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УСС Миссоури и УСС Аризона Пеарл Харбор Приватни обилазак

Посвећени смо пружању најбоље могуће услуге нашим клијентима нудећи само персонализована искуства малим групама. Током ове турнеје стећи ћете драгоцено знање о Перл Харбору на почетку обиласка слушајући детаљно, снимљено предавање историчара које објашњава напад, плус кратку личну и професионалну презентацију вашег водича у центру за посетиоце. Са нашим знањем и искуством у Перл Харбору, можемо вам пружити најбоље увиде, савете и детаље о томе како да се крећете кроз центар за посетиоце и УСС Миссоури да бисте извукли максимум из ваше посете. Резервишите код нас и дозволите нам да ваше искуство учинимо незаборавним!
Цити: Хонолулу
Mon 24 Feb
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Са почетком у $283.00
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $283.00
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Преузимање хотела, аеродрома и пристаништа
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Меморијални програм УСС Аризона
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Шта да очекујете
Национални меморијал Перл Харбора
Направите састанак са историјом и посетите Перл Харбор, једно од најисторијских места на свету. Учићемо на одличним изложбама у центру за посетиоце, гледати филм о дану „који ће живети у срамоти“, и посетићемо Меморијал УСС Аризона тако што ћемо прећи луку на броду морнарице.
Меморијал бојног брода Миссоури
Посетите УСС Миссоури који се налази на острву Форд, активну и ограничену војну базу. По доласку на УСС Миссоури, осетићете моћ Америке; Овде је извршена званична предаја Јапанаца, стајаћете на палуби где је генерал Мекартур потписао мировни споразум 02. септембра 1945. године, погледајте званични документ на прелепом дисплеју, послушајте оријентацију туристичких водича УСС Миссоури, погледајте подручје завоја где је пилот Камиказе погодио УСС Миссоури, погледајте моћне топове и посетите унутрашњост брода.
Довнтовн Хонолулу
Научићете о хавајској историји тако што ћете посетити локалитете најпопуларнијих и знаменитости на Хавајима као што су статуа краља Камехаха и палата Иолани
Национално меморијално гробље Пацифика
Наши туристички водичи би вас провели кроз Панчбоул национално меморијално гробље Пацифика познато као „Арлингтон Пацифика“ где ћете уживати у погледу на Хонолулу и сазнати где је ово мирно и лепо место где почивају наши војници.
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Коментара (35)
May 2021
First, let me say that the ladies were super nice. However, this is a grossly overcharged “tour” for activities that are otherwise free or relatively inexpensive. We started with a drive around downtown Honolulu. We got a very brief history of the palace and the Punchbowl cemetery, but it was mostly a drive-by (we got out only to stand by a statute for about 3 mins). Then the “personal guides” dropped us off at the gate to Pearl Harbor with instructions on what time we would be picked up again. We thought they would be coming in with us to give the history and, you know, be a tour guide, but it was completely self-led. Our group of 4 basically paid $850, plus tips for 2 guides because they switched halfway through, for an Uber drive from Ko Olina to Honolulu and back.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2021
Aloha I’m sorry that you were dissatisfied with your “Step Back Into History” tour. Customer satisfaction is our highest priority. I’ve spoken with the two guides that provided the tour for you and would like to provide some information to clarify what you received in return for what you paid. One of the most basic services we provided was to obtain tickets to the USS Arizona Memorial and the USS Bowfin. To operate commercially at Pearl Harbor National Memorial, we must purchase from the National Park Service an annual permit that allows us to transport visitors to the Memorial and reserve USS Arizona Memorial tickets for them. The tickets for a given day are made available at precisely 3:00 p.m. the preceding day, and because they are in extremely high demand they are usually completely sold out a few seconds thereafter. Since the tickets are so difficult to obtain, we have to assign multiple members of our staff to purchase them for our customers using electronic devices with 5G technology. So, yes, the price per ticket is very low, but getting them costs every tour operator a lot of time and money. According to one of our guides, someone in your party mentioned that even though you had a rental car you booked with us because you wanted a stress-free tour. This we provided; the stress was ours, because if we don’t get the tickets we have to cancel the tour, and if we have to cancel the tour we lose our opportunity to earn revenue. En route to Punchbowl National Cemetery you heard a recorded lecture by a historian who described and explained the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Our guide also provided you with historical facts about the Cemetery, the Iolani Palace, and the King Kamehameha statue. Upon arrival to Pearl Harbor, you received a presentation of historical facts by the entrance display and advice on where to sit to get the best photos of the USS Arizona Memorial from the boat. At the visitor center, you received information on how to best navigate the different sites comprising the Memorial. Since Pearl Harbor is visited by thousands of people daily, the National Park Service prohibits tour guides from accompanying their customers throughout the site and permits them to be with their customers only at a designated area inside the visitor center. Consequently, we provided you with guidance during your ride to Pearl Harbor, at the entrance display, and at the designated area inside the visitor center. We try to keep our customers engaged, so we play trivia with them, and in your case you received official Pearl Harbor souvenir mugs as rewards for correct answers. You were also given cold bottled water and a small snack. Two drivers were necessary to accommodate you on account of your staying in Ko’olina, which is 18 miles from Pearl Harbor and 24 miles from Honolulu. We picked you up in Ko’olina at no extra charge, unlike other tour operators, who charge extra for such pick-ups because of the distance and the fact that traffic is often heavy. Our tour guides mentioned that they were surprised that they both were tipped; this was certainly not their expectation but they thought it was a really kind gesture. Usually when two guides contribute to the same tour only one of them is tipped and then that person splits the gratuity with her or his colleague. Since you have our phone number, we would be happy to return the entire gratuity. I hope the above helps you better understand our perspective that you received a great deal more than “an Uber drive from Ko’olina and back.” With aloha, Daniel M. Spencer General Partner Personalized Hawaii Vacations and Tours, LLP
May 2021
This is the best way to see Pearl Harbor! Personalize service and very informative guide. We were given great instructions were able to see the site without feeling rushed at all. highly recommend it!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
Aloha, Thank you so much for your glowing review! It was definitely our pleasure to be your guide for your Step Back into History Private Tour. We love sharing the history and highlights of these historical places. We always strive to provide the best customer service by adding the special touches and personalized attention that make your experience with us memorable and as we say in Hawaiian “No Ka Oi” – the best! We would be honored to serve as your guides the next time you visit Oahu. With warm Aloha, Personalized Hawaii Tours
May 2021
I'm torn on how to write this review. The tour itself of the museums, the USS Missouri and the USS Arizona memorial is magnificent. Even my wife who had no real interest in going found it to be a wonderful and enlightening experience. However, booking our visit through the tour company was a terrible decision born out of my neglect to do just a little research. While our guide provided some history and insight along the way from our hotel to the location, and gave us good advice on navigating the grounds, it was no where near being worth the price we paid. Do yourself a favor and purchase your tickets directly with the department that operates the memorial. You'll save a bundle.
Одговор домаћина
May 2021
I am so sorry to hear that you weren’t satisfied with our services. Would you please, provide us with information about date of your tour? That will help us to identify, more specific details. Is our company goal to make your experience absolutely wonderful, so please help us improving by providing more specific details about date, of your tour and if possible name of your tour guide. As authorized tour guides at Pearl Harbor, we only can provide commercial transportation, guidance during your ride to Pearl Harbor, reservation, tickets, and brief information while at visitor center in a designated area, after finishing at Pearl Harbor, we take our customers to Punchbowl National Cemetery also knowing as the Arlington of the Pacific, that is located inside a volcano crater, from there we visit the Iolani Palace and historical Honolulu, were customers learned all the history of Hawai’i. It has been our experience, that some of our customers after spending 4 or 5 hours at Pearl Harbor, choose to not go to second part of our tour, in that case is a personal preference. Was that your case? With warm aloha, Yolanda S

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