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ТрееУмпх авантуристички курс

Да ли сте нинџа ратник или само тражите забавну породичну авантуру? ТрееУмпх! нуди полудневне авантуре као ниједна друга. Повезићете се са својим пријатељима и породицом док се пењете на љуљашке са ужадима, зип-лајне, висеће мостове, клацкалице, мреже за терет и још много тога. Курсеви почињу лако и постају све већи и тежи како напредујете. Завршите своју авантуру са Триумпхант 650фт зиплине.
Цити: Сарасота
Fri 31 Jan
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Са почетком у $65.13
Fri 31 Jan
Са почетком у $65.13
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли> Услужне животиње су дозвољене<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>На стази нема ципела са отвореним прстима<ли>Дуга коса мора да се повуче уназад<ли> Одрасли (од 12 и више година) морају бити у стању да досегну висину од 5'11” или 71” са стопалима равним на тлу<ли>Јуниори (узраста од 9-11 година) морају бити у стању да достигну 5' 9” или 69” са стопалима равним на тлу<ли>Ако је гост млађи од 16 година, на дрвећу мора бити у пратњи одрасле особе која има 16 или више година.<ли>Одрицање мора бити завршили сви гости. Ако су млађи од 18 година, родитељи се морају одрећи
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Apr 2015
The course was wonderful and all of the folks working there were great. Their safety video was very entertaining. The only thing we didn't love was having to climb down a ladder after each ending zip line and one of the guides told us they are changing that on the last big zip....hooray! We've been to other courses that require you to only click in once or twice per course, but we got a rhythm clicking on and off pretty quickly. The worst of the multiple clicking is going up and down the ladders...there's got to be a better way! Thanks for a super fun day...we'll be back!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2015
Hello, Thank you for your review and your visit! At TreeUmph! safety is our number one priority, but we also want everyone to have fun! Thanks for noticing our new and improved training video! Your right, that’s not the only improvements we are working on here at TreeUmph!. As part of our continued effort to make TreeUmph! even better, we are also working on a stair case up to the TriUmph! Zipline tower and many other exciting additions in 2015. We hope to see you again soon and hear your feedback on our improvements! Thanks again for your feedback and your review! Cheers!
Gregg W
Apr 2015
Our 12 year old sons had a great time on the 'youth' pass, which allows a person on the first 3 of the 5 courses as well as the 650 foot zip line. They are already looking forward to going back next year. The 3 courses required 2+ hours to complete since there were a good number of people there, and the 650 foot zip line required probably a 45 minute wait, but they thought it was well worth it. Maybe try going early in the morning or later in the day, when there will be fewer people, and there will be much less waiting.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2015
Hello! Thanks for your review! We are glad you and your son enjoyed the Junior Course, which consist of our first 3 courses. All of our courses are self-paced, but the Junior course typically take 2 to 3 hours on average even on busy days during Spring Break. We are sorry your wait at the TriUmph! Zipline was a bit long but it definitely is well worth it! We call it our grand finale! Thanks again for your review and we look forward to seeing you soon again! Cheers!
Apr 2015
We visited Treeumph for a second time last month during spring break. It is a great choice for a cooler day when the beach isn't an option. I highly recommend this for families with kids 12 and up. For families with younger kids, be aware that the length of time to complete the kids' course is substantially less than the course for adults/older kids. This can result in a lot of waiting around for part of the family if you split up.

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