50 to have my 9 year old son pegged in the face by an EMPLOYEE. My son spent most of his time playing dodgeball until he was playing and got the employee (who shouldn't have been playing at all) and another older boy (maybe 15-16) out, they were the last two so the employee should have ended the game and restarted but instead the employee and teenager decided to spent the next 10 minutes chucking balls as hard as they could at my son's face. I saw that the employee was acting immature and participating in the aggressive horseplay it is his job to stop so I told my son to come on out. That was when a ball slammed into my son's face causing his nose to bleed. The ball hit him so hard that it caused him to bleed so bad that in the 100 feet we walked to get something to stop the bleeding he filled his cupped hands, my shirt, his shirt and left a solid trail of blood on the floor. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a mom who knows accidents happen, kids get hurt, that's life. But what I do expect is that if someone is being paid to oversee and help keep my kid safe, that he does his job not participate in harming him. If this employee is not mature enough to separate his job and his immature competitive need to "win" he needs a new job. I will say the manager was excellent and handled the situation the best he could. He apologized, gave my son a water bottle, a shirt to replace his blood covered one and calmed me down because I was seeing red. But I don't know if that's enough, accidents happen but it is their responsibility to hire capable employees. He didn't even get to finish his time I paid for, guess I'll just hope it's not broken.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2020
Thank you for reaching out! We looked into this serious issue by pulling all of the video surveillance to ensure that the "employee" at fault was reprimanded. It has come to our attention that none of our staff was involved, rather it was a random guest. We extend our sincerest apologies that you and your son experienced this issue during your visit. We have strict rules in place to ensure the safety of our guests, however, sometimes accidents do still happen.