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Туртле Товн Сноркел са фотографијама и видео записима

Алоха!<бр><бр>Поносни смо што нудимо услугу са 5 звездица и интимно окружење за мале групе како бисмо осигурали да се свако од вас добро проведе, само прочитајте моје рецензије! Јурићемо џиновске морске корњаче, ронити поред лава цеви, истраживати морски живот и имати практично искуство које укључује необрађене видео снимке и фотографије које ваша група може понети кући без додатних трошкова, ја и наша мала екипа професионалних водича су искусни фотографи и видеографи који ће снимити одличне фотографије и видео записе ваше групе. Пружам сјајне инструкције и врхунске маске за роњење (без маски које се замагљују или пропуштају!) Уз услугу и мале групе које нас издвајају, фотографије и видео снимци који не коштају додатних трошкова, и водичи врхунског нивоа, верујем да смо једно од најбољих путовања за роњење на дах. острво Мауи! Стало нам је до онога што радимо и да вас удаљимо од великих групних бродова. Са малим групама истражујемо више гребена и пружамо изузетну услугу.
Цити: Мауи
Thu 03 Oct
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Са почетком у $119.00
Thu 03 Oct
Са почетком у $119.00
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Коментара (635)
Aug 2022
Joe was terrific! Patient and informative, it was so much fun! He really knows the area and you won’t want to miss this tour!
Aug 2022
My husband and I brought our 12-year-old granddaughter to Maui for the first time and the one thing we all agreed on was that we wanted to snorkel. My husband had snorkeled before when he was in the Azores, but neither my granddaughter or I had ever tried it before. We booked Zephyr Adventures online before coming to Maui and crossed our fingers that it would be a good experience. Well we couldn’t have chosen a better company or a better guide! Joe was fabulous and so knowledgeable and charismatic! He went slow with us which was helpful as I had a hard time getting my fins on and getting out to the deeper water due to a medical condition. He was so kind and let me hold onto his body board until I felt comfortable and after that everything just fell into place! Makena Beach is beautiful and he showed us some amazing sea creatures and we even swam with a few giant turtles! We saw so May beautiful and colorful fish and the reefs were awesome! Watching my granddaughter snorkeling was wonderful and my husband had a blast! We had been on Maui for several days already and had swam at several beaches, enjoyed some delicious food and explored a lot. But I hadn’t found that “magic” that everyone talks about when discussing Hawaii. But out there in the water, floating peacefully and looking at all those beautiful fish, I found the magic. It was an experience of a lifetime and I highly recommend Joe and Zephyr Adventures if you ever want to learn how to snorkel in Maui! You won’t regret it! I will never forget this incredible experience.
Aug 2022
Joe made our trip! We booked for a snorkel tour which takes you right off Makena Beach where the wildlife is abundant and the water is calm. Not only did we see an incredible amount of fish, we saw two giant turtles as well as a white tip reef shark. The marine life we saw right off the shore was more abundant than I could have imagined. What an incredible experience. Joe was extremely personable and funny, and we appreciated the small group attention. The pictures captured were nothing short of amazing and something you would definitely have to pay extra for on any other snorkel tour. I would 10/10 recommend this tour for anyone coming to Maui. Thanks Zephyr for being the highlight of our trip!

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