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ТрееУмпх авантуристички курс

Да ли сте нинџа ратник или само тражите забавну породичну авантуру? ТрееУмпх! нуди полудневне авантуре као ниједна друга. Повезићете се са својим пријатељима и породицом док се пењете на љуљашке са ужадима, зип-лајне, висеће мостове, клацкалице, мреже за терет и још много тога. Курсеви почињу лако и постају све већи и тежи како напредујете. Завршите своју авантуру са Триумпхант 650фт зиплине.
Цити: Сарасота
Fri 17 Jan
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Са почетком у $65.13
Fri 17 Jan
Са почетком у $65.13
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли> Услужне животиње су дозвољене<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>На стази нема ципела са отвореним прстима<ли>Дуга коса мора да се повуче уназад<ли> Одрасли (од 12 и више година) морају бити у стању да досегну висину од 5'11” или 71” са стопалима равним на тлу<ли>Јуниори (узраста од 9-11 година) морају бити у стању да достигну 5' 9” или 69” са стопалима равним на тлу<ли>Ако је гост млађи од 16 година, на дрвећу мора бити у пратњи одрасле особе која има 16 или више година.<ли>Одрицање мора бити завршили сви гости. Ако су млађи од 18 година, родитељи се морају одрећи
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Carmen R
Mar 2015
My sister in law decided she wanted to do something a little different to bring in her 40th birthday, so she chose Treeumph. I truly enjoyed the facility & the challenge it offers. Treeumph is clean, safe, and had easy to use/understand equipment. Once you get through the first course, your confidence really increases & the challenge continues to drive you forward. I only completed the first 3 courses & the zip line at the end, while others in my group managed to finish each of the remaining 2 relentless courses. All in all it was a wonderful experience, with one exception... For me personally, I feel the price was too high. I may be more apt to going again if the price was between $30-$40, instead of the $50 plus tax, gloves, & water (which I highly recommend). If you seek a challenge, or a little adventure I don't think you'll be disappointed, you just have to decide if the price is worth it for you. Also one of the cashier ladies was very unwelcoming & acted aggravated by all of the novices who were arriving for their first visit. Maybe a smile may have helped. The rest of the staff were very helpful-especially those who came to the rescue for a few in our group to help them keep going. Hope this was helpful.
Mar 2015
I had a great time at TreeUmph Adventure Course and went with my sister and her children. There are 5 courses that progress in height. Unfortunately, not being in the best physical shape, I had to stop after 2 courses. Even so, it was a lot of fun and a big challenge. I'm making it my goal to return to finish the entire course after I get into better shape.
Debbie W
Mar 2015
We all enjoyed the challenging courses. Even my 73 year old mother took on the challenge and made it through course 1. At 50 years old, I enjoyed courses 1-4 and my 30 year old daughter-in-law tackled all 5 courses. We loved it. Your staff is great!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2015
Hi, Thanks for your review and for bring your family out to climb with us! TreeUmph! is a great activity for all ages. We love hearing about families with all age groups being able to come out and enjoy the park together, and it's awesome that each of you were able to respect your limits and still have a great adventure! Congratulations to your daughter-in-law for conquering the Summit. We look forward to seeing you all zipping through the trees again soon! Thank you again for your review!

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