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ТрееУмпх авантуристички курс

Да ли сте нинџа ратник или само тражите забавну породичну авантуру? ТрееУмпх! нуди полудневне авантуре као ниједна друга. Повезићете се са својим пријатељима и породицом док се пењете на љуљашке са ужадима, зип-лајне, висеће мостове, клацкалице, мреже за терет и још много тога. Курсеви почињу лако и постају све већи и тежи како напредујете. Завршите своју авантуру са Триумпхант 650фт зиплине.
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Thu 16 Jan
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Thu 16 Jan
Са почетком у $65.13
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли> Услужне животиње су дозвољене<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>На стази нема ципела са отвореним прстима<ли>Дуга коса мора да се повуче уназад<ли> Одрасли (од 12 и више година) морају бити у стању да досегну висину од 5'11” или 71” са стопалима равним на тлу<ли>Јуниори (узраста од 9-11 година) морају бити у стању да достигну 5' 9” или 69” са стопалима равним на тлу<ли>Ако је гост млађи од 16 година, на дрвећу мора бити у пратњи одрасле особе која има 16 или више година.<ли>Одрицање мора бити завршили сви гости. Ако су млађи од 18 година, родитељи се морају одрећи
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Mar 2015
This was very fun and surprisingly challenging by the last course. I was afraid it'd be too easy, especially after doing the first course or two, but the 4th and 5th really step it up. The place is well organized and good safety systems are in place. Staff was friendly and the area is well maintained. The unlimited water bottles were great, and I highly recommend adding that on to your trip. There was a large group of boyscouts the day we went, but it didn't hinder our trek through the course too much. Especially by the time we got to the last two courses which were much less populated (height and/or age restrictions on those 2). I was looking for something "different" and certainly found it here!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2015
Hi, Thanks for your review. Thanks for coming in to TreeUmph to play. Our courses are designed to get progressively higher and harder and you make your way through and yes, the Summit is extreme. Great job getting through! We too definitely recommend our water ticket which is unlimited cold bottled water throughout your day at TreeUmph! Water is especially important as the Florida weather starts to heat up. Thanks again and we look forward to seeing you zipping through our course again.
Mar 2015
We had a ten year old with 2 adults. He didn't meet the height requirement for juniors... We had to split up. One of the staff members did the children's course with him while we went on to the adult which was disappointing at first, but the little guy had a blast. The only trouble was when he was dropped off. He had to follow us through the rest of the course,... But I guess that couldn't be avoided. Regardless.... Amazing experience for all of us. Great staff. Super friendly and supportive... We will go back
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2015
Hi, Thanks for your review. We are so happy to hear that you all had a great time. We do have very strict safety requirements for height and age restrictions. This ensures that everyone is on the course that safety wise is best suited for them. Sorry you did not know our policies before walking in but we are happy to have been able to help accommodate your needs and allow everyone a great experience. We look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Mar 2015
Course 1-4 was challenging and invigorating. Course 5, the Summit, was straight up CRAZY! lol It took me a bit to remember that I was harnessed in and to just....climb! Definitely mind of matter. I did this with my two siblings (we are all 40s and 50s) and it took us about 4 hours. It was a great workout and experience. Would definitely do it again!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2015
Hi, Thanks so much for sharing your experience. It's always fun for us to see and hear about siblings having a great time on our courses. That's so awesome that you all Summited! Congratulations! We look forward to seeing you again on your next trip to sunny Florida.

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