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Обилазак стазе слободе од стране Хистрионске академије је најбољи начин да видите Бостон. Упознат ћете свог водича у костимима у Бостон Цоммон-у и чути о инспиративној историји Бостона. Пратећи пут слободе поред неколико историјских места, гости ће бити задивљени причама о америчким оснивачима, америчкој револуцији и колонијалној историји Нове Енглеске. Ова пешачка тура прати стазу слободе око 1,2 миље од Бостон Цоммон-а до Фанеуил Халл-а.
Цити: Бостон
Sun 22 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $26.00
Sun 22 Sep
Са почетком у $26.00
Шта је укључено
Стручни водич
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све области и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ради у свим временским условима , обуците се прикладно
Шта да очекујете
Хистрионска академија
Упознајте свог колонијалног тумача историје у костимима 15 минута раније. Туре полазе тачно у оглашено време, тако да се касни доласци не могу прихватити.
Бостон Цоммон
Најстарији јавни парк у Америци.
Државна кућа Масачусетса
Садашња Државна кућа Масачусетса
Црква у улици Парк
Црква у којој је први пут изведена песма „Моја земља ти је“.
Гранари Буриинг Гроунд
Слушајте инспиративне и важне приче америчких очева оснивача на њиховом последњем почивалишту.
Краљева капела
Прва англиканска црква у Америци
Краљевска капела гробље
Најстарије енглеско гробље у Бостону
Бостонска латинска школа
Прва америчка јавна школа.
Статуа Бенџамина Френклина
Сазнајте више о нашем оцу оснивачу и најпознатијем студенту Бостонске латинске школе, Бенџамину Френклину.
Књижара Олд Цорнер
Најстарија комерцијална зграда у Америци. Овде је објављена „Поноћна вожња Пола Ревера“.
Олд Соутх Меетинг Хоусе
Чујте за Бостонску чајанку, где се то догодило!
Стара државна кућа
Најстарија зграда владе у Бостону.
Место масакра у Бостону
Чујте о масакру и протестима који су постали бојни поклич током америчког рата за независност.
Статуа Семјуела Адамса
Слушајте причу о Саму Адамсу
Фанеуил Халл Маркетплаце
Најпознатија историјска атракција у Бостону.
Show 12 више заустављања
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (431)
Jun 2017
The guide we had was great (I forget his name). However, the group was way too large to make this an enjoyable experience. I am 5'0 tall, and was constantly struggling to hear and to even view the guide. The number of people on this tour was astounding, and the fact that the company allowed this many people to book on one walking tour is ridiculous. Customer service when calling the company isn't great. I originally wanted to book one of the earlier tours, at either 10:00 or 11:00 AM. I checked online to ensure availability, and the website was going to let me book. However, I had to call to book because I had a groupon, and the individual I spoke with (Megan, I believe) would not allow me to book at those times, and insisted that they were full. This does not make sense, as I would have been able to book the times I wanted online if I had not had the groupon. I went ahead and booked the 2 PM tour, and I wish I hadn't. She also would not send me an email confirmation of the booking, which I like to have in case of any issues on the day of the tour. If the guide had questioned my reservation, I would have had nothing to show as confirmation, besides my Groupon, which does not specify a time or indicate that a reservation has been made. Not sure how this company has so many other positive reviews. Perhaps other folks had smaller groups. This was a miserable excuse for a tour, as I learned very little due to the size of the group. I had booked a night tour for three as well, with this same company, relying on the positive reviews I read here. After my experience with the 2 PM tour, I left early and did not stick around for the 8 PM night tour, even though I had already paid for it. I lost money on both of these tours, but I guess you live and learn. These tours are nonrefundable, so I'm out of luck and out of cash.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2018
Hello, I am sorry to hear that you did not have a satisfactory experience booking our tours. We do strictly limit our group sizes. Our reservation specialists know to stop taking new reservations when the tour reaches capacity. I'm sorry that we couldn't fit you into the tour you wanted, but we always work with people, any way we can, to find something that works for them. In this case it seems that the 2PM tour had openings, and could fit your schedule. We also apologize that the tour was too large for your liking. We find that the vast majority of guests think our group size is either small or manageable. We also offer private tours, at a higher price, for guests who don't want to be in a group with others. We're sorry you didn't want to do the 8pm ghost tour with us. We would have been glad to have you!
Allan P
Jun 2017
This walking tour of the Freedom Trail was excellent. I had thought we could do it on our own with info from guide books but our guide Caitlin Johnston brought so much more to the experience. She brought the history to life and her presentation was excellent. I can't recommend this tour highly enough. Don't miss it.
May 2017
I am very disappointed about this tour. I was really excited to learn about the Freedom Trail from a true Bostonian.... but that did not happen. The idea is nice: a local guide, dressed up and playing an historical character that really existed and explained the history of his town... unfortunately that wasn't the case. I was looking forward to a nice Boston accent... nope. The guide did not smile once; even though he was knowledgeable, he was really difficult to follow. There were about 50 or 60 people in this group. TOO MANY. And he did not make it easier... he would not follow a linear explanation of events but jump from thing to thing making it really difficult to understand the historical facts. Then he stopped at a nuts vendor... played a little sketch with this guy, just to make sure people would buy this guy's stuff... a little inappropriate! 1 and half hour wasted... if I followed my Lonely Planet guide book I would have learned more.

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