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Цити: Пенсацола
Mon 13 Jan
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Mon 13 Jan
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Го Ретро
Путници могу преузети и друге туре које нуди Го Ретро на овој локацији.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (60)
Mar 2020
Our tour involved a pre-recorded narration that did not sync with our tour. Although the driver stopped and started the recording, it was hard to determine where exactly we were. In some cases the driver had to pull over and wait for the recording to catch up or had to point out the landmark after the recording discussed it. I’ve never been on a pre-recorded tour before and I think a live narrator who was in sync with the driver would be much better.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2020
Thanks for your feedback. Usually the driver is able to sync everything with the route, but at times construction and traffic impede that.
Feb 2020
Especially enjoyed the narrated video. The driver did an excellent job of getting us to the places of interest in sync with the video. He also added some things to the narration. Great way to get an historical perspective on Pensacola.
Feb 2020
I have never been on a tour where the operator did not speak. The whole tour was from a video that played in the bus. The video was not in-sync with the various "landmarks". The highlight was a stop at the visitors center. We did not ride in a "retro vehicle", we rode in passenger van with a leaky air conditioner. The driver kept riding over the curbs! One of the "landmarks" was a vacant parking lot with a ten minute video about a local christian college. Overall a very disappointing tour. Would not recommend for anyone.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
In the state of Florida, the driver is not allowed to drive and talk at the same time. This is for passengers' safety. Clearly, you did not read the website, which describes what the company does and that the Retro vehicle isn't always available. The driver had to use the larger vehicle because there were so many passengers. Downtown streets can be very tight--sorry the driver hit a curb or two and was not as proficient in his timing; he's new. Most people are amazed about the Pensacola Christian School story--a day school that morphed into a multi-million dollar business. (All you saw was the parking lot, and you did not see or listen to the commentary.) If Go Retro were located where Jeff Bezos had begun Amazon out of his garage, I would want to drive by that. Go Retro could show a photo of what it looked like when he began it, and then you could see what it looks like today. I'm sorry Go Retro couldn't live up to your high expectations.

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