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Туртле Товн Сноркел са фотографијама и видео записима

Алоха!<бр><бр>Поносни смо што нудимо услугу са 5 звездица и интимно окружење за мале групе како бисмо осигурали да се свако од вас добро проведе, само прочитајте моје рецензије! Јурићемо џиновске морске корњаче, ронити поред лава цеви, истраживати морски живот и имати практично искуство које укључује необрађене видео снимке и фотографије које ваша група може понети кући без додатних трошкова, ја и наша мала екипа професионалних водича су искусни фотографи и видеографи који ће снимити одличне фотографије и видео записе ваше групе. Пружам сјајне инструкције и врхунске маске за роњење (без маски које се замагљују или пропуштају!) Уз услугу и мале групе које нас издвајају, фотографије и видео снимци који не коштају додатних трошкова, и водичи врхунског нивоа, верујем да смо једно од најбољих путовања за роњење на дах. острво Мауи! Стало нам је до онога што радимо и да вас удаљимо од великих групних бродова. Са малим групама истражујемо више гребена и пружамо изузетну услугу.
Цити: Мауи
Mon 07 Oct
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Са почетком у $119.00
Mon 07 Oct
Са почетком у $119.00
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Коментара (635)
Nov 2022
We arrived to the location and was very friendily greeted by instructor Shelby. She pointed out where 2 turtles were sunbathing on the beach for us to check out while we waited for the rest of our group to arrive. She was very warm and personable. My daughter had chosen this activity for her Birthday and we went on her actual Birthday and I am so glad that we did. We got our flippers and mask/snorkel and headed to the beach area to start our adventure. I was surprised that not noodles were available but lifejackets were but even more pleasantly surprised when I realized we didn't need either as we followed Shelby's directions and staying afloat was completely effortless. The gear itself was awesome. We gad no issues with the equipment, in fact it was better IMO than the other 3 Snorkeling excursions (all by boat) that I had done in Maui prior years. It was easy to keep up with the group and stick together. Shelby made it easy to feel comfortable in the water and like we were in good hands. The sea life was amazing to witness. My daughter and I were able to see Lots of turtles (8-10). We even were able to swim side by side with one at one point where my daughter was on one side and the turtle was in the middle with me on the other. The turtles were very friendly and curious as they would come right up to us and just check us out like we were checking them out before going on their way. About half way through Shelby found and showed us an octopus and that was really cool to be able to see up close. There were lots of different types of fish, we saw schools (clusters) of fish and individuals swimming near and in the reef. We were able to see and hold for a photo a sea urchin. That was a really cool experience for us both as well. At no point throughout the excursion did I feel scared, worried, or anxious for either myself or my 11 yr old daughter. We kept thumbs upping each other because we didn't wanna stop from looking at everything all around us. There was plenty of beautiful reef below us to explore and lots of sea turtles coming and going. I would highly recommend this excursion to any/all that would want a more personalized experience than that of the giant boat companies. I think that having a smaller group made my comfort level as a mom that much better because I had better eyes on my daughter and didn't feel "lost in the crowd" or rushed in any shape way or form. We loved having Shelby as our instructor and we were talking about going back possibly another day on our trip. My daughter reached over and grabbed my hand while we were Snorkeling numerous times and that in and of itself made it the best for me as a mom to see her so happy and excited. She said it was her most memorable birthday yet and I think it will be very hard to beat in the future! We may just have to come back out and do it every year. :) I do not know if I will ever go back to a boat Snorkeling excursion as I have been on those before and you never know what kind of "crowd" you are going to get. (alcohol being served/rowdy) and sea sickness with the choppy water can get even the best of us. We LOVED THIS and would recommend to all to try it out for yourselves. Who doesn't want to support a smaller business opposed to the larger ones anyways? Easy choice if you ask me considering the experience was even better than any of my past excursions made by boat. Thank you Shelby for making my daughters Birthday so amazing and we can't wait to come back and see you again! Mahalo & Aloha!
Nov 2022
Didn't know what to expect, but the individualized attention given to our group and having, Joe, our guide, find and let us hold an octopus in our hands was amazing! Plus the myriad of turtles and other sea life was beautiful and Joe took many pics and videos of us all. Definitely worth every penny!!
Nov 2022
Joe was really nice, and showed us how to snorkel, caught an octopus for us to hold, and also a sea urchin

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