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Придружите нам се у пешачкој тури Синсинатијем да бисте сазнали више о скривеној историји Синсинатија на једној од пет најбољих подземних тура у САД. Уживајте у шетњи преко Рајне, где се налази највећи скуп америчких историјских знаменитости. Посетите зграде у округу Гејтвеј у којима се налазило преко 130 салона, барова, пивских башта и позоришта. Затим се спустите испод градских улица за ексклузивни приступ скривеној крипти у којој су сахрањени неки од првих становника Синсинатија. Следећи повратак у подземље да истражите скривене тунеле који су витални за наслеђе пиваре у Синсинатију у пивари Кауффман. <бр>Туре ће ићи по киши или сјају!
Цити: Цинциннати
Sat 19 Oct
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Sat 19 Oct
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Коментара (973)
Sep 2013
The Queen City Ultimate Underground Tour is a fantastic way to become acquainted with the beautiful Queen City. It is also a great way to learn a thing or two that even the locals don't know. It is also a good excuse to walk through underground tunnels and breweries, and to explore old, abandoned churches and German tenement buildings. Got your attention yet? American Legacy Tours offers so many wonderful options people to experience a bit of history, a piece of the paranormal, or even walk in the shoes of notorious gangsters. These are professional tours with knowledgeable guides who don't drone on and on for days, but actually know just how to tell a good story. With reasonable prices and convenient schedules, there is no need to search for alternatives. You would be hard pressed to find one anyway! The Underground Tour mixes history, beer, and politics to perfectly craft a 90 minute adventure that you will never forget! Exploring the Over-the-Rhine area is a check on any history buff's list, and the hidden crypts and underground tunnels will pique the attention of the explorer. Ending at the Christian Moerlein bottling plant and tap room is a stroke of pure genius, because who doesn't want to have a beer and recount the excitement that was just experienced? You may visit online for more tour details and to make online reservations, or you may call 859-951-8560 for additional information.
Trysta B
Mar 2013
When I was in high school, Over-The-Rhine was a place I only heard about on the news - the murder capital of Cincinnati. When my sister sent me a link to the Queen City Underground Tours website, I was apprehensive when I saw the address. But Over-The-Rhine is not the same area it was when I was a kid. There are still some sketchy areas, but it has become a nice little historical, artsy district with boutique shops, a beautiful public park, and great restaurants. I now live in California, and I took the underground tour with my family when I went back to Ohio for Christmas. I learned more about Cincinnati on this tour than I ever knew about it when I actually lived there. For instance, you will learn why the area is called Over-The-Rhine. The tour is mostly above ground and involves some walking, but it's not strenuous, definitely good for the whole family. If you go during the winter time, make sure you dress warmly. We went in an abandoned building that used to be a popular stage venue and gathering place for the immigrant population, and it was featured in a movie as a building in Harlem. The building is likely to be restored within the next few years, but it was really neat to see. We also went into the basement crypt of a beautiful local church. The highlight of the tour is going into the underground tunnels where they used to make lager beer. The history told here is really interesting, and you actually access the tunnels through an occupied apartment building. A word of caution for anyone with mobility issues: the stairs to get down to the tunnels are really steep and narrow. Our guide said he had a 90-year-old grandmother on a tour once and she did fine, but think twice before taking your own grandma down there. After the tour we ate at Taste of Belgium, which is just down the block. Amazing chicken and waffles. But if you want a real taste of Cincinnati, order the goetta, which is ground sausage and oatmeal. Apparently it's another Cincinnati tradition that I never knew about growing up, but it's really good. Also, Christian Moerlein beer, which is mentioned on the tour and still brewed in Over-The-Rhine, is available for a good price at the local Costco. The regular price of the tour is on the expensive side, but two-for-one Groupon/LivingSocial deals come up frequently. So if you're planning on traveling to Cincinnati, add it to your city subscriptions.
Aug 2012
Went on the Cincinnati Underground Tour, which is a walking tour of the historic Cincinnati neighborhood called Over-the-Rhine. The names dates back to when the Miami and Erie Canal (now Central Parkway) divided this German neighborhood from the main city. The neighborhood is currently going through a revival. The tour makes stops in front of several historic buildings with storied pasts. You also enter some buildings not open to public, go underground into the old brewery lagering cellars, and enter the crypt of a church. American Legacy tours offers many more tours, and I am excited to take my next one. Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky has such a rich history, I am sure you will find one that interests you

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