Ово је најдужа и најбоље уклета тура у четврти Овер-Тхе-Рхине у Синсинатију. Ми смо једина туристичка компанија која вам омогућава ексклузиван приступ позоришту Хаунтед Емери које је отворило своја врата 1912.
Цити: Цинциннати
Fri 31 Jan
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Коментара (110)
Rachael E
Oct 2022
We did the Ultimate Queen City Haunted tour last night and loved it. Patrick, Angela, Troy, Sarah, and Carley did an awesome job! I highly recommend any of their tours.
Oct 2022
Patrick was the primary guide for the walking phase of the tour and did an excellent job of providing information and humor. I liked that everyone was able to hear him regardless of your location in the group. Angela, Carley, Troy and Sarah took over once we entered the Emory theatre and they also did a great job. A thoroughly enjoyable tour. This was our first tour and we are already planning another!
Oct 2022
Had such a great time on the haunted tour with Barb. She was fun and engaging and knew her stuff. I liked the stories with the historical twist about OTR. The theater was really fascinating. My partner and I had some strange experiences with we were in there. Troy, Sarah, Carly and Colleen were amazing! I would recommend to anyone. We look forward to doing more.