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Цити: Цинциннати
Tue 22 Oct
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Tue 22 Oct
Са почетком у $45.00
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Коментара (973)
Jun 2018
Sounded a bit ghoulish. But the haunting stories and tour of downtown Cincinnati showed how intertwined history could be. Patrick recounted stories that flowed (mysteriously, of course) from cholera epidemics to insane asylums to political scandals, etc. A nice way to spend almost two hours walking in the Over the Rhine area. We took the 6:30 pm tour with Patrick. It was a good time. We were able to complete our evening at one of the many nearby restaurants. Allow extra time to locate parking and remember umbrellas. Strangely, none of my photos turned out ... hmmm. No problem; we're following last night's tour with ALT's Ultimate "Queen City Underground Tour" today.
Jun 2018
We really enjoyed our Underground Queen City tour! It was well paced, well organized, and on a hot day, I was glad for the chance to sit down a few places. The stairs and underground bit had me a bit nervous but there were people much less able bodied than us two 20-somethings who made it just fine. Laura was funny and gave us great information... we would love to do the market tour one day!
Jun 2018
We drove in on Saturday for a night in Cincy to celebrate my birthday and Father’s Day for my husband. I booked the Queen City Underground Tour on the American Legacy Tours website. The whole process from buying tickets to getting checked in was smooth. Turns out we didn’t need to print tickets as our info was on the iPads in the office. Came early and had time to get donuts next door before the 11:30 tour started. We parked in a nearby parking garage versus trying to find street parking. We had not been in the Over The Rhine much and this tour gave us a new appreciation for what the area offers. Our tour guide Kevin was very knowledgeable about the sites on his tour and kept a large group moving without making us feel rushed. Definitely must be able to walk a long distance, go down and up steep stairs. Don’t wear new shoes (like me) because they will get dirty 40 feet underground. The only uncomfortable part was walking around the area past Liberty street in which there were many people hanging outside in a rundown area as well as lots of panhandlers both there and near the tour office. However everyone we came into contact with was polite and friendly so at no point did we feel unsafe. Highly recommend the tour and ask for KEVIN.

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