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Рафтинг на Уппер Пигеон Ривер-у из Хартфорда

Смоки Моунтаин Оутдоорс Уппер Пигеон Ривер Трип је 10 најбољих искустава на Трипадвисору са наградом Травеллерс' Цхоице и најближе рафтинг путовање до градова Гатлинбург и Пигеон Форге! Није потребно искуство, тако да су сви добродошли. Доживите брзаке од 3 до 4 класе уз помоћ врхунских рафтинг опреме. Ово је најдужи рафтинг на реци Пигеон, опремљен водичем у сваком сплаву.
Цити: Хартфорд
Sun 22 Sep
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Sun 22 Sep
Са почетком у $46.95
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасла особа<ли>Минимална старост је 8 година, а минимална тежина 70 фунти (32 кг).<ли>Најбоље функционишу купаћи костими и шорц. Потребне су безбедне ципеле са каишем за пету (тениске ципеле, ципеле за воду, спортске сандале са каишем на пету). Босе ноге и јапанке нису дозвољене. Не заборавите да понесете пресвуку и пешкир<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике на јавним местима<ли>Маске за лице су обавезне за водиче на јавним местима<ли> Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током читавог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>У складу са ажурираним смерницама Тенесија, често дезинфикујемо наше опрему и имају обележене подне водилице тако да можете да држите друштвену дистанцу у нашој малопродајној згради. Молимо понесите маску за лице за аутобуски превоз. Торба са патент затварачем ће је одржати сувом током вашег путовања реком.
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Коментара (1000)
Ann M
Oct 2018
We had "rev" Dean as our guide. He was very knowledgable about the area, history, and nature of the area. He has been in this business for some time, and was fun to have as a guide. The river was not too wild, but our guide made sure that we had fun. If you want constant danger and wild rapids, then the Ocoee is what you want. This trip was some work, but mostly a pleasant ride down the river. Good for all ages.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Hi, Ann. We're so glad you got out on the water with us this fall! Rev. Dean is one of our best, and we've no doubt you had a good time with him. We hope you have a chance to come back and raft with us during our guaranteed water release season. As I'm sure you were aware, river trips after Labor Day are subject to natural flow, meaning that our friends at the hydroelectric power plant don't publish a water release schedule, so we never know how much water we'll have. That said, any day on the river is a good day! From Memorial Day through Labor Day, the power plant does release water on a regular schedule, and you can be assured of a thrilling Class III and IV whitewater trip. Come back and see us! #GoWithSMO
Paul D
Sep 2018
What would have been a fantastic, turned out to be a near death experience. Whatever you do don't let your guide take you on unnecessary risks such as SURFING. This is a dangerous stunt that almost killed my wife. Our guide deliberately put the nose of our raft into the rushing falls of a huge dip in the river, causing 4 out of 5 passengers to be thrown from the boat. My wife is in her sixties and not in the best physical condition. She went down underwater for several minutes and when she came up she was trapped under the raft. Thank got we finally got a hold of her life jacket and after several attempts were able to pull her back in the raft. She couldn't breath and was scared to death. Please urge your guides to not do anything as stupid as our did. White rafting is exciting enough, without the one who is suppose to ensure your safety, deliberately putting you in harm's way. Be careful and have fun!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Dear Paul, Thank you for your feedback—It is helpful to hear from our guests, especially when you are not completely satisfied with your experience. Everyone at Smoky Mountain Outdoors works very hard to make your rafting adventure the best part of your vacation, and I am so sorry that we fell short. Having had my share of swims, a few of which involved bumping up against the underside of the raft, I sympathize with your wife's experience.. It is one of the scenarios we cover during our extensive pre-trip talk for this very reason.. I am so sorry that your trip was not what you expected, and I will share your comments with our entire team as we continue to strive toward providing a first-class rafting adventure for every guest. I do hope that you will give us another opportunity to show you a better whitewater experience. Please feel free to contact me personally to discuss this matter further, and thank you again for bring your experience to my attention. Sincerely, Susan Spivey Outpost Manager Smoky Mountain Outdoors
Paul C
Sep 2018
This is a major reason to be in Tennessee. Zip lines, miniature golf, go-karts, and stuff like that can be found anywhere and has nothing to do with seeing outdoors for real. The guides are all experts and only care about the people they guide. Personality must be a prerequisite for employment. They know every rock and drop in a very busy river and make it total fun even for this 71 yr old. If you can only do one thing make it this trip with Smoky Moutaian Outdoors.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
Hi, Paul. We love your review, and agree whole-heartedly that rafting with Smoky Mountain Outdoors is a truly authentic Smoky Mountain experience. Our guides are passionate about the river, and love sharing their passion with new friends. Thank you for taking the time to share your story, and come back and see us again! #GoWithSMO

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