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Придружите нам се у пешачкој тури Синсинатијем да бисте сазнали више о скривеној историји Синсинатија на једној од пет најбољих подземних тура у САД. Уживајте у шетњи преко Рајне, где се налази највећи скуп америчких историјских знаменитости. Посетите зграде у округу Гејтвеј у којима се налазило преко 130 салона, барова, пивских башта и позоришта. Затим се спустите испод градских улица за ексклузивни приступ скривеној крипти у којој су сахрањени неки од првих становника Синсинатија. Следећи повратак у подземље да истражите скривене тунеле који су витални за наслеђе пиваре у Синсинатију у пивари Кауффман. <бр>Туре ће ићи по киши или сјају!
Цити: Цинциннати
Sun 27 Oct
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Са почетком у $45.00
Sun 27 Oct
Са почетком у $45.00
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Коментара (973)
Jan 2020
Very informative. Great for Cincinnati natives and visitors alike. The culmination of the tour at a Brewery was perfect.
Jan 2020
We did the Queen City Underground Tour on a Saturday morning. This was not the Ultimate tour. We came to the city to check it out and wanted to learn a little history. First of all, we got tickets on Groupon. They would not work but the lady at American Legacy tours quickly responded. I messed up and booked he wrong tour. Not ALC’s fault. She was very friendly and told me what to try with Groupon. That did not work so she told me just to come in the next day and the other lady would be there and she would get it fixed. We got there early so we wouldn’t hold lines up because of the Groupon issue. They got us in no problems and so friendly. George our guide was awesome! He was extremely knowledgeable, friendly and funny. We learned some history about the town which was both eerie and interesting. We also learned out some famous icons in history that lived and worked there. Understanding some of the history made you realize what the city was then and how it became what it is today. Even my teenage boys enjoyed it. Not sure if I would bring younger kids because they might get bored since it’s a tour and they wouldn’t understand any of the history and significance behind it and the culture it helped claimed. However if you have them and want to try it go for it. Saw a little of the city above ground and were told of some of its past. Went underground. Saw a beautiful old church and history behind it. Learned about beer in those days and what happened during prohibition and the war. It does talk about the beer days and how they made it but that has to do so much with the history (I only say this because some people might get offended by this but you should not because it was so interesting...and I don’t drink myself but a few times a year socially and found the information fascinating). I actually want to go back and do another tour one day and see more of the city. Thanks for a great afternoon! If you go during the winter it’s chilly so wear a coat and it was misting so don’t forget an umbrella or rain jacket if needed.
Jan 2020
The tour led by Melanie was very entertaining as it was informative. I got a whole new appreciation for Cincinnati as a bastion of history and culture.

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