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Траиторс Цове Беар Виевинг

Исланд Вингс Аир Сервице је у власништву и под управом пилота ветерана Аљаске Мишел Масден, која је почела да лети 1977. и започела свој посао у Кетцхикану 1993. Исланд Вингс одваја време и улаже напоре да вам помогне да остварите своје снове на Аљасци. Поделите нашу љубав према летењу кроз нашу огромну дивљину Аљаске. Доживите слободу лета над дивљом величанственошћу планина, острва и бескрајног мора. У послу од 1993. године, Исланд Вингс одваја време и улаже напоре да вам помогне да остварите своје снове на Аљасци. Наш фокус је квалитет вашег искуства. Од руковања Вашом резервацијом, преко опреме којом управљамо, до места која посећујемо; ми не правимо компромисе, а не треба ни ви. Укупно време за ову турнеју је 4,25 сати укључујући: лет, три сата на лицу места у Опсерваторији за посматрање медведа Траиторс Цове и петнаест минута за преузимање и одлазак.
Цити: Ketchikan
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $499.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $499.00
Шта је укључено
Управљамо добро одржаваним флоат авионима ДеХавилланд Беавер за шест путника
Гарантована седишта до прозора за све путнике
Гласовно активиране слушалице за поништавање буке за сваког путника
Интерактивна нарација са вашим пилотом
Превоз и одлазак комбијем Исланд Вингс из бироа за посетиоце Кетцхикан на пристаништу брода за крстарење 2
Специјална употребна дозвола УС Форест Сервице за посматрање медведа у Националној шуми Тонгасс
Алл инцлусиве турнеја
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Носите вишеслојну одећу и удобне ципеле за шетњу.<ли>Сви путници МОРАЈУ да нам наведу број телефона за контакт приликом резервације или нас позову на (907) 225-2444 да потврдите време обиласка.<ли>Путници који путују бродом за крстарење МОРАЈУ да нам наведу назив свог брода за крстарење како бисмо могли да направимо одговарајуће аранжмане.
Шта да очекујете
Национална шума Тонгасс
Између 20. јула и 30. септембра можете посетити опсерваторију за посматрање медведа у ували Траиторс Цове. Летите водним авионом дуж прелепих водених путева бујне Националне шуме Тонгасс преко острва Ревилагегедо до стазе коју одржава УС Форест Сервице и платформе за посматрање медведа Маргарете Крик. Медведи се могу видети како урањају у воду која јури да би узела оброке од лососа који се витла. Ово је савршена прилика да фотографишете правог рибара Аљаске у акцији! Осим што се медведи хране, видећете и ћелаве орлове како пребирају остатке које су медведи оставили и наравно, праве звезде емисије, лососа док се боре узводно да се мресте. Ваше путовање ће пратити водич медведа Исланд Вингс који ће вам пружити информације о флори и фауни на путу. Комбинујте кратку шетњу, прелепе пејзаже и величанствено искуство дивљих животиња у једном путовању. Ово је четворосатна тура која укључује лет пловни авионом, једну миљу вожње комбијем на путу УС Форест Сервице и кратко пешачење дуж стазе до платформе за посматрање. Обавезно носите удобне ципеле за ходање и понесите доста батерија за фотоапарат! Америчка шумарска служба ограничава приступ опсерваторији Маргарете по дозволи. Као резултат тога, само мали број људи има прилику да посети ову прелепу локацију, па резервишите раније! Четворосатни обилазак медведа у ували Траиторс Цове укључује: лет од тридесет минута у оба смера и три сата у ували Траиторс Цове. Све туре укључују бесплатан копнени превоз до и од нашег пристаништа, што додаје петнаест минута до почетка и краја вашег обиласка. За ову четворосатну турнеју мораћете да издвојите укупно четири и по сата. Сезона: од 20. јула до 30. септембра.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (29)
Sep 2019
I’ve joined Traitor’s Cove bear viewing with Island Wings company with my family (my parents 65 and 66 years old, and me 36) on 11 September. I have to say that everything was perfect, from the beginning to the end! I’ve written several emails to Shona to have some informations about the tour and what to bring and she always replied me very soon. We arrived early in the morning (8:00 a.m.) at Ketchikan airport. Our tour was scheduled to begin at 10:45 but weather forecast wasn’t good at that time, so Michelle anticipated our tour. We were picked-up by Jensen directly at ferry dock. We discovered that he would be our tour guide for the day. During the short ride from the ferry to the seaplane he gave us some informations about the city. When we arrived we had the opportunity to leave our big bags in the office so we could bring with us only what we needed for the tour. Before getting on the seaplane Michelle and Shone told us to take off some clothing layers because even if outside the weather is cold, on seaplane the temperature are hotter, and if you feel too hot you could suffer of airsickness. And they were absolutely right, keeping only my thermal turtleneck I felt comfortable. It was our family first time on a seaplane, I suffer a little bit of claustrophobia and I was worried of a so small airplane, but I have to say I had no problems at all! First there are very big windows on the plane so you feel like the space is much bigger, second Michelle is a great pilot, the take off and landing was very smooth, much more than on traditional airplanes! The landscape flying to Traitor’s cove and when we arrived was amazing, even if the weather was not so good. After landing we took a van for a short ride to the path that goes to the observatory platform. It looked like being in a fairy wood, it was magical! Jensen was awesome and during our easy walk gave us several informations about plants, berries, mushrooms and obviously bears! At the observatory platform we aren’t lucky, and we don’t see any bear, but several salmons, blu jays and bald eagles. While we were there (there was only my family and Jensen) arrived another group. Finally a bear spotted, at a cascade few steps before the platform. We remained there several minutes, with the other group to watch the bear, but he was lazy and looking around not really convinced to catch a salmon. The first group left, and we remained other minutes to watch the bear and finally che caught the salmon! The other group left too early and haven’t seen the scene. Island Wings is the company that let you remain the longest time in Traitor’s Cove to have more chances to see bears. You have to keep in mind that are wild animals, is not a show with a timetable, so the more time you spend there the more chances you have to see bears! Than we moved with the van in another place were the landscape is absolutely amazing, a postcard one! And there we had the chance to see a mama bear with her two cubs and and another bear catching a salmon!!! At the end we have seen 5 bears in total, and for the period is a good sight. If you want to see more bears you have to go at the beginning of the salmon season, when bears just awoke and are hungry! At September they are quite fat and not very motivated to find other food, but as I’ve said, we have seen 5 bears, not bad! At the end of the tour Jensen showed us a place where to have lunch and brought us there. I suggest Island Wings because they: 1. Let you stay at Traitor’s Cove more time than the other companies, so you have more chances to see bears, and see them in action. 2. Michelle is a wonderful pilot, we always felt safe with her, and during the flight you can talk with her, you have not a recorded voice as happens in other tours. 3. Jensen is an awesome guide, gives you a lot of informations about nature and its inhabitants. Is obvious that he loves his work, he is always enthusiastic when he sights an animal, like us! Thank all Island Wings staff to have made our experience fantastic!!!
Sep 2019
After much research, we booked Island Wings last February for our September,2019 excursion. We had Michelle as our pilot. She was highly professional and she gave us the most amazing flight to Traitor’s Cove. After arriving at Traitor’s Cove, we were met by our guide Jenson.... he took us on a beautiful hike through the Tongas National Forest to an amazing creek where salmon were literally jumping out of the water and happy black bears came in & out having their tummies filled with all they could eat!! It was a magical & surreal tour to be so close to these incredible creatures and see them at home in their natural habitat. It was an experience that we will never forget.... thank you Michelle & Jenson for accommodating our shortened ship schedule so that we didn’t miss our experience!!
Sep 2019
We jumped off our cruise ship and caught the floatplane from SeaWind Aviation to Traitors Cove and was accompanied by our bear guide who was amazing and knowledgeable. I can’t remember his name but I will post a photo of him, he was awesome, we definitely felt safe. He walked us about 3/4 of a mile through the island, the bears are wild so they can cross your path anytime they would like. When we first started we came across 1 bear near the water at a further distance. When we got the bear viewing platform where the salmon ladder was, there were no bears in sight. The bears aren’t guaranteed, since it’s in the wild they can cruise wherever they like. We sat there for a while waiting, at one point I thought we were going to miss them but finally we had a female come up and catch a fish right in front our eyes. It was so cool to see! Then another black female bear came up and started to feast. This was the coolest thing to watch, they are so smart! We were very happy to choose this excursion.
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